A genuine giant-king duel V

"Hey, big guy, crush her—but don't turn her into a stain on the ground. "

"Keep her alive. I want to hand this pretty elf over to my giant friend, Orion. "

"Yeah, just knock her out with one good whack! "

"She dodged it? No big deal. Go in for the next swing! "


Blood Elf Elanor wore a dark expression. Bluehide was clearly messing with her head.

No one else seemed to notice, but Elanor could tell: every time that smaller head of Bluehide's hurled an insult, she felt a burst of mental pressure.

"Is that ogre actually using some kind of mind magic?" 

"Ogres can do mind magic?" 

It was a ridiculous and horrifying thought—so much so that Elanor started to feel she must be losing it.

And yet, that mental harassment and psychic assault undoubtedly existed. Even though it wasn't very strong, it still got under her skin.

A hint of doubt began to brew in Elanor's heart. And doubt often sows the seeds of fear.