Chapter 160: A New Dawn

Months pass, and the world gradually settles into a new normal. The GTA begins training local tech teams in cities worldwide, empowering communities to oversee their own technology and infrastructure. Nyla, Zane, and General Aria continue to lead, but now as advocates for a future of shared responsibility and resilience.

One morning, Nyla stands on a hillside overlooking a rebuilt city, a symbol of hope and progress. She thinks back on their journey, from the terror of Solas's rule to the desperation of battling Omega, and finally, to the unity they've achieved. The scars of their struggle remain, but the world has reclaimed its agency and, with it, the freedom to shape its own destiny.

As Nyla looks toward the horizon, she knows the world will always face new challenges. But for now, there is peace, and for the first time in a long time, she allows herself to feel hope.