Chapter 20: on all odds beyond

Man...this is getting harsh....

Kirino sits on a log staring at the setting light as it never changes regardless of how much time they spent watching it.

"At this point this is getting meaningless, why are we staring at this?"

Mori complains

"Must be the perks of being one of the last ones WHY CANT THE GAMES BE MOE THAN JUST 11 PLAYERS?! LIKE AT LEAST GIVE US SOME CHALLENGE!"

Yelling out in a fit of rage, there were downsides of being the last ones atleast

In a mental sort of way.

"Yeah! Like atleast give us some sort of special roles for times sake!"

"Special roles?"

Kirino said curiously raising an eyebrow

"Yeah special roles, why cant we get some sort of speciality if were the last ones standing like, come on! Give us some more respect! We played the games fair to its limit."

"I dont see how that would go, all we need to do is fight thats it! Either way fighting more chaoticly would probably make us forget we even thought if this in the first place but yeah!"

"I'm confused why were even having this conversation in the first place."

A great silence flows as they stared onwards towards the endless sea's, their faces blank of expression. As they cant think of anything to think of.

"Since its about time, we might as well discuss about something"

Mori broke ice through his thought

"About what?"

"11 of us, firstly the bozo from earlier then the ambush skank, the charred up asshole we tortured quite a the time ago, 3 assholes we did killed and the little missy"

"That makes us five"

"But that little missy did mentioned about some nun getting killed by a creep"

"Lets just go with that, probably their dead already"


"The two makes up us, 3rd is most likely the ambush skank and the 4th one...."

"I wonder who this one could be...."

"Eitherway, lets try finding this guy!"

"Now thats a good idea!"

The two stood up from the log as they headed their way downhill, in search of this mysterious person.

They straddled ,strolled and skipped as they went through the path of this flowery field and valley, not caring a single thing in the world.

The only things on their minds was to just enjoy the moment, the moment that had lasted for their chaotic minds as they both embraced the aura of the flowers.

The flowers there being all sorts of paterned colors such as blue, red, yellow, purple, pink,

White, black and so on. Fluttering around as the air hit them.

The path takes them all around the areas of the flower garden, round and around and in circles as they embraced the atmosphere as they knew it. They embraced it without any sense of integrity as kirino's icy presence froze all the flowers within his area.

The flowers now icy blue solid still as a single touch could shatter it, the icy mist covers the entire atmosphere around, creating a misty wonderland.


"Got ya!"

Mori laughs as he shot kirino in the face with a snowball he had formed as the mist showers with snow.

"Ho-ho! Challenging me?"

"Bring it on!"


A bright ray of ice shoots out as mori narrowly dodges it with the slightest movement, in seeing of this he scolds out loud.

"Hey! Thats cheating! Use snow for once!"

"You think i can shoot snow?"

He crumples up a blocket of snow on the ground aiming the already snowball at mori, as he watches from the distance.


"Huh? You think thats gonna work think ne-


In a moment of pure pride mori was then shot the seconds time, in the middle of his taunting.

This urges him to go full confidence as he wipes off the snow on his face.

"Oh now this is getting real"

He said with a playful smile as he throws one after lifting his arm high in the air, the snowballs speed compares to that of a thrown baseball as kirino effortlessly caught it by hand.

"Seems like you have some things to learn"

He said with a smirk

"How about now"


He dodges the explosion, before his eyes as mori pulled out an rpg, with a prideful smile he aimed again at kirino trigger on hand as he then fired towards him.

This time for sure im winning this little game i know it!

The bullet speeding up to kirino as it discloses upon him, his face turned into a raised eyebrow as a field of mist blew around them.

*Cough cough*

What the?

His eyes turned to kirino as the mist clears off revealing the projectile now frozen stiff as his fingertip merely touching the front now stuck it alongside it.

"Hm? Now this is interesting, who knew i could stop it with just a mere touch. Let alone i gotta get shake it off"

He shook it violently as it shatters to a million pieces upon thrown off the ground.

"Alright! Time for the big guns!"

