Chapter 13: Questionable presence


A room, bustling with activity. Activity such as gambling the room was filled with all sorts of artifacts being used as furniture and other purpose beings treated by the inhabitants inside.

It was all quiet with chatter until that loud screech was heard from outside, shaking the room within and also surprising the 3 people who were inside.

"What in the?!"

A man dressed elegantly whilst playing cards reacted to such a scene. this individual was no other than the person who holds the role of vampire

"Was that you Savage?"

A woman dressed with flourishing plant life questioned the 3rd one as if he had made the noise.

"Me?!, That was not me!"

He yelled out defending himself blatantly

"Whatever that was, could it be that we are having visitors?"

The elegant man says as if it was an upcoming surprise of events.

"Whatever it was it was probably our imagination, the cannabis really makes things worth a while. Floralist"

The savage complimented at the floralist who, earlier has grew cannabis through her ability.

The sight as that is happening right now was 3 people high on drugs, gambling away without a currency in need , but for the sake of their own entertainment.

They truly think that the scream was none other than the effects of such a strong drug,

Besides all that they continued playing out of neglect.

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"Kirino! That was just a game i won it fair and square!, that doesnt mean that you have to scream like a frickin banshee!"

Miyano frantically tells kirino, about the consequences of what he just did would eventually take a toll on the both of them.


"Oh boy."

Kirino commences a second round to the little game they played, now flooding the hall with ice.

Mori now running as fast as he could in an atrempt to reach the exit. Stumbles down but not until he could see a light from a nearby path from a far.


As he then stood up and ran forth towards there without the possibility of getting jumped.

"You! You're cheating! GET OVER HERE!"

Kirino paces onward towards the light mori was chasing after as icy mist manifested and slowly gushing through his mouth and eyes as he thrusts forward in an attempt to reclaim his stolen victory.

He commences and commences till the point where his only focus was to get there by the minute.

Yes yes yes! Im getting closer and i'm winning this and crushjng him the moment i surpass him through this tiny narrow hallway.

The light he see's moves forward towards him as the frantically moving mori gets closer and closer to his grasp, there he feels it the crushing sensation as mori crashes through his ice, as he is then launched within the lighted room they were destined to find.

I see it. The light, and i have truly won, you lost! I won!

As he is truly overfilled with the expression of pride.

○ ○ ○


"What the?!"



The three people staggered as an individual dressed with mostly black clothing crashed through the entrance, inevitably crashing onto multiple artifacts as to compensate his crash.

Which was then followed by the appearance of an icy wave with that of a person on top, it stopped the person on top glared towards them

"I found you!"

He came rushing towards the 3 as they frantically need to come up with a solution to combat to such an unexpected come-by

"Do something!"

The savage yelled out


As the icy individual screamed forth


She screamed, summoning a wall of grassy greens. Effectively blocking and spewing away the iced individual.


His screaming grew shorter, as his eyes turned vein red, he sees the world more differently.

He has become under the influnce, an influence so crazy he see's the world truely and absolutely more differently than he anticipated.

Woah, i feel dizzy....

Mori! What time is time!.

"Quick! Shove the rest in the other mouth"

The savage then shoved a ton of cannabis onto the black clothed individual still lying there.

The moment the cannabis took action he sprinted back to life.

"Holy shiet!"

He now see's the world more differently, and more colorfully and somewhat and more absolutely different.



The two bantered under the influence as their feet wobbling around due to the influence they were watched as they struggled to navigate themselves further forward.

The rest of the influenced people came forth

The vampire specifically greeting them to their lair

"Yo whats chilling pal's!, greetings! Yo welcome back! Ma friends!"


He greeted them still under the influence, alongside a single word side by the savage also under the influence.

"Lets get back to playin shall we!"

She said as she tumbled towards the cards on set.


You gambling?!

"Of course we are now get on over here!"

The savage ushered them to come forth, as they began a round of poker.

Wooooooaaahhhh, count me in

Me three!

As the two joined up on the three people who were gambling on sight. The place filles to the brim with artifacts but now with some broken ones due to the black clothed individual crashing onto them for cushion.

The 5 gambled along as to without a care in the world, all their minds not thinking straight, not in the way that they are gay but thinking so unstraight to the point they forgot what they were supposed to do.

Damn is this all ya got?! Atleast have some other forms of entertainment you punks!

The teal person said after he lost in a game

Of poker

Hit me!

The clothed one said

"We got this microphone here"

The vampire showed it off to the rest.

"Seen it already."



He said surprised and pressured by that out burst


The vampire cleared up his voice still intoxicated but still in the right minds to speak, as he prepared the first voice of speech.



The moment he attempted to say a word the whole room blasted with a screech alongside the screeching vibration it gave off.

The wind it created blew them around the room, as they crashed and scattered alongside every corner of it.

The vampire now absolutely fazed by this starts laughing at how unexpected that was this was then followed by the rest of everyone laughing at what the hell even just happened.

Ahahahaahahah, what the hell kind of microphone does that?!

Must be made in china!

That joke made everyone started bursting out even more, yet even louder than before,

Behold the effects of thr cannabis have turned to its highest as everyone starts screaming into the thing causing even more

Crashing and flying around due to how strong the sound waves it produced actually is.






All five of them laughed arguably by how broken that thing was, they continued doing this constantly as they were all cracked out of their minds doing so, the walls around them now cracking and ceiling now crumbling. As the ground started shaking rapidly, every laughed and laughed and laughed still using such an insane object to their limits and so as the objects.

They were then scattered and flew around and around and around due to the constant abuse of it, eventually to the point where most of them are just vomiting around the place whilst being flung around due to the constant flinging and sound waves being produced due to their actions.

At this point the whole room was just expected to be trashed and tossed around and filled to the brim with vomit.

Thats just only the beginning of whats to happen next.

Meanwhile earlier...

She struggles to find her way within, as she navigates herself through the walls of this endless path.


She sighed as to express her utter exhaustion at how this is utmost time consuming.

She moves on knowing the two pricks are in here causing some form of trouble, either behind the scenes or over the scenes.

She walks with solemn as she tries to find a way where she could get clues of some sort

Atleast any traces of the 2 which could better her chances of finding something.

I wonder what those two are doing by now.

She thought as she navigated herself through the confusing paths much like a maze


She felt as if the ground was violently vibrating which then turned into a harsh scene of the ground shaking.

She instantly knew full well what was happening at the moment, she stayed on her ground to understand whats happening even more

This sensation!

She thought as the rumbling and vibrations were growing constant and more destructively as she then gritted her teeth in utter shock.

They must be fighting already!

She uttered to herself as she started runninf off into the distance, navigating herself with the help of the vibrations coming off from her

Item the item that she was looking for her alleged microphone.

As she patiently awaited the next vibration to come which promptly guided her to a set of stairs leading to an upper floor ahead she took this for a sign they must be upstairs.

She then scoured and scoured across the paths seaeching eagerly for any instances where the vibrations could even come.

As she then stood there awaiting whats to come next, patiently waiting whilst also moving around to save up time.

She waited and waited and waited till suddenly the ground started shaking even more violently, to the point where debris is seen falling of the ceiling.

Whats happening there?!

She needed to navigate quick, she steppes up and hurried her steps to hopefully arrive on time to provide back-up support as the two pricks fight alongside the 3 individuals she hopefully thought as she ran through

The darkness of this maze of a temple.

End of chapter 13