The early morning sun filtered through the glass windows of Aldric's study, parchments scattered on his desk. The king sat hunched over a particularly thick volume, his brow furrowed in concentration.

With a sigh, Aldric leaned back in his chair, rubbing his tired eyes. The night had been long and restless, his mind filled with thoughts of Xena. But now, with the dawn of a new day, he knew he had to focus on the matters of the kingdom that demanded his attention.

"Guard," he called out, his voice echoing in the quiet chamber.

The door opened immediately, and a young guard stepped in, bowing low. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Fetch my secretary, if you would. I need to arrange a meeting with the petitioners for today."

As the guard hurried off, Aldric turned back to the records before him. The kingdom's coffers were not as full as he'd like, and the harvest reports from the outlying provinces were troubling. He made a mental note to discuss increased aid for the struggling farmers during the petitioners' meeting.

A soft knock at the door announced the arrival of his secretary, a middle-aged woman named Beatrice.

"You sent for me, Your Majesty?" She bowed low

Aldric nodded, gesturing for her to approach. "Yes, Beatrice. I want to meet with the petitioners today. Can you arrange it for this afternoon?"

Beatrice's quill scratched across her parchment as she made notes. "Of course, Your Majesty. Shall I send word to the usual council members as well?"

"Yes, that would be wise, and Beatrice," Aldric added, a sudden thought striking him, "could you also look into the background of one of our new servants? A maid named Xena. I'd like to know more about where she came from."

If Beatrice found the request odd, she didn't show it. "Certainly, Your Majesty. I'll see to it right away."

As Beatrice turned to leave, another knock sounded at the door. The same young guard poked his head in. "Begging your pardon, Your Majesty, but the Queen requests an audience."

Aldric felt a flicker of unease, remembering Elara's attempts at intimacy the night before. But he pushed the feeling aside. "Very well, send her in."

Elara glided into the study, her emerald gown rustling softly as she moved. Her face was a mask of calm, but Aldric sensed a tension beneath the surface.

"Your Majesty". Beatrice curtsied and turned to leave, giving Elara and Aldric the private moment they needed.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," Elara said, her voice honey-sweet. "I waited for you last night. I checked your study like you said you would be in, but you weren't here. Is everything alright?"

Aldric nodded, the memory of his encounter with Xena in the garden flashing through his mind. "Everything's fine, Elara. I just needed some air, so I took a walk in the gardens."

Elara's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. "The gardens? At that hour? How... unlike you."

Before Aldric could respond, Elara's expression softened. "Well, it doesn't matter. I've come to invite you to breakfast. The cooks have outdone themselves this morning, and I thought we might dine together in the great hall."

Aldric nodded, grateful for the change of subject. "That sounds lovely. Shall we?"

As they made their way to the great hall, Aldric's mind wandered back to Xena. Would she be among the servants this morning? And if so, how would she react to seeing him after their encounter in the garden?

The great hall was a flurry of activity when they arrived. Servants bustled about, laying out an array of dishes that made Aldric's mouth water despite his preoccupation. And there, among the sea of faces, he caught a glimpse of Xena. Their eyes met for a brief moment before she quickly looked away, her eyes cold and distant.

Elara's voice cut through Aldric's thoughts. "Your Majesty, why don't we dismiss the servants? I'd like to serve you myself this morning. It's been so long since we've had a truly private meal together."

Aldric hesitated, his eyes still on Xena. "That's very thoughtful of you, Elara. But perhaps we should keep one or two servants on hand, just in case we need anything."

Elara's smile tightened slightly. "Nonsense, Your Majesty. I'm perfectly capable of pouring wine and passing dishes. Besides, I have a few matters I'd like to discuss with you... privately."

Aldric nodded reluctantly. "Very well. But first..." He turned to the nearest servant, a young man with kind eyes. "Before you go, I'd like you to taste each dish, please. It's merely a precaution, you understand."

The servant bowed low. "Of course, Your Majesty. It would be my honour."

As the young man began sampling each dish, Elara's brow furrowed. "Your Majesty, surely this isn't necessary. Our kitchens are beyond reproach."

Aldric met her gaze steadily. "After what happened to my father, Elara, I take no chances. Not even within these walls."

A flash of... something... crossed Elara's face, too quickly for Aldric to decipher. But her voice remained calm as she said, "Of course, Your Majesty. Your safety is paramount."

Once the tasting was complete and the servants dismissed, Aldric and Elara settled at the table. As Elara began filling their plates, Aldric's eyes wandered to the door through which Xena had disappeared.

"Is something troubling you, Your Majesty?" Elara asked, her voice laced with concern. "You seem… a bit distracted this morning."

Aldric turned back to his wife, forcing a smile. "Not at all. I'm just thinking about the petitioners' meeting this afternoon. There's much to consider."

Elara nodded, reaching out to touch his hand. "You work too hard. Perhaps after the meeting, we could spend some time together. Just the two of us."

The suggestive tone in her voice was unmistakable. Aldric shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "We'll see, Elara. The day may run long."

A flicker of frustration crossed Elara's face, quickly masked by a sweet smile. "Of course, Your Majesty. I understand the demands of your position. I only wish to support you in any way I can."

As they ate, Aldric found his thoughts drifting once again to Xena. The fear in her eyes last night, the secrets she seemed to be carrying... He was certain now that there was more to her story than a simple maid seeking employment.

"Your Majesty?" Elara's voice broke into his reverie. "You've hardly touched your food. Is it not to your liking?"

Aldric shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the present. "No, no, it's delicious. I'm just... preoccupied, I suppose."

Elara leaned forward, her voice dropping to a whisper. "If there's something troubling you, you know you can confide in me. I can certainly be of great help to you?"

Aldric met her gaze, seeing the mixture of concern and calculation in her eyes. For a moment, he was tempted to tell her about Xena, about the strange encounter in the garden. But something held him back.

"It's nothing, Elara," he said at last. "Truly. Just the weight of the crown, as always."

Elara sat back, a small frown creasing her brow. "If you say so. But remember, I am here for you. Always."

As they finished their meal in silence, Aldric thoughts ran through on all his activities of today.

Rising from the table, Aldric turned to Elara. "Thank you for breakfast, Elara. It was lovely. But I'm afraid I must return to my study now. There's much to prepare before the petitioners arrive."

Elara stood as well, smoothing her gown. "Of course, Your Majesty. Will I see you this evening?"

Aldric hesitated, then nodded. "I'll try to make time, Elara. But I can't promise anything."

As he turned to leave, Elara called out, "Your Majesty?"

He paused at the door, looking back. "Yes?"

Elara's eyes were unreadable as she said, "Be careful. The crown is a heavy burden, and there are many who would seek to take advantage of a kind heart."

Aldric frowned, sensing a deeper meaning behind her words. "What are you saying, Elara?"

But she merely smiled, the picture of innocence. "Nothing, Your Majesty. Only that I worry for you. These are dangerous times, after all."