Chapter 12: The Welcome Feast

Despite the friendly demeanor of the handsome man she learned was a professor, Hermione still felt a bit reserved around him. After hurriedly reminding Harry and Ron to change into their wizard robes, she left the compartment where Eisen was seated. 

Time passed slowly, and as the sky turned completely dark, the Hogwarts Express came to a halt. This was Hogsmeade village, the stop before Hogwarts.

Hogsmeade is an entirely wizarding village, and according to Hogwarts' rules, younger wizards below third year are not allowed to visit. Even third years and above require a signed permission slip from their guardians to visit on designated Saturdays.

After stopping at Hogsmeade, the first years would take boats across the lake to enter the Hogwarts castle.

"Right then, firs' years! Follow me, firs' years over here!" Hagrid's voice rang out as the train stopped, beckoning the new students with his lantern.

"Hello, Harry!" Hagrid greeted Harry, while Ron gaped at the half-giant's immense size. 

The first years' luggage remained on the train to be delivered separately to the school.

"Evening, Hagrid!" Eisen called out, having disembarked as well.

"Evenin', Professor Turner," Hagrid replied cheerfully upon seeing Eisen.

As the first years let out gasps of wonder, Eisen joined them in the small boats that would carry them across the Black Lake to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Illuminated by the moonlight, the castle's silhouette could be seen looming high at the opposite shore.

Majestic and foreboding, the towers soared into the night sky, the windows glinting with reflected light, projecting an aura of mystery rather than grandeur.

The small fleet of boats glided smoothly forward, passing through a dark tunnel before arriving at a underground harbor. After crossing a stretch of level ground, Eisen and the first years approached the castle's main entrance. 

Climbing the stone steps, they were met by a stern-faced witch in emerald green robes - Professor McGonagall, the Hogwarts deputy headmistress.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses."

McGonagall briefly explained the four Hogwarts houses and the house points system before preparing to lead them into the Great Hall.

"Good evening, Professor McGonagall, I hope I'm not too late!" Eisen greeted from the back.

"Good evening, Professor Turner. I was starting to wonder if you'd miss the feast," McGonagall replied with a nod, her expression unchanging.

"Just taking in the scenery on the Hogwarts Express. Quite lovely, I must say," Eisen said with a shrug.

Upon entering the Great Hall, the scene transformed magnificently. Hundreds of students sat at four long tables beneath an enchanted ceiling that mirrored the night sky. Though lit only by floating candles, the hall glowed brightly.

As the new students stared in awe, Eisen strode over to join the faculty at the head table, taking a seat next to Hagrid as arranged by Dumbledore.

"Look, it's the new teacher!"

"But he's so young!"

Whispers arose at Eisen's youthful appearance, but the arrival of the first years soon drew everyone's attention. 

The Sorting then commenced, with McGonagall calling each student forward to be Sorted by the Sorting Hat into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Harry, Ron and Hermione all became Gryffindors, while Draco Malfoy and his cronies landed in Slytherin.

However, upon seeing the Sorting Hat, Eisen's expression turned serious as he pondered whether it was a magical artifact or a sentient being imbued with the founders' collective wisdom to judge students' qualities. Ultimately dismissing using a miracle on it, Eisen doubted the Hat's abilities would benefit him much.

Each Sorting drew cheers from the student's new House, welcoming them warmly. When all were Sorted, Dumbledore rose to address the school.

"A few start-of-term notices," the aged headmaster announced, his frail appearance belying his formidable power as the foremost wizard of the age. "First years ought to know that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits."

Dumbledore sternly warned the new students before adding, "Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you all that magic is not permitted in the corridors between classes. And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to suffer a most painful death."

"Ah, and I'd like to introduce our new Astronomy professor - Eisen Turner. Let's make him feel welcome," Dumbledore added, gesturing to Eisen who gave a small nod of acknowledgment. 

At Dumbledore's words, the tables filled with a splendid feast. Roast sausages, turkey sandwiches, baked pies and more - courtesy of the Hogwarts house-elves, though Dumbledore's magic made it seem he'd conjured it himself. Delighted, Eisen dug in heartily.

After all had eaten their fill, Dumbledore led the school in singing the Hogwarts anthem, allowing each to choose their own tune - an experience Eisen endured by silently casting a listening charm to block out the cacophony.

Finally, the first years departed with their House prefects to see their dormitories - Hufflepuff and Slytherin's quarters lay in the dungeons, Gryffindor in Gryffindor Tower behind the Fat Lady's portrait, and Ravenclaw in their eponymous tower.

Eisen, meanwhile, was shown to the staff quarters. As his Astronomy classes were only on Wednesday nights, he expected a rather light schedule at Hogwarts. With this in mind, he requested of Dumbledore, McGonagall and Professor Flitwick to audit other classes when able.

Though skilled, Eisen felt observing the curriculum from the beginning would help him better systematize his magical education. He had no intention of sitting in on the upper years just yet.

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(End Chapter)