Cheat Code

[Initializing system ... 100%]

[Downloading system ... 1%]

Realizing that this was going to take some time Gordon quietly exited the awakening center. It wasn't his hobby to be observed and studied by so many machines. 

Absent mindedly he found himself heading to the Beast Center. Where the Awakening Center auditorium had reminded Gordon of a hospital completely white and sterilized, the Beast center was the complete opposite. It looked very much the worse for wear. The foundation was cracked, one entire wing looked like it had been demolished, some kind of ivy had the main building in a strangle hold, basically the building looked like it was about to collapse. Yet despite all that there were construction workers swarming over different parts of the building fighting back to repair and refurbish the place.

Having been here many times in the past as part of field trips and sight seeing adventures Gordon was very familiar with what the Beast Center had to offer. Basically the main building was just one big hall with various temporary and makeshift stalls and platforms for whatever beasts were on display that day. And the beasts had a tendency to cycle through the beast center very rapidly. Of course some things tended to stay the same. 

Affinities generally stayed in the same locations within the hall even if the specific beasts on display tended to change. So from the entrance Gordon could look down into the hall. Where there would have been basement floors in other buildings the beast hall was as deep as it was tall. Various flying beasts flitted and flew about in the air over the stalls below. Other beast were so tall or just that big that they could reach up and touch the ceiling.

Ignoring the oversized beasts Gordon knew that they were for more accomplished higher rank beast masters. From the balcony there in front of the main doors he could see the various places he wanted to visit. G ranked beast masters often had very little insight into their affinity and Gordon was just as clueless as any other G ranked beast master. He wouldn't know what his affinity was until he walked around and felt a pull towards a specific type of beast. As the rank increased the beast master was naturally able to sense more and more information about their own affinity and allotment.

Sighing Gordon knew that the system might tell him more once it was installed, but for now he just wanted to do what he had done so many times in the past. Walking through the main hall of the beast center Gordon immediately became confused. 

'I am not feeling a pull towards everything? This can't be right.'

G ranked beast masters usually only had one allotment and a very narrow affinity. There might be only one animal in the entire world that a GGG ranked beast master could tame. Not just one type of animal, maybe even just one beast among that species. It all had to do with natural bonding. Although it was vary rare for this to happen it could happen.

'Am I a G ranked beast master?'

This was the only thing he could think of. It was looking more and more like he would have to really search for his beast.

Shrugging Gordon sighed and continued to wonder through the main hall and then the side halls.

[Downloading system ... 100%]

[Installing system ... 1%]

Partway through his search the system prompted him that it was done downloading and that it was starting to install. 

After going through the entire beast center and not experiencing any sort of strong affinity pull towards any of the animals Gordan was really confused. There seemed to be a slight call towards his affinity with all the animals. But if he went up to a specific animal he felt an even stronger rejection feeling. It was to the point where the beast would snort and back away.

Awkwardly Gordon made his was back to the huge entrance to the center and was waiting while leaning up against a wall. If it was going to be a long wait he might as well get a little more comfortable.

Finally the system came back.

[Installing system ... 100%]

[Welcome to the Upgrade System! Experience your transmigration journey in vivid colors as you conquer the world and make your name in history!]

'What's with the middle school vibe?'

Gordon thought to himself as the system presented him with a declaration that seemed a little too hopeful for his taste.

[As a new user you will be given an Awakening Voucher, an Add One Allotment Voucher, and a one time only Limited Double Upgrade Voucher! Happy transmigration!!]

It felt like this should have been more appropriate to announce when he arrived as a baby seventeen years ago. What was with this overly emotional exclamation marks Gordon focused in on the details of the three vouchers.

[Awakening Voucher

Description: Awaken a mundane animal to the lowest level of Black Iron spirituality.


[Add One Allotment Voucher

Description: Add one allotment to your total number of allotments.


[Limited Double Upgrade Voucher

Description: Immediately upgrade an awakened beast two large realms.


Staring at the descriptions for these three vouchers Gordon was a bit lost for words. The awakening voucher was weird, but he could see that it might be interesting to some people. Increasing his allotment by one was incredible for sure. However, immediately promoting a beast two large realms unconditionally was mind blowing. It was theoretically impossible at higher levels, right?

Sure, upgrading a black iron beast to the silver realm was conceivable. What what about the diamond level? As far as Gordon knew the diamond level was the highest realm that any known beast had achieved.

Carefully phrasing this question Gordon formed a question in his mind.

'Can you even upgrade beyond the diamond level?'

[Of course there are ranks above the diamond level. The limit of the upgrade voucher is actually the mystical realm.]

[Updating the voucher for your viewing convenience.]

[Limited Double Upgrade Voucher

Description: Immediately upgrade an awakened beast two large realms.

Note: Beast can only be upgraded to the initial gate of the mystic realm.


Okay, that made more sense and it was also interesting that the system left out some information. It seemed like it would only tell him so much, it was up to him to figure out what limitations might be enforced.

Still upgrading to the mystic realm was beyond anything that Gordon could understand.

'System, how many levels above diamond is the mystic realm?'

[Host, your world's power level system is foreign. I have not received enough input yet. It will take some time to be able to determine power levels in your world. Please provide more experience! Thank you very much!!]

Dumbfounded Gordon stared at the text box that so happily appeared in front of his face. This system was just saying things without even knowing what it was talking about? Shaking his head Gordon asked some basic information about what the system had to offer.

[Currently, I can only offer you your status screen! This will be your window into understanding yourself. Please use it!]

Again ignoring all the hype Gordon said.


[Gordon Alfmunsen

Level: 0

Title: none

Health: 97

Mana: 12

Stamina: 43

Physical: 5

Soul: 3

Mental: 7

Abilities: Beast Taming (G rank)

Talent: None

Skills: None

Magic: None

Cultivation Techniques: None

Pets: None


It looked right. If the average human being had all their basic stats at 10 then it made sense why he was so much weaker then most people. 

Gordon put his hands in his pockets and pondered. It wouldn't due to run around desperately searching for a beast to tame. The first thing he should do is review this stat screen more carefully. It would probably tell him what he needed to know if he looked in the right place. 

'First things first, let me look at my beast taming ability.'

[Beast Taming (G rank)

Affinity: Fungus (Ascomycota)

Allotment: 1

Description: You are able to tame and bond with awakened beasts according to your affinity. 


Pretty simple, but again Gordon couldn't believe his eyes. His affinity was for fungus?

'What kind of an affinity is this?'

And it was a very specific type of fungus, too. The first thing Gordon thought of was beer. Beer was made using yeast and yeast was a fungus. Could he tame some yeast and become a beer brewer?

'But the specific type of yeast is important in making beer. Is this Ascomycota type yeast the same as the type for making beer?'

Thinking thoughts Gordon tried to remember back to his college days in his previous life.

However, try and he might he could not remember anything about let alone anything about this specific type of fungus.

But that also explains why I had a certain low level affinity with most of the beasts here. Every living thing has some fungus in their bodies.

Sighing Gordon stood up, if he had been without a system he might have gone his entire life without ever realizing what his affinity was for.

'Is it even possible for there to be an awakened yeast?'