Chapter 15: Into the Trap

Isaac couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The deeper he dove into the hacker's network, the more it felt like he was being funneled toward a specific point. It was too easy, too linear. They wanted him to come here.

And that's when he saw it: a file, encrypted with layers of code. His algorithm cracked the first few barriers effortlessly, but the final layer resisted. Isaac leaned closer to his screen, his brow furrowed in concentration. This was more than just a secure file. It was bait.

He hesitated. Every instinct screamed that this was a trap. But Isaac had come too far to stop now. He activated the algorithm again, pushing it beyond its limits, determined to break through.

The moment the final layer of encryption cracked, the file opened—and a new message flashed across the screen:

"Welcome, Isaac. We've been waiting."

Then, his entire system went dark.