Mark of the King

"Arch Elder, Thundar, Lysinthia, tomorrow, you will lead the cavalry regiment, the Hunting Party, and 300K spiders south. Meet with Twilight Viper and the warriors of Half-Moon Lake, and together, we will sweep through Thunderwood Forest."

"From now on, Thunderwood Forest will be the territory of the Stoneheart Horde."

Orion's final statement was delivered with a heavy tone, full of authority.

"As for Abyssal Chasm and the Northern Ice Plains, Lumi will be sent to guard those regions," Orion continued, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Let me introduce you properly—this is Lumi, she is an elemental being of ice."

"Of course, she is also one of my women."

Orion glanced at Lumi, who stood up, gave a brief greeting with a simple 'hello' to the others, and then fell silent. This was typical for Lumi—cold and reserved. She was beautiful but preferred to keep her thoughts to herself and was generally introverted.