And there were once again some soldiers and Rehi showed his identity again and they finally allowed them and Rehi, Alpha and Aize continued walking again.
It was looking like an underground sewer tunnel but there was no water flowing, actually no water was there. And Alpha and Aize were seeing here and there with excitement to see new things and Rehi smiled, they are still kids only.
And at the last, they came in front of a small door, Rehi opened it and Alpha and Aize heard a voice of crowd and shouting.
And Rehi, Alpha and Aize entered and they saw that it is the room of meeting which is very huge, from outside by the door it looked to be small but it's pretty big.
And many Nation Goverments, politicians, their guards, cops and even High Officials were there!
And Rehi came in front of a woman who was smoking and she left the cigarette on the ground, smashed it by her foot and came in front of Rehi and... They both kissed each othe?!
And Alpha and Aize were shocked to see it!
"How are you doing, Rem?" Asked Rehi.
And Rem smiled and said, "As you can see, fit and fine, but I missed you so much. Anyways..."
And Rem looked at Alpha and Aize and they were keeping their face off by what they just saw!
And Rem smiled and turned towards them and said, "I am Rehi's wife, Rem, I have complete right to kiss him anytime."
And Alpha and Aize were shocked, not just them but also me, Rehi is a married guy?!
And Rehi turned and said, "That's true, and we both are also High Officials and when I was promoted, I got the work over the one whole organization as a captain and she's General Commander of another organisation. But we both work for the same nation."
And Alpha and Aize started understanding and bended down with apologizing for their behaviour.
"Rehi, why have you brought kids?" Asked Rem and Alpha and Aize were knocked with anger.
Rehi laughed and explained, "They both are one of the strongest Survivors of the Apocalypse. Alpha, she is considered as second greatest and Aize, third."
And Rem understood but Aize make the sentence correct, "According to me, Eclipse will be the third if compared."
And Alpha smiled that Aize at least accepts that some are more stronger than him.
But Rem never heard of Eclipse and asked, "Who is Eclipse?"
And Aize was going to explain but Rehi interrupted saying, "We can't talk about her here."
And Rehi whispered in Rem's ear and she understood that Eclipse is related to Vampire Knight and, in the place of Goverment meeting where they have gathered to defeat Vampire Knight, will not like to hear about him.
"Oh~ I see." Said Rem with understanding.
"Alpha, Aize, you all stay here, I need to talk with Rem a little bit." Requested Rehi.
And Rehi and Rem started walking away and got out of the door from where Rehi, Alpha and Aize entered.
And Alpha and Aize started talking and seeing here and there. But others were laughing that Captain Rehi has brought two kids without knowing what creatures they are.
"I see" Rem said after hearing some words by Rehi, "But... Why is he doing that even it?"
And Rehi smiled and whispered something which shocked Rem completely.
And Rehi smiled and said, "So I have decided what to do..."
And shocked Rem said, "What... What a bull sπ!t it is." And Rem laughed and lightened her cigarette.
But Rehi took it away and said, "Stop smoking Rem, when we will had a kid, do you want him/her to have a weak lungs?"
And Rem smiled and said, "So you have decided that? Well... I am impressed again that you care about peace more than money. It was a right choice to show you to parents to marry."
And Rehi started laughing and started walking back with Rem and Rem threw the box of cigarettes.
And Alpha and Aize saw Rehi and Rem came from the door back.
"I guess it wasn't a divorce matter." Said Aize and Alpha looked at him with a sweat, he has seen too many serials of marriage.
And Rehi and Rem joined Alpha and Aize and started walking together.
"What were you both talking about?" Rem said, "About your own marriage now?" Trying to tease Alpha and Aize.
But Alpha didn't hesitated and said directly, "Aize was expecting that you and Rehi have gone for a fight and talking about divorce matters."
And Rem, Rehi and Aize were stunned blank and freezed.
Rehi caught Aize's collars with anger and said, "Do you want that?! Who has grown you up like this?!"
"Serials...." Answered Aize calmly.
And Rem and Alpha started laughing and Rehi started shaking Aize by holding his collars and said, "You used to watch serials?! Seriously?! And at first scene of kiss really gives the meaning that we are fighting and talking about divorce?!"
And Rem and Alpha started laughing more loudly that... What's happening?
And Aize's body was completed shaked and he was near to vomit so Rehi finally stopped and left him but was still angry.
"I will never take you here again Aize!" Rehi gave the punishment and Aize was traumatized, he wants to come here regularly!
But he knew, arguing with Rehi will give nothing, what Rehi has said is his last order.
But Alpha got a question and asked, "Aize, do Zero also used to watch serials like you?"
And Aize stood and answered, "Yes,"
And Alpha was stunned.
"But only for a second. When on our television serials began, he used to leave at that second when the picture of a serial comes on the television. But he used to see anime and animated stuff only. And mostly movies."
And Alpha got a relief that her guy was not like Aize that he will watch serials and have these types of thoughts like of divorce and all that.
And Rem smiled and said, "He is the real kid."