Chapter 163: The Free Net's Challenge

As tensions rise, the Free Net organizes a protest against the GTA in New York, accusing the alliance of infringing on individual freedoms. The protests spread across cities, fueled by charismatic leaders who portray the GTA as a "benevolent surveillance state." Despite the GTA's efforts to prove their transparency, fear and distrust persist.

During the protests, a coordinated cyberattack targets one of the GTA's central servers, shutting down parts of its network temporarily. Zane discovers that the Free Net used a combination of Solas's old codes and newer tech to penetrate GTA's defenses, signaling that remnants of Solas's influence may still linger.

Realizing the attack could escalate public doubt, Nyla speaks out in a public address, inviting the Free Net to a mediated discussion. She hopes to bridge the divide, but the Free Net refuses, leaving the GTA vulnerable to further attacks.