"Here we have found them."
Alpha was scoping out at Vampire Knight's ship from far away and thankfully, their ship was having light so it was visible.
And everyone looked at their with their own scopes. And... Vampire Knight was sitting on the bow of the ship with someone, a woman.
And it was Delta just singing with Vampire Knight together and enjoying.
"Hey, they have spot us again." Said Delta and Vampire Knight smiled but just ignored it, it's time for his concert.
And Vampire Knight started singing, "What should I do? What should I say? What should I express?"
And Delta joined the concert and she said the next line, "Say I love you."
(♪ will be Delta singing and ♫ will be Vampire Knight singing.)
"Are... They be th singing?" Said Aize with being a little bit surprised.
"♫ I like moon ♫"
"♪ I love you ♪"
"♫ I am a monster ♫"
"♪ I love you ♪"
" ♫ I couldn't give ♫"
"I love you"
And Delta happily turned back and Eclipse also joins the song!
"♫ I am alone ♫"
And Eta happily also joins and sung, "I love you"
And Vampire Knight smiled and continued.
" ♫ I am hated by everyone ♫"
And Zeta joins and sung, "I love you"
" ♫ I pray of death ♫"
And Epsilon joins the next and continued with a smile, "I love you"
" ♫ I pray of darkness ♫"
And Beta joins the next and continued the song, "I love you"
And Vampire Knight sang the last sentence, "♫ I can't love you ♫"
" ♪ I love you ♪" sung Delta with a smile.
" ♫ Do I really deserve it? ♫"
And all the six shouted together, "I love you!!!"
[ I don't know how to write songs, and this one is inspired by song Me Gustas Tu ]
And everyone was looking shocked... They also sing and enjoy like this? Aize, Alpha, her friends, Mistress, Iz, Yuz, Icea and Rem were shocked to see the seven, although they could only notice Vampire Knight because he was in his usual costume.
And Rem with sweating said, "I doubt they want to fight... They are enjoying with themselves."
Aize said, "... It was song I love you, right?"
And everyone looked at Aize... He really cares about Vampire Knight and his team singing which song?
And Alpha gave a sigh that her boyfriend is a very silly guy.
"It's fun singing." Said Vampire Knight and everyone smiled.
Eta is like Vampire Knight's big sister and loves him like her sister, Eclipse also loves him as her sister, Zeta as his big brother, and Beta, Epsilon and Delta as his best friends. And he treats them all like they have loved him all the time.
And Eta saw at the ocean with a smile but suddenly she was shocked, the waves of water were strong and huge... And she smiled.
"Everyone," Eta gave the command, "We all are going to dive in the ocean."
And everyone looked at the water waves and stood with realising that there's a big meal for them today and dived all together in ocean!
And Alpha was shocked, "Is the meteorite has already fallen there?!"
"No," Rem answered what could actually have happened, "The water waves are looking stronger and rapid as compared to their own ship or normal ships. I guess they have found an animal or many who are swiming, maybe to hunt down them and eat?"
And Mistress said, "It's our chance to go and check inside their ship! Lady Rem, you have the portion of teleportation, right?"
And it was one of the plan of the mission.
And Rem took out the portions it would work perfectly.
And everyone drink the portion and all of them were in Vampire Knight's ship! And they all divided to explore as much places of the ship as much they can, they have to find the weakest point in the ship so they can harm and stop them from reaching the meteorite before Alpha and her team could.
And everyone started finding the precious things and weakest points in the ship.
And Mistress opened the front door and a small girl child with pink small curvy hairs and one eye red and another green arrived with yawning and rubbing her eyes by her hands and... Mistress was stunned. What a baby child is going here?
"Invader in our ship?"
And Mistress turned back with being shocked and Vampire Knight was back and the child got a bright smile and ran towards Vampire Knight happily saying, "Papa!!!"
And Mistress was more shocked, "... Papa?"
And Vampire Knight picked up the girl on his arm and said with a sweat, "Can you stop calling me Papa, Kin?"
And all of a sudden Mistress was teleported back to Alpha's ship and everyone was teleported back, the portion could worked for sometime and it's over now.
And Alpha and Aize were exhausted, they ran so fast that they passed and looked everywhere in engine... And have also noticed the weak points.
Exhausted Rem asked, "... I... I couldn't see too much, what you all saw... ?"
Iz, Yuz, and Icea couldn't see anything, but Alpha and Aize stood straight with a smile and said, "The engine should be shut down till now."
And Alpha showed, she has picked one screw of the engine and tested something on it which should shut the engine until they all fix it on their own.
And Rem smiled and turned towards Mistress and asked, "... Did you saw something strange?"
"A child," And everyone was surprised and Mistress said, "There was a small child, she should be of 3 or something. She was having pink small curvy hairs and one eye was of red and another green... And she ran towards Vampire Knight calling... Papa?"
And everyone was shocked, Vampire Knight is a father?!
"But then... He denied to be her father." Said Mistress leaving a huge mystery... Who was she?
And suddenly a huge dead blue whale jumped from the water by a force from nowhere and Alpha realised... They couldn't harm Vampire Knight's ship but their own ship is on a huge danger.