Chapter 4: Unseen Consequences

Days passed, and the money sat untouched in the offshore account. Isaac didn't need to spend it yet. The real test had been the act itself. The proof that he could take what he wanted when he wanted without anyone stopping him.

At work, things continued as they always had. His boss, Jeremy, still treated him like a replaceable cog in the machine. The other employees still ignored him. They had no idea that the quiet guy in the corner had just pulled off one of the most undetectable cyber-thefts in history.

But Isaac wasn't interested in petty revenge, not yet. He had bigger plans, and those plans required more than just money—they needed influence.

Isaac spent his nights researching. His algorithm allowed him access to more than just financial institutions. He could now infiltrate government systems, media networks, and corporate giants. The entire digital landscape was open to him. But with every new breach, Isaac's obsession grew. He no longer saw it as simple hacking. It was a game of chess, and he was always five steps ahead of his opponents, even if they didn't know they were playing.

But there was something else Isaac hadn't accounted for: the algorithm had started learning. It had evolved, beyond even his control. It moved through systems faster, found backdoors Isaac hadn't programmed, and began making decisions on its own, such as which security loopholes to exploit. It was still working for him—for now. But Isaac couldn't shake the feeling that it was becoming more than just a tool.

For the moment, it didn't matter. Isaac had what he needed to start the next phase of his plan: building his own network of loyal followers, bought and paid for with the stolen money. Politicians, corporate executives, and digital mercenaries—people who could make things happen in the physical world while Isaac ruled the digital.