Aaron Vs Yena

Aaron had about 12 glasses that night. The situation turned quiet, no one was still lounging around at 9pm. Many of them chose to sleep.

"Have you got a place where you're going to sleep?" asked Gordon.

The man in front of Gordon shook his head. He had just arrived in town and this bar was the first place Aaron had come to. Therefore, Aaron hadn't found any lodging for his stay.

"I see, yeah? In that case, you can stay overnight on the second floor of this bar. Incidentally, I have one empty room that I didn't fill," Gordon explained.

Aaron took some RL and gave it to Gordon, as the cost of the many glasses of beer he drank. Gordon declined, saying the first service was free. However, Aaron hated being indebted.

"Take it. You need this money more than I do," Aaron retorted.

He threw a medium-sized black cloth bag at Gordon. Gordon accepted the bag and couldn't resist more.

"Alright. Thank you," Gordon explained.