My vagina yearns for your semen

Orion took out a Lord's Stone and won over the hearts of this entire group of Alpha-level subordinates without hesitation—it felt like a worthy trade to him.

The moment Orion flipped his hand and made the Lord's Stone vanish, everyone else in the palace gradually calmed down.

"Well then, let's talk about the council reform and the renovations we need for Stoneheart City."


This incomplete council meeting was about the redistribution of horde rights.

In the old Stoneheart Horde, some members of the council were at hero level. Now that Orion's territory and faction had once again been enlarged, the council had to keep pace.

From this point on, all council members must be Alpha-level. Orion raised the standard for council membership. Naturally, those former elders who weren't strong enough were all given the status of "reserve elders."