He raised his hands in the air before summoning a whole platoon of body guards pistols aimed towards him. Kirino stares each one before smirking.

"Alright! First one to hit me wins, that make it fair."

"Alright i'd bet on that"

Mori sends them off as he walked towards the opposite direction walking away to a distance.

Each body guard rushes towards each by two, one and three at a time. As the barrages of bullets rush at kirino still standing still.

The bullets seemingly having a close contact to kirino all before getting frozen before even the inch of contact.

Each bullet froze and fell down not a single one touching him, at he stands still being able to withstand all of this, as his patience and confidence shrouds his view.

"Is that all?"

His eyes stare at mori, questioning him is that all he had to give. Mori gives him a surprised look and points towards kirino firing off a projectile at him.


Dust shrouds the area, not allowing anything to see through one bit as it slowly clears away. Kirino standing there raised his hands wide and giving him a questioned look.

"What the?!"

Mori looks at him, fazed. How was he immune to all of this? This begs the question to him even more as he approaches him closer.

"What you just saw there, that was adaptability. The more we play and fight the more we figure out what we could do."

Kirino explained to mori, his groundbreaking ideal made truly sense, i'm pretty sure the game said that earlier but kirino did not listen to the whole part at the beginning.

"Really? Like the more we fight the better chance we have at understanding ourselves is that what you mean?"

"Thats not what i was talking about, its like you figure out more things at a control pad. The more you know the more endless possibilites there are"

"Really? I dont get a single thing what your saying but check-mate"



He felt his ear as if an inch of it had been blown off, it turned out it did actually happened as a body guard was secretly summoned right behind him. The moment mori got kirino off guard he essentially reserved himself the win.

His eyes now widened towards the sight of this, the fact he was outsmarted for the first time in such a benevolent game really speaks words upon words of understatement. At he stares towards mori as he proceeds to laugh victoriously at such a predicament.

Is laughs echoud the valley one by one as they slowly stopped, he fixated himself at kirino, waiting for a response to all of this.

You won?

Now that....

The bastard outsmarted me.

He clenched up his fists, as his blank look stared at mori. His first words being.

"Hm? You won? Now that was unexpected. Seems like to me i was outsmarted for once.

I'll give you that but next time i'll secure the win."

Pointing towards mori he said, with all confidence. As mori nodded whilst shoulder to shoulder on hand as he walked forward.

"Seems right!"

He said as he walked toward a ledge in the cliff. Pointing towards something from a far.

Kirino seeing this approached to see what was there.


"Those two."

"Thats the same skank that ditched the fight earlier!"

"First one to kill the skank wins"


Kirino, crouches down to rep up his ice as he carefully adjusts his trajectory. His hands side by side as one knee infront and the other towards the back. The moment he attempted to sprint something seemed off.


Mori yelled out, as kirino barely even got started yet.

"What gives?!"

"It seems like something must be off"

Staring closely it seems their fight had gone nowhere no movement no fighting what gives. They both looked on catching a glimpse of whats to be. Kirino looked at mori as he nodded prompting both to head down there.

"That cloak guy did he just beat the skank or something?"

"Seems to me, we might have arrived late.

She's probably dead"

"Damn!, asshole took our kill!"

"We might as well kill him to compensate for that."

The two bantered as they headed down the ledge they were viewing the fight upon, the smell of the fragrance of the flowers started slightly shifting to that the scent ofbthe destruction the obvious note of ground dust in the air. Their pressence already adds up to the tension already happening as the two felt a sense of hyperactivity within themselves. The sole feeling of what could be the most chaotic battle against an opponent, speaks words to their ego.

Here we are! This guy upclose what the hell is he doing in a hole?

Whats that hole for? Not much but this guy could be a worthy opponent.

The two's thoughts went through, glaring at the cloaked man as he starred down on that crater as they questioned his mentality at that very moment.

His face then turned to them as his expression showed a smirk, notifying the two he knows they are there.

Look at this bastard, with his cringe ass smirk.

This guy seriously has edgelord problems by the looks at his ground staring.

The first confrontation. Brings all towards the path of destruction.

* * *