Chapter 49 Action

When Eisen entered the Gryffindor common room through the portrait of the Fat Lady, he found Harry, Ron, and Hermione already seated together, deep in discussion.

"Professor Eisen, over here—" Hermione immediately stood up and called to him as soon as she saw him.

"Any plans?" Eisen sat next to Hermione without hesitation and looked at Harry.

"We've decided we need to get the Sorcerer's Stone before Snape does!" Harry said. It seemed they'd already made up their minds after some debate, and neither Ron nor Hermione objected to his suggestion.

Though they were fully aware this plan was dangerous and could get them expelled, the thought of Voldemort returning was too frightening. Harry, who had already lost his parents to Voldemort, couldn't let Snape get the Philosopher's Stone and allow Voldemort to rise again.

"Don't worry. I'll go with you tonight, and together, we'll stop Snape." Eisen took this opportunity to offer his help.

"That's great! With you, Professor, we'll definitely succeed!" Ron let out a sigh of relief upon hearing Eisen would accompany them.

Even though Eisen had agreed to join them, Hermione, ever cautious, was still going over her notes, hoping to find a spell that might help.

"By the way, how are you planning to sneak out later?" Eisen suddenly asked Harry, realizing the practical difficulty of going on a nighttime adventure with a group of young wizards.

"We can use my Invisibility Cloak." Harry glanced at Ron and Hermione before breaking into a smile. "I was lucky enough to get it back earlier!"

Eisen nodded, satisfied with the answer.

As time passed, the other Gryffindors gradually went up to their dormitories to sleep.

"Harry, go get the Invisibility Cloak now," Ron whispered as the common room quieted.

Harry ran upstairs and returned within a few minutes, holding the cloak and a small flute.

Eisen noticed the flute and quickly understood its purpose—Harry planned to use it to lull Fluffy, the three-headed dog, to sleep, just in case.

"Take these." Eisen pulled out three cards and touched each with his wand, leaving behind a magical "∞" mark on them before handing one to each of the trio.

The cards carried Eisen's magical imprint, allowing him to track their movements while they were under the cloak. This way, he could follow them without being able to see them, since his power wasn't strong enough to pierce the magic of the Invisibility Cloak.

"Alright, I'll use a Disillusionment Charm to hide and follow you. But remember, our goal is to secure the Philosopher's Stone. If there's no danger, I won't intervene." Eisen spoke seriously as the three accepted the marked cards.

To be honest, Eisen knew that if he went all out, he could probably clear every obstacle in minutes. But he also knew that this mission was meant for the trio, and helping them too much wouldn't do them any good in the long run.

"What are you up to?" a voice suddenly asked from across the room, startling Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They turned to find Neville holding his pet toad, staring at them suspiciously.

Panicking, they quickly glanced at where Eisen had been sitting, but he was gone, concealed by his Disillusionment Charm.

"It's nothing, Neville, really!" Harry stammered, hastily hiding the Invisibility Cloak behind his back.

"Are you planning to sneak out again?" Neville asked, clearly suspicious of their behavior.

"No, we're not!" Hermione insisted, waving her hands nervously. "Neville, it's late. Why don't you go to bed?"

Harry glanced anxiously at the clock. Time was running out; Snape could already be at the trapdoor.

"You can't go out! You'll get caught, and Gryffindor will lose even more points!" Neville, usually shy and timid, was surprisingly firm this time.

"You don't understand, Neville. This is really important!" Harry said, struggling to explain without giving too much away.

"I won't let you do it! I'll stop you." Neville pulled out his wand and blocked the portrait hole, determined to prevent them from leaving.

Eisen, hidden in the shadows, watched the scene unfold with some surprise. He had a lot of sympathy for Neville, who had grown up in a family shattered by Death Eaters, his parents tortured to madness by the Cruciatus Curse. Despite his shy and insecure nature, Neville was showing unexpected bravery.

"Neville, move! Don't be ridiculous!" Ron snapped, frustration rising.

"I'm not being ridiculous! I won't let you break the rules again!" Neville stood his ground, refusing to budge.

Hermione, realizing they were running out of time, couldn't hold back any longer.

"Neville, I'm really sorry for this." She drew her wand and cast the Petrifying Curse. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Neville stiffened, swayed for a moment, then toppled over, fully paralyzed by the spell.

"Is he okay?" Ron asked, wide-eyed.

"It's just the Petrifying Charm. I'm really sorry, Neville," Hermione whispered sadly, clearly upset that she had to do this to her friend.

They quickly stepped over Neville's rigid body, donned the Invisibility Cloak, and slipped through the portrait hole. Eisen followed them silently, concealed by his Disillusionment Charm.

Moving swiftly, the trio reached the stairs leading to the fourth floor, but unexpectedly encountered Peeves.

Despite being invisible, Peeves seemed to sense something was amiss. He floated around, calling out loudly.

"What now? Should we ask Professor Eisen to distract him?" Ron whispered anxiously.

"No, let me handle this," Harry said, and in a hoarse voice, he mimicked the Bloody Baron, "The Bloody Baron doesn't want to be disturbed!"

Harry's imitation worked like a charm. Peeves, who feared the Bloody Baron, flew off in a hurry, leaving the way clear.

[Power Stones Required]

I hope your like the chapter 😊.