Chapter 36 Library Conversation (Part 2)

"So, wouldn't the same apply to the remaining two methods?" Harry suddenly felt shocked, even suspecting that Professor Eisen was just teasing them. Meanwhile, Hermione's eyes lit up, clearly showing great interest in the magic potion, Felix Felicis.

"Well, there's another way. Do you know who founded Hogwarts?" Eisen didn't answer directly but asked a question instead.

"I do, Professor Eisen. There are four houses at Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin."

As though in class, Hermione took the lead to respond. "During the Middle Ages, when they were recognized as the four greatest wizards, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin jointly established Hogwarts School.

Due to differing teaching philosophies, they created four distinct houses at Hogwarts, each bearing their own name.

Ravenclaw selects students with exceptional intelligence, Slytherin favors those from pure-blood families, Gryffindor chooses the brave and adventurous, and Hufflepuff treats all students equally."

After Hermione confidently shared her knowledge, Harry and Ron still seemed dazed. Apparently, moments like this were when Miss Know-it-All truly shined.

For Hermione, the contents of "Hogwarts: A History" were unforgettable.

"That's correct, and I must add that they each left behind incredibly powerful treasures," Eisen nodded approvingly at Hermione and continued the conversation.

"Treasures!" Upon hearing the word, Ron perked up immediately.

"But what does this have to do with the second method?" Although Harry was equally interested, he didn't quite grasp Eisen's purpose for mentioning this.

"One of the treasures left by Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw is a diadem that enhances the wearer's wisdom," Eisen said, not dragging it out any longer, revealing the answer directly.

"Increased wisdom! So, wearing it makes you smarter?" Ron exclaimed, a desperate look in his eyes.

No wonder—Ron hadn't always performed well compared to his friends, and he'd always harbored a bit of self-doubt. If Ravenclaw's diadem could really boost intelligence, wouldn't it turn anyone who wore it into a top student?

The three young wizards gazed at Eisen expectantly, eager to know the whereabouts of Ravenclaw's diadem.

"But unfortunately, I don't know where Ravenclaw's diadem is, and no one else does either," Eisen poured cold water on their hopes, seeing the eager expressions of Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Professor Eisen, you must be doing this on purpose!" Ron looked at Eisen with a resentful expression, as if he had committed some unforgivable offense.

"Alright, the third method is something I promise will be useful!" Seeing their disappointment, Eisen decided not to tease them further and quickly moved on to the third method.

That's right, the method Eisen was about to describe was actually the "question sea tactic" from his previous life. He explained that Harry, Ron, and Hermione could quiz each other, picking out the mistakes and focusing on reviewing those errors.

By repeating this review process frequently, and with enough volume, their test scores would certainly improve.

When Eisen shared this method, the trio's emotions immediately shifted. Eisen knew that this strategy might not be as useful for Hermione, but it would definitely benefit Harry and Ron. The real question was whether they'd stick with it.

After all, Eisen himself had experienced the overwhelming nature of the "question sea tactic." He silently wished Harry and Ron the best of luck in following through.

"Alright, I've shared all the methods—don't fail your next exams! I've got some things to take care of, so I'll leave you to your studying!" After offering some solid study advice, Eisen planned to slip away. That was just his style—"achieving merit and fame, then fading into the background."

As Professor Eisen left, Harry and Ron exchanged glances, clearly thinking about something.

"Harry, Ron, I think Professor Eisen's method is quite good. We should try it," Hermione said, eager to implement the "question sea tactic" as soon as Eisen had left.

"But, Hermione, you don't need to. You already know everything!" Harry looked puzzled, fully aware of Hermione's formidable learning abilities.

"No, the method Professor Eisen mentioned is perfect for reviewing. Oh, it's too bad! We should've asked him earlier—" Hermione started to defend her stance but suddenly remembered something and made an annoyed gesture.

"That's right, if you'd asked earlier, Hermione, you'd have reviewed everything by now," Ron remarked with a sarcastic smirk.

"Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?" Just as Harry was about to intervene and stop Ron and Hermione from bickering, he noticed a tall figure entering the library.

Ron and Hermione stopped talking, both looking in the direction where Harry had turned.

They saw Hagrid, wearing his moleskin coat, walking over with heavy steps. He seemed to be hiding something behind his back.

"Just having a look. What are you lot doing here? Still searching for Nicolas Flamel?" Hagrid responded evasively when questioned by Harry, quickly trying to change the subject. However, he didn't realize that his appearance had piqued the trio's curiosity.

"Oh, come on. We've already figured out who Nicolas Flamel is," Ron said smugly. "And we know that what Fluffy is guarding is the Philosopher's Stone—"

"Shush!" Before Ron could finish, Hagrid interrupted him, glancing around quickly to ensure no one else was listening.

"Keep it down! What are you playing at?" Hagrid warned them with wide-eyed urgency. Clearly, discussing such a sensitive topic in public was dangerous.

"To be honest, we have some questions about the protections around the Sorcerer's Stone. Besides Fluffy, what else is guarding it?" Harry suddenly recalled Snape's comments about Quirrell and asked out of curiosity.

"Shh! Listen, come and find me later, but remember, I never promised to tell you anything, so don't go blabbing. Some things are not meant for students to know!" Hagrid gave Harry a firm nod before stomping away again.

"It looks like Hagrid's going to spill some secrets!" Harry whispered, watching Hagrid's retreating figure.

"But why was Hagrid in the library? And what was he hiding behind his back?" Hermione's sharp question struck the heart of the matter. "Could it have something to do with the Philosopher's Stone?"

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