Chapter 8: Meeting Harry

After becoming the Astronomy professor at Hogwarts, Eisen didn't rush to leave. Instead, he requested to tour the entire Hogwarts castle. This simple request was not a problem for a professor. However, Professor McGonagall did offer some precautions, such as certain areas of the Forbidden Forest being quite dangerous, and Eisen needed to be cautious. Of course, Eisen already knew this and had no intention of wandering into the Forbidden Forest looking for trouble.

The history of Hogwarts Castle was very ancient, and due to the numerous spells surrounding it, to Muggles, it appeared as nothing more than a dilapidated ruin. However, during his leisurely stroll, Eisen realized he had underestimated the complexity of the castle.

As Eisen was touring the various classrooms, Professor McGonagall returned to the headmaster's office.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you sure it's alright for Eisen to be the Astronomy professor?" Professor McGonagall had resumed her usual demeanor.

"Of course. Didn't you think he seemed quite suitable?" Dumbledore didn't appear too concerned, though he still had a strange expression, as if McGonagall hadn't agreed earlier.

"Yes, he does seem suitable, but his background..." From the interview, McGonagall felt Eisen was competent, but she still had some reservations.

"A Muggle-born wizard who suddenly appeared at the Leaky Cauldron a year ago? That's no issue, Professor McGonagall, especially at Hogwarts!" For Dumbledore, Eisen's background was not a problem.

"Very well, then. Harry will be starting this year, won't he?" Seeing Dumbledore's response, McGonagall didn't press further but mentioned the boy, her expression becoming somewhat odd.

"Yes, don't worry, Professor McGonagall. I've already asked Hagrid to keep an eye on Harry," Dumbledore's tone softened when mentioning Harry Potter.


Eisen was unaware that Dumbledore and McGonagall were discussing his background. However, he didn't concern himself with it anymore, as he had no ill intentions toward Hogwarts or any desire to cause trouble. Even if his background were exposed, it wouldn't be a significant issue.

After a brief tour of Hogwarts Castle, Eisen left. After all, there were still two months until the young wizards and witches arrived, and he needed to prepare.

For Eisen, now that he had become a Hogwarts professor, his next goals were quite clear.

Firstly, in the Hogwarts kitchens, it would be easy to interact with house-elves, so he needed to confirm whether his miraculous ability could work on them.

After resolving the miraculous ability issue, he would need to find a way to learn high-difficulty spells like the Disillusionment Charm and Apparition. He might not learn the Unforgivable Curses, but he should at least understand them.

As for advanced Transfiguration skills like the Animagus transformation, Eisen had considered learning it but ultimately decided against it after careful thought.

The Animagus transformation involved randomly turning into an animal, which couldn't be chosen. Typically, the animal form depended on the wizard's personality .

Obviously, this randomness was a disadvantage for Eisen since he didn't know his personality. Turning into a cat or an eagle would be fine, but what if he transformed into a pig? The uncertainty was too significant, so Eisen didn't want to take the risk.

Finally, Eisen planned to devote some effort to researching and creating magical artifacts. After all, his golden finger could currently replicate extraordinary abilities from magical artifacts. If he could create suitable magical artifacts, his abilities would undoubtedly become stronger.

As for the Philosopher's Stone adventure, Eisen didn't want to interfere too much. However, occasionally providing some assistance should be fine, allowing him to stay safe while ensuring the "plot" progressed smoothly.

After using Floo powder to return to the Leaky Cauldron, Eisen changed out of his wizard's robes and prepared to go out and buy some necessary items for his classes.

Indeed, Eisen planned to purchase Muggle astronomy books and telescopes. While he could easily bluff the young wizards without these items, he didn't want to give his students a bad impression, like Gilderoy Lockhart, whose lack of genuine talent and knowledge could prevent Eisen from staying at Hogwarts.


That morning, as Eisen came downstairs from his second-floor room, a scene caught his attention. The door to the Leaky Cauldron opened, and a tall figure entered, followed by a skinny young boy wearing glasses.

Recognizing this scene, Eisen could confirm that the main act was officially beginning. Indeed, this was Harry Potter's first entry into the wizarding world, accompanied by Hagrid.

Hagrid, being part-giant, was exceptionally tall. He had been a Hogwarts student but was expelled in his third year after being falsely accused of murder by Voldemort, resulting in his wand being snapped.

However, Professor Dumbledore kept Hagrid on as the Gamekeeper.

This time, Hagrid's destination was Diagon Alley, where he would accompany Harry Potter to prepare for the upcoming school year.

"Hey, Hagrid, the usual?" the innkeeper Tom called out, holding a mug.

Clearly, Tom's familiarity with Hagrid showed they were old friends. However, Hagrid declined Tom's offer, stating he was on Hogwarts business.

Though rejected, Tom didn't seem offended. Upon noticing Harry Potter, he couldn't help but stare intently, especially at the lightning-bolt scar on the boy's forehead.

"Bless my soul, it's Harry Potter!" Tom exclaimed, hurrying from behind the bar to shake Harry's hand.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter!" Tom seemed exceptionally excited. With the innkeeper's reaction, the other wizards sitting around quickly gathered, each one eager to shake Harry's hand and express their astonishment and honor. Hagrid stood aside, chuckling, without interrupting, while Harry looked bewildered, unaware of why he was so popular.

However, observing the scene, Eisen recalled a specific detail. He carefully examined the present wizards and noticed a young, pale man with a turban wrapped around his head.

"Professor Quirrell!" Hagrid called out to the young man. Indeed, this was Professor Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor at Hogwarts, ironically possessed by Voldemort, the Dark Lord himself.

But Eisen didn't rush to join the commotion.

After about ten minutes, Harry Potter and Hagrid finally extricated themselves from the crowd. Eisen had discreetly followed them to the small courtyard behind the pub.

Before Hagrid could act, he noticed Eisen's presence.

"I know you, Hagrid. I'm Eisen Turner, the new Astronomy professor at Hogwarts, just going to buy a telescope," Eisen introduced himself without waiting for Hagrid to speak.

"Oh, Professor Turner, I'm Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. And this is Harry, Harry Potter!" Hearing Eisen's introduction, Hagrid relaxed and introduced Harry Potter in turn.

"Harry, welcome to Diagon Alley!" After Hagrid's introduction, Eisen used his wand to tap the bricks, opening the passage to Diagon Alley. He then nodded at the young boy in a welcoming gesture.

"Thank you, Professor Turner!" Perhaps due to the earlier crowd, Harry Potter sounded a bit dazed when speaking.

"Well, I have some errands to run. See you after the term starts!" Eisen didn't linger, using the excuse to leave.

Indeed, Eisen felt a brief introduction was sufficient, and there was no need to engage further. Besides, he did need to make some purchases.

To read up to 12 chapters ahead:

(End of Chapter)