Dark Legion Intruder

"Are you afraid they will find out your identity?" Misa asked.

Aaron sighed deeply. He sat back down, following the others. There was nothing for him to fear. As long as he wore this half-face mask, he'd be safe.

"No. I'm preparing for the worst."

The Guild Office Leader stood tall. He stepped forward and greeted the thousands gathered in the Arena of Gallant. The spectacular view filled Ernest—the Guild Office Leader—with pride.

"Thank you all for coming to watch our fighters. This has become a Guild tradition to test each adventurer's skills and give them a chance to grow further."

The crowd cheered and applauded, eager to watch the fighters clash, showing their best abilities. Aaron remained silent, his gaze fixed on the main stage.

"The rules are simple: the stronger ones will win this tournament. So, give it everything you've got!" Ernest declared firmly.