And Alpha explained that what's going to happen and what's her plan...
And everyone was shocked that why the world is going too far from what it was.
"I also want to say something." Said Aize and Alpha left the stage and Aize came on it.
"... Whoever doesn't wants to fight and just wants to live peacefully, just leave this City and join another City near it."
And everyone was shocked that what Aize is meant to say but Alpha realised that Aize is against her plan.
"Seriously, a month ago I went outside the city and in the other cities, people were living completely peacefully and it was looking like the Apocalypse have never began."
And Rem looked at Aize that about what is he talking about?
"There are people living peacefully outside in the roads, with no fear of monsters. There are shops, houses, street markets of fruits, vegetables and almost everything you can get there. If you want to live peacefully and just get rid of this Apocalypse just go there. I don't want you all to keep on sacrificing and wasting your days and risking your lives. So you all can go."
And Alpha raised her voice, "What's wrong with you Aize? Are you also brainwashed? Why are you opposing me?"
"First you tell me that what's wrong with Vampire Knight and you?" Aize said, "You are always hating him, criticizing and all that. What wrong has he done."
"He killed the leaders and everyone to just take over the world."
"And has he done anything wrong by taking over the world? Has he committed crime after taking over the world, I am not asking that has he committed crime to take over. Has he killed innocent citizens? Has he take over the world for greed? What greed? What will he get when people are living peacefully? He can't even earn money by tax, the cities are run by barter system currently."
And everyone was shocked, even Rem. And Alpha became angry from Aize and said, "You just take anyone's side. But don't come to me again." And she left.
"Barter system?"
"Yes, people exchange of goods like metals, or anything. There people even exchange of service for a good."
And everyone was shocked.
"I doubt that Vampire Knight is wrong, but I can't leave Alpha and her side either so I can't join but those who want, please leave and settle there. That's all."
And Aize left the stage with realising that he has opposed Alpha badly and she might be upset... He will have to fix the situation, and he left.
"There's nothing left to talk about." Said Rem but suddenly one schoolmate asked that wether they are actually free and can leave the place?
And Rem smiled and said, "Sure, this is no more a team of goverment. You all can leave."
And everyone started discussing that what should they do, join Alpha or live peacefully? And I guess you all have already get to know that what the most are going to chose.
"But I have my own opinions. I have the right to think differently." Aize was trying to patch up again with Alpha but she was packing her bag and going to leave.
"You don't know how evil he is."
"I can't see any evilness inside him! He looks like a normal guy, enjoying. Didn't you saw him going with his friend or companion and hanging out? He is just normal as we are."
And Alpha has packed her bag and said, "The meteorite will fall and I am going to capture it and that's it. You are coming or not... Is your choice."
And Alpha left and Aize face a sigh that what a great trouble a girl can be if a guy opposes her.
"... Fine...!!!" And Aize also went to pack his bag.
At night, most of the people were standing with their bags waiting for Aize.
Alpha also came out with her bag, Versil and her friends, they are going to join Alpha, and that's it.
And Aize also arrived and the crowd came in front of him and asked, "... What's the path to the next city?"
And Aize was surprised that most are going to leave? But he gave the direction and everyone started walking away.
"Just imagine if Vampire Knight would get to know about your plan to go to City and kill you all." Said Alpha to keep them there for a while--
"Indeed Vampire Knight has got to know, but I am not going to hunt."
And everyone looked at the woman who arrived from nowhere.
Beta has came to take them all to the City of in case any monster arrives or appears.
"Nice to meet you all, I am Beta... Vampire Knight's one companion. And... He has send me to take you all safely to the Free Land."
And Alpha, whenever sees Vampire Knight or his companion, she becomes completely frustrated and angry.
"I am not interested to fight you... Alpha, right? I have heard a lot by Vampire Knight about you, he admires you but is always upset that you all the time hate her."
And Alpha was stunned for a second... Vampire Knight admires her? How do he even knows her name? Who is Vampire Knight is reality? And... Is he right or wrong?
And when Alpha thought of the last question she slapped her immediately to come in senses.
And everyone was shocked but Beta smiled.
"There is someone in my team... Who slaps to come in senses... But this behaviour looks like of mental stress and sucidal... Don't do it again." Said Beta and started walking away.
And Alpha was more shocked... She doesn't look bad, does she?
And Alpha was almost going to slap herself once again but Aize stopped it.
"It really looks sucidal!!! Don't slap yourself again!!!" Shouted Aize... And Alpha started becoming emotional and hugged Aize and started crying, she doesn't knows what she should... Her mind is messed up.
And everyone else started following Beta on believing on her but Beta smiled with looking at crying Alpha and Aize and said, "But... That person has no one to stop. We can never stop that person from slapping... Or killing from inside everyday."