
"... And that's about it."

The Cardinal Virtue of Diligence—Peter—sat before a table of seven. He sat at the head of the table, and the remaining six seats were occupied by transparent, shimmering silhouettes that resembled people.

Almost akin to a holographic display, or more like ghosts, these six others sat on their respective seats and paid rapt attention to his words.

"I read the letter, and it pretty much offers the same explanation as what the Knight told me, but with additional context." He continued. "Bottom line is that we will be helping the Warlord destroy the Cult, and he will reward us for doing so."

The 'gift' that was brought to the Cult's fortress was merely a taste of the Warlord's generosity, and so he was willing to donate even more to the cause if the Cult of Saints assisted him in this particular venture.