Chapter 3 The Characteristics Of The Wand

Now that the money was exchanged, Eisen's next priority was, of course, to buy a wand that suited him.

Every time Eisen thought about how wizards in the world of Harry Potter needed wands to cast spells, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. For any wizard, the wand is practically everything. Without it, a wizard is almost powerless.

Even powerful wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort, who can cast spells silently and without wands, still rely on wands for much of their magic. Otherwise, the wizarding world wouldn't have developed a specific disarming spell like *Expelliarmus*.

Therefore, no matter what Eisen thought, buying a wand was an absolute necessity.

He made his way through the crowd, passing by various shops: the Owl Emporium, the Magic Joke Shop, and Flourish and Blotts. He even caught sight of Quidditch boutiques, Madam Malkin's Robe Shop, and a second-hand robe store.

Everything around him was novel and exciting, pulling at his curiosity, but Eisen reminded himself of his task. He walked directly toward Ollivander's wand shop.

In his past life, Eisen had strong memories of this shop. It might be the only store in the wizarding world with a history dating back over a thousand years. Famous wizards like Harry Potter and Hermione Granger had all come here to buy their wands when starting school.

However, Eisen expected there might be a twist when he went to purchase his wand. After all, Ollivander, the shop's owner, had an extraordinary memory. He could recall, for instance, the exact wand Harry's father had used.

For Muggle-born wizards like Hermione, this wasn't a problem. But for Eisen, who had been living as a "wild wizard" in a foreign land, it was tricky. He had to fabricate a story about why he hadn't bought a wand locally, and why he was coming to London now to buy from the master wand maker, Ollivander. With these thoughts in mind, Eisen felt confident.

He was also curious about how wands worked in this world—specifically, whether wands were tracked. In the original series, the Ministry of Magic could detect spells cast by wizards under 17 years old through a trace. However, if an adult wizard was nearby, the Ministry couldn't detect who had cast the spell. 

From this, Eisen concluded that the trace wasn't on the wand itself but was more of a regional detection magic. Fortunately, this didn't affect him—he was already 18.


The shop was small and worn. Its sign was peeling, and on the door, there was an inscription that read: *Ollivander: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.*. In the window, a single wand rested on a cushion, giving off a mysterious vibe.

Pushing open the door, Eisen found the shop empty except for a bench. Along the walls were shelves packed with long, narrow boxes. There had to be thousands of wands.

"Good afternoon!" A voice startled him. Eisen turned to see a figure emerge from behind the shelves: an old man with silver eyes and gray hair—Garrick Ollivander himself.

"Uh, hello, Mr. Ollivander. My wand is broken, and I'd like to buy a new one," Eisen said, offering a faint smile to appear as non-threatening as possible.

"If I'm not mistaken, you've never bought a wand from me before, have you?" Ollivander's voice was inquisitive, though he seemed quite certain.

"Yes, Mr. Ollivander," Eisen responded smoothly. "I've been living in the Muggle world for a year, researching magic. But recently, my wand broke during a spell. So, I've come here to buy a good replacement."

"Oh, I see!" Ollivander's face lit up with understanding. "Well, all the wands here are of the finest quality."

The old man pondered for a moment before retrieving a box from the shelf. "Here, try this one. Ash wood, with unicorn hair, twelve inches."

Eisen was puzzled—there was no measuring of his arm or hand. Nonetheless, he took the wand. The moment his fingers wrapped around it, a strange sense of comfort washed over him. The wand felt like an extension of his body, and even the little magic he had flowed smoothly through it. 

"Wonderful! It seems the wand has chosen you," Ollivander remarked with a satisfied smile, watching Eisen's reaction.

Just as Eisen was about to ask about the price, a virtual screen appeared before him. His Gold Finger ability had suddenly activated. A pop-up window displayed a message: *"Extraordinary characteristic discovered—excellent spellcasting ability. Would you like to consume a miracle characteristic to reproduce it?"* 

For a moment, Eisen's thoughts became jumbled, but he quickly refocused. "How much for the wand, Mr. Ollivander?" he asked, putting away the wand.

"Just 7 Galleons," Ollivander replied, giving a reasonable price.

After paying, Eisen left the shop. He still needed to buy a few essentials, but his mind was preoccupied with the sudden activation of his ability.

He visited a second-hand robe shop and purchased a robe, then went to Flourish and Blotts to buy all the books in the *Standard Book of Spells* series, along with other titles like *The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration* and *The Theory of Magic*.

After all the purchases, Eisen still had over 150 Galleons left. He skipped buying things like cauldrons or scales, as he didn't see much use for them yet.

Back at the Leaky Cauldron, Eisen planned to stay for a while. He had too many magical items, and going out into the Muggle world with them could lead to trouble. Since he couldn't perform magic just yet, he needed to be careful.

Of course, if he could buy a bag with an Extension Charm to hold everything, this wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible right now, and casting such a spell himself was beyond him at the moment.