Chapter 15: Biased Of All

What the hell?!

The moment she runs through, she was met with the stench of stomach acid and an oddly unfamiliar second scent to come with,

the smell only made reminisce towards the

What the those who had threw it ate, the smell of the acidic liquid circulated through her nostrils and into her lungs. Absolute disgust to begin with or so to speak.

Her eyes glared upon the sight of the 5 people most notably the two who agreed to help her, she stared with pure disappointment as to what was even happening at this point.

"What the hell are you doing!?"

She yelled out loud covering her mouth and nose with her jacket, her tone was pure disapointment and anger as she truely expected this would be a fight, but to one's own shock this so called fight turned into what seems to be a drug party.

"What in tarnation is that thing?!"

The elegantly dressed man said, through his vision he was seeing an entity purely made out of guts and speaking in a distorted tone, the sight of such thing would want to make a person vomit or even faint at the first glance of it.

Alongside that everybody started making their comments

"I see it alright! But i'm pretty sure there are about 11 of us and 3 who have already been killed! Isn't that right teal head!"

The savage looking one said gazing at such a monstrosity as the red veins in his eyes pop more to reveal more strands.


He yelled out not even caring for a word on how to even react to such an appearance

Thing?! What are these pricks talking about?

"Could it be?, it must be his works! The one with that one man who was said to have a belief!"

The floralist said, as if she had figured something out.

"One with the cloak?"

She questioned her as she stood there staring at everyone crawling on the floor, still influenced by the cannabis.

"Anyhow let's do it one more time shall we?!"

The elegant looking man pulled out the mic and attempted to use it.

Wait a minute! There it is!

She acted immediately upon seeing it, the object that she was looking for it had been used as a sort of dopamine activator towards their influenced state.

She quickly leaped forward tackling him in the process as she struggles to fight back.

Give it back!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk,"

He smirked as he spawned in spikeloads of blood manifested on the mic, she jerks back due to the pain caused from it as she held her hand tight whilst crawling backward.

Staring at the man who had gained somewhat of a confidence he immediately grew wings on back and soared right onto the ceiling, distancing himself onto there.

Crap what should i do?!

She frantically tries to find a way, throwing something and triggering her soundwave ability wont work as it could too trigger the mic in causing a deadly chain back and forth.

Stepping backwards she spots kirino, laying in an already smashed up table as she grabs him by the hand and aims it towards the ceiling bound person.


She forcefully blasted a ray of ice towards him but that did nothing as he immediately,

Countered it by blocking it with blood.

The sight of this 1 on 1 battle, between one vs the influenced this would be very hard indeed, a task somewhat hardest to its limits.

She had to think of a way to overcome this, not unless she could atleast convince someone to.

This guy, he's the exact same guy that ambushed us in that chapel either way he must have taken down that horrible nun that easy, if i go take him on i might as well end up as her.

If i could only find some smart way to even convince those two to snap out of it, i could get the upper hand with this. Speaking of which is everyone in this room high?


Kirino yelled out wanting more.


the savage looking one crawled forth towards the man in the ceiling, the sight of this gave her an immediate idea but the idea wouldnt go well but it was still worth to try it.

Everyone! He's taking the mic all for himself, he wants to have all the euphoria to himself!


She yelled out pointing at him, everybodies gaze fixated at him realizing he's doing something that much of greed.


"Thats not fair! Not fair at all!"

"Prick get down there this instant!"


everybody argued with him as they stood their grounds, their faces looking at him with pure rage.

"No!, no!, no! What are you even talking about! I dont have it!, she has it! She said it was hers!"

He points at her to prove his point even though he was holding it right infront of everyone.

Damn! I'm dead!


Kirino said staring at her with pure confusion, as the moment then came as he rushed towards her with ice manifested fists.


Narrowly missing the punch as she ran out the room, everyone chases back. This was truly a fight against the influenced.

Taking a left turn she narrowly misses a body slam aimed towards her the savage looking one dashes with pure insanity,as kirino chases on whilst sliding on ice.

The floralist then manifesting vines to subdue her but easily getting outrunned as she ran as fast as she could.

First that and then this had to happen, why is everything getting out of hand, these two pricks really messed up, for rhe sake of it why did this had to happen in the first place!

Running as fast as she could she takes multiple turns through paths to outrun and eventually lose track of them the moment she did this was already passed multiple halls and ways.

She was sure nobody wouldnt find her at the moment, but this was the only time she could think of multiple ways to counter this.

