Hunting The Lady [Pt 2]


A heavy sigh escaped Lucius' lips, the weight of the battle lifting from his shoulders. But before he could even take another step forward, he felt a flicker of movement in the distance.

His eyes darted upward, and to his annoyance, he saw that both Thomas Aquinas and Lady Hildegard had vanished.


They had run.

Lucius's lip curled into a snarl. His victory, though decisive, was bittersweet. The one person he had come for, the one he needed to confront, had escaped his grasp once again.

He gritted his teeth, his frustration building.

"The power to escape without my noticing…" he muttered to himself.

"I suppose I have found you, Lady Hildegard."

A cruel smile began to form on his face.

The words of the Apostles were yet to escape his mind. The fact that this Lady was the one who made it possible for his army to be defeated and his Vassals to be captured meant he had to get rid of her first.