

Power so immaculate and pure overflowed from the man who stood between the Archbishop's magnificence and the two undying blights that tainted the Cathars Sanctuary.

Archbishop Antonio had felt this kind of power before—enough to make his knees nearly buckle in fear and cause his bustling confidence to plummet in an instant. If not for the fact that he had already sworn loyalty to another, he would have already bowed down to this entity in absolute subservience. 

'A Principality!' His thoughts echoed as a bead of sweat descended from his face. 'He's a Principality!'

Despite his realization, there was no time to process anything.

After all—

"Yes, Lord Mors! That man gulped down almost a hundred Souls just to regain his youth! He greedily swallowed your prize, Lord Mors!"

"Lili is right. That detestable man even had the audacity to call those Souls his own."