Urgent Time


Sky Sword HQ 10th.

10th floor city.

The atmosphere of the morning was conducive and calm in the 10th floor city. People went about their usual activities, such as trading, farming, or ranching.

Members of the adventurer groups were doing their missions, some were patrolling the city, while others were taking general missions at the Guild Office.

Andrew stepped out of the HQ building with Silvianna stepping beside him. The woman stayed there as one of her main duties as Andrew's aide. 

Today, Andrew had an important meeting with Luke, Ernest, and the Great Elder. The four would gather to discuss repairs to the Arena of Gallant and the appointment of a new Captain for Dimension Justice. 

Luke arrived with news of their success in capturing Isabella, Aaron's subordinate. Andrew heard the news, but his attention for now was not focused on Isabella, but on the safety and order of the city.