Three days later.
Aaron was still in the Dark Dimension, while trying to recover his body with the power energy of that place.
At this time, Aerith was in charge of going outside the Dark Dimension. Aaron ordered her to leave because he was worried that Aaron's identity was known.
Once a day, the woman returned to Dark Dimension to update Aaron on the situation in the city. Yesterday, Aerith said that the situation in the city was gradually conducive. However, they were still on alert like the day before.
While in the city, Aerith stayed in an inn that was different from before. She used Aaron's money to complete the administration. Aaron didn't mind at all.
The dimensional crack appeared again. Aaron who was sitting cross-legged on the floor of Dark Dimension began to open his eyes. He turned his head to the side and saw Aerith coming.
"How was it?" Aaron asked.