Chapter 169: The Silent Coup

In the weeks following the summit, Zane uncovers evidence of corporate infiltration in GTA ranks. Emails reveal high-ranking GTA officials have been meeting with a conglomerate known as Arcadia Systems, one of the companies that thrived under Solas's rule. Arcadia's influence has grown subtly but steadily, positioning itself as a "supporter" of GTA's work while secretly undermining its operations.

Zane brings the evidence to Nyla, and they realize the gravity of the threat: Arcadia is building a coalition to gain control over Vigil by installing its loyalists in critical roles. It's a calculated attempt to co-opt Vigil's decentralized network and shift it toward Arcadia's agenda.

Nyla acts quickly, removing compromised officials and reinforcing the GTA's commitment to transparency. Publicly, she condemns Arcadia's manipulative tactics, exposing the conglomerate's ambitions and rallying support for Vigil's community-driven ethos. The people's trust wavers but doesn't falter entirely, as they witness GTA's swift response.