As Wei and Mei entered through the door, his mother gasped.

"Why didn't you tell us Mei was back I would have created a feast." she said smacking him on the shoulder as she hugged Mei tight.

"I'm sorry ma" he said as he rubbed his shoulder in pain. Even though he had reached a high level of cultivation, his mothers smacks still hurt like crazy.

"Mei is back?…" they heard Liu say as she rushed out from her room.

"Mei!" She exclaimed as she rushed to hug Liu almost falling her.

"Easy!" Wei shouted as panic flooded his eyes.

" it's fine" Mei reassured him with a smile as she gently stroked Liu's hair.

"Welcome back Mei…" his father greeted with a smile as she lightly bowed.

"Thank you sir"

"How are your relatives?" Wei's mother asked as she led them to sit on the chabudai mats.

"Rel…" Mei started confused and then she realized Wei probably never told them about what happened and the abyss.