Firstly i need to stay away from anyone who has the mic, i need to execute things properly and exactly the way i should time things.

I should be fine by throwing pieces of debris on any nearby wall. At any times sake i should aim at their faces.

She staggeringly collected pieces of debris whilst leaned towards a wall silently picking up each piece and storing them in her pockets, she focuses tightly on the massive steps and sounds of flashing ice passing by one after another.

Gazing towards the hallway of her right she peaks dearly to make her way, its best she lead this fight outside of the buildings premises let alone at the very least be lead into another room.

Step by step she sneaked her way towards another path in the halls the path she had never took before, knowing she had less chances of being stopped right there she went for it going further and further towards the premises, as everything gets even more darker and silent as things go deeper.

She reflects on herself whilst taking these steps through the darkening path

Man...this is really horrible, was asking the two for help really a good idea? To i felt like they could help but it looks as if it didnt go too well....

Chances are this whole idea was huge mess up, in the end i might as well accept my fate.

She still thinks what to do next but, she quietly comes to the conclusion of things out of all, the conclusion that renders this absolutely necessary.

I change my mind....i'm fighting back no matter what!

Accepting defeat was no option, why would she think of giving up or even consider dropping this, she had already come this far to retrieve the item that boosted her own abilites.

She truely knew deep well that it was'nt just a matter of time but a matter of confidence to turn back and try again, there is always another way to do things all over again.

Stopping right there, she had made the final decision to try again. To fight back and to ensure she wont view herself as a loser and a failure.

"Keep on walking!"

A voice coming from behind as the feeling of a sharp object leads itself towards the edge of her back.

No way!

Dripling of liquid could be heard which was then covered up by an undescribeable sound much like squeezing and loew screeching.

She stood still not moving an inch as the sharp object coarsed towards her head, she feels the sensation of the blade as the tip is being held at her

Looking for this?

He held out the mic as he then proceeds to slam into onto the ground, triggering its effect in the process.

The two got slammed right at the ceiling as the effect was that strong without the users interferance.

"As a matter of fact! I can purposely make a blood copy of myself! The real me is still under the influence but i can take things all from here!"

He said as he stood up, towards this sight she replied as she kneels one leg in an attempt to stand

"Give it back!, thats mine! You had a place in stealing it i know it!"

"Well thats unfortunate! A person like you is absolutely nothing without the main object you posses!"

"I can still do more!"

She threw a piece of debris face forth splurdging the copy into a puddle of black blood, as it slowly reconstructs itself.

In an immediate attempt she quickly jumped in to grab the mic but it then soon sank into the blood.

"Try me! It wont be easy"

He repurposed himself as he spead his arms wide, wanting to see how she could go through this.

"If your just gonna trick me like that, then the most obvious thing to do is kill the original, am i right?"

"You smart skank, that is indeed true! But one against two wont be fair?! We'd crush you in an instant!"

"How about now!"

*the sensation vibrations echoing whilst crumbling the area*

She ran out of there knowing she had a better chance fighting the original, the copy still struggles to rebuild itself as the vibrating grounds continued to halt its healing.

He's still in the room, i know for sure the only problem around here is the rest of everybody they are still under the influence of some sort of drug. But i know already who had caused it.


An icicle clashes at her grounds as she speeded through the halls this was then met by another clash of projectile, as the misty clouds block her running view.

She glares back to see kirino, speeding behind her with the most ferocious look towards what she could even imagine.

This wont be easy!

There was nothing she could do, all she could do was run, she wont be able to do any part in this but she has to run for sure even if it doesnt ensure she could go through with all of this everything--


Ice pierces her arm as she fell forth, this truly wasnt easy to begin with and wont suffice any longer

Hand it over!

He steps towards her with his hand reaching out.

You have one chance to do so!

She doesnt have it, nothing matters the influenced aren't to be messed in a fight to begin with, none of this would even make the slightest bit of sense at all, more overly

There wasnt much to do anymore.

I dont have much to do but i should take the chance to run.

Grabbing the last piece of debris she threw it across the side intitiating a last ditch effort to run.


He feels disoriented as he was surged in agonizing body sensations.

His hands flailing around rapidly shooting spears of ice around every corner.


Spears of ice piercing her her in every angle as she could only but once let out a screech in agony



All the ice shatters eventually knocking out kirino, she lays down there witnessingnwhat had happening to her own view she might have awakened something deep down her.

What could have happened is something she had to find out herself.

End of chapter 15