Check mate.
Before getting the chance to react, kirino falls getting submerged into a realm as if its the bottom of a pool, there is no surface all he could see was the redness it showed.
He attempts to swim away only to be tackled from behind, the blood copy attempts to strangle him as he grabs his neck, kirino then grabs his hips and proceeds to excert full force somewhat crushing part of his hip.
His crushed hip now a gaping hole, as he attempts to heal back this torn piece of him only to be greeted by a slash to the forehead, as kirino freezes a part of the blood liquid around him making a frozen blood shard in the process.
Kirino still needing air to breath proceeds to cover his mouth and nose with ice as he continues to finish him off. With slashes and bashes he tears of chunk by chunk as the blood copy specks away he tries to regenerate himself but he was constantly interrupted by the multiple bombardments of attacks.
In a struggle he spawns multiple pieces of blood spears as he attempts to imaple him throughout as kirino then summons a sphere of ice around him as to shield him and take him to a new turn.
The blood spears sent in a fast pace instantly pierced through the sphere only having the handles intact from the outside as the tips went through.
He felt relieved, finally hitting the target. He was really sure nobody would survive that blow he stares at it as it floats down as he decides to open up another puddle on the surface to get out of the blood ocean.
He swam up reaching his way towards the
Puddle opening reaching way up to get out of there. As his hand reaches up as his legs paddled all the way. He reaches as he got closer reaching the surface he--
Somethings grabbing my!
The moment he looked down he saw it the icy monstrosity pulling him down as he never saw it coming the blood started getting colder and colder than usual.
As he attempts to kick him off and prepares to destroy him once again, his legs slowly turning numb as the icy sensation hits faster and colder.
He grew frantic as he wont let go let alone the amount of spears piercing him he cant let go for some reason.
Why isnt he letting go?!
Not that amount of ice spears killed him even the amount he still kept on shooting as he clings onto his feet now appearing to be solidating as the ice kicks in.
His lower body half instantly freezes as kirino excerts freezing pressure onto the blood copies body.
He quickly freezes up as he was only able to react a short quick comment as he was getting quickly frozen for good.
This cant be! How are you--
He frozed leaving his words unfinished, as kirino climbs up on him reach the puddle as he kicks the frozen body down sinkingntowards the depths of this infinite underwater blood sea.
He breathes out, as he climbs himself out, still drentched in the red color of the blood so as his clothes but quickly goes into action by shooting high waves of mist to rinse off the blood that had stained his so special clothes.
The blood rinsed off as simple as that, he still needed a way to go, as he finds himself in a room he does not even know, a room empty but full of plant life.
He stares upon and analyzes the place searching in place of the exit, without any wasting choice of time heading towards the closest wall to his left. Pressing it forward as
Ice breaks its structure.
His palm focusing all its might on the wall as a huge beam of ice shoots through, breaking through layer and layer and layer after it.
One after the other, that way it be easy to kill off these pricks ahead.
He scoffs himself, waiting for any signs or even any instance of anybody heading towards him, as the clouded dust of ice and debris cover the view ahead, he stands preparing for the right moment to strike, his unbeating heart makes no sound but the only feeling of cold blood brewing throughout him.
No sounds of breathing no footsteps, not a single indication someone is there he waits patiently. Expecting something.
○ ○ ○
He's gone, where did he go? I heard someones voice then he disappeared the moment next, i have to deal with these two
For crying out loud this isnt no good.
She attempts stands up sweeping off any dust and debris off of her in a flight to escape
A loud crash revirbirates as influenced mori leaps down causing a crater to mold within the process, his gaze stems towards her only with a cold expression.
Their minds have already been influenced by the effects of rehabilitation, as they crave for a more sense of dopamine.
She stares back holding a piece of debris in defense towards herself.
Without any problem he summons multiple bodyguards surrounding her in a circle, as they unveiled rifles and pistols pointing directly at her, mori smirks and says a word or two.
Prepare for execution.
He says in a hoarse voice, the drugs already taking a toll on him mind, as he lifts his arm into the air with his hand pointing at it slowly backing it down as the influenced person he is as he signals to air.
Weapons cocked as they the triggers readied at their target, the silent atmospher intensified the situation uphand.
All she could do was scan everything around her with her one motive being the savage still under the rubble.
If i could do something, maybe i can change his trajectory over to him for times sake.
She pans directly at mori, in an attempt to negotiate her look fixated at him as she looked with stern.
"Wadda are yo doing?"
He comments as his speech was somewhat slurred.
"If your gonna take me out, you're also missing the chance to take him"
She points out, towards the sticking feet in the rubble
"Him?, heel gnaw he is dead!"
"He's not yet!"
"Really? Four sura reight?"
This isnt taking me anywhere let alone how awkward this really is, might as well do what i have to do.
The blast the two forces made blew everyone scattered away, as the multiple bodyguards desummoned and mori flew across the side.
The savage re-awakened jumps out fixated on mori his jumping height reaches about 3 floors into the broken ceilings until landing on his stomache. Blow spurts out of his mouth due to sheer force knocking him across the broken destruction once more.
He yells out summoning 5 body guards around him rifles aimed at his head as they began firing rapidly.
Bullets are hitting him and blasting holes through his torso and head but the sheer amount of madness within him is whats keeping him alive.
He screams in the most insane matter as he rapidly attempts to claw his face only to be fought back and blocked by the force of both mori's hands.
Mori yells back as snipers from above shoot him, mori pushes him back giving the summoned snipers a better aim at shooting him as they fired rounds upon rounds aimed towards his arms and head.
His arms effectively shot and brought to a closure as mori kicks him out of his way, jolting back up as the savage proceeds to back up they both locked eyes on each other, as they both panted through the sounds of the wind.
Speaking of wind it feels too cold, mori felt as he looked from aside wondering where all that sensation flurries from.
What the--
A wave of mist shrouds them as the feeling of freezing temperatures fluctuates alongside the feeling of a rock hard material covering both.
Mori braces this as he grits his reeth and endures it all, kirai watching from the sidelines takes cover through a wall protecting herself from the harsh avalanche.
The mist protrudes itself throughout, barely even giving anyone a detailed view of sight.
She waits around until most of the mist cleared out.
Stepping out of the wall she see's majority of the area within all iced up, with the echoing sounds of ice clanking could be heard from a near.
Carefully she sneaked her way to see what had happened to the two, mori his leg stuck in ice as he breaks it piece by piece using a pistol, as for the savage he's frozen cold.
He broke free, i better hide.
Kirai hides herself in a corner not far but atleast giving her a view of what mori's going to do. Mori limps himself towards the frozen savage.
Seeing this he smiles sinisterly his red eyes browning as he summons an rpg, he took a few steps back and aimed it towards him.
"You know? That fight wasnt that half bad!
Ahah hahah!"
He struggles to give a word out until firing the rpg, at close range the ice exploded and scattered throughout the scattered shards hitting every places as kirai ducked herself away.
The next moment she takes another look to peek, now seeing mori on the ground knocked cold alongside the fragments of what seems to be the savages,she stepped her way down to take a closer look at him.
He laid there on the ground as kirai took a closer look, from that perspective it seemed the intial blast did knocked him out.
Carefully she grabs him and hoisted him onto her should, his head somewhat bleeding from the shards of ice, as she lookes into the distance of the broken through structure as she see's a figure coming out of it.
Damn! What the hell was he even doing at all?
She questions as she walks towards him.
End of chapter 17