You Don't Have To Worry

[Don't worry, this isn't a problem.]

Instead of explaining the system tried to comfort Gordon.

For a moment Gordon was astonished. Was the system doing, trying to keep him in the dark?

[You don't have to worry. I will take care of everything.]

Despite the upgrade system's comforting words, Gordon was anything but comforted. Instead he was actually starting to get a little frustrated. This was his life on the line.

At the same time, as someone who didn't have any control in his everyday life, Gordon felt the sickening feeling of powerlessness. If the system didn't want to tell him anything it didn't have to. There was no way for Gordon to force it to explain. He had no leverage, and automatically thought the system was hostile.

Right now the system was coming off as a used car salesman. It felt like he was being sold a lemon and the dealership knew exactly what the car history was, but they weren't going to let share that information at all. Instead Gordon was going to have to drive the car and figure everything out on his own.

'At least tell me that this isn't going to happen again.'

[Alright, it isn't going to happen again. This was a one time incursion. The apocalypse system won't find you again.]

Score! While trying to reassure him the system had let slip a bit of information. Maybe the system wasn't so hostile. Instead it was just trying to do the best it could? Gordon would have to continue to work with it to see.

'But can you tell me why this apocalypse system didn't send a more powerful monster?'

Gordon tried to probe a little more.

[Basically, the gods prevented it, and it wouldn't do to strengthen you too much. You are doing so well even contracting your first beast without even using any of my gifts!]

It seemed like the system was opening up more, maybe it was buying the idea that Gordon was calming down. It had resorted to flattering him now.

'What do you mean the apocalypse system didn't want to strengthen me to much?'

This was a concept that was difficult for Gordon to understand. Even thought he had read so many light novels in his previous life the present situation had to be understood a bit better. It was outside his understanding so far.

[Simple, the underlying principle of almost all systems is growing through adversity. As you work, learn, train, fight, and even kill monsters you release energy which can then be catalyzed by a system to produce more benefits. It is really a positive feedback loop, see?]

Said the system in a text box.

Gordon had to read and reread the text several times in order to sort of get the logic. There was a lot wrong, his skeptical mind said that the system wasn't telling him everything. But the basic idea was there.

'So you are saying that if the system had sent a more powerful monster to attack me then if I survived I could have benefitted too much from it and upgraded much faster.'

[Exactly! Despite being slow witted you actually understand at a phenomenal level. Just after the transmigration or in this case the descent of the system the host will be at their weakest, but they also have more protection as well.]

'From the gods?'

This was a farfetched idea to Gordon. There was an entire pantheon of gods in this world, but they were all just as distant as in his previous world. It was hard to believe that any gods would try to protect him.

[Yes, but don't worry. Everything is fine now.]

Again the system started comforting him again. As soon as it started talking about Gods. Maybe it was the information on Gods that was preventing the system from fulling disclosing the extent of the danger. Fine. Gordon decided to not pursue this anymore. There was little that he could do about gods and this apocalypse system anyways.

'Alright, I won't worry.'

Lying through his teeth Gordon said something to comfort the system. Portraying self confidence and coolness under pressure, that was how he would have to operate from now on.

Still, knowing that there was at least some theoretical protections out there Gordon decided that he just needed to gain a lot of power as fast as possible. Once he had a lot more power he could change his fate and start to have the ability to protect himself.

Just now the system had congratulated him for bonding a beast without using any of the upgrade vouchers that it had given him. Just chasing his affinity Gordon had accidently forgotten about the vouchers!

It was time to decide how to use them. 

The most obvious way to use them would be to give himself another allotment, awaken a powerful animal into a black iron level beast, and then upgrade it to white silver level. But Gordon was hesitant to do so. First of all if he did this he would receive a one time benefit and then hopefully build from there. Instead he wanted to build himself a much more powerful base from which to develop. 

If he could sell the [Limited Double Upgrade Voucher] to a beast master with a beast at the diamond rank? Gordon's mind couldn't even process how much money a diamond rank beast master would pay to be able to upgrade one of his beasts two major realms.

If he sold the vouchers then he could use the money to buy himself a noble rank. In this world the nobility had untold power. Nobles could command anyone from the pit just by virtue of their position. He could use his friends and family's lives like cattle. Forcing them to do whatever he wanted could give himself a much better boast then just bonding a silver rank beast. Even if he didn't use his old connections it was horrific to think that way, but logically it would be a better start.

Of he could invest in a business and make enough money to continue growing his own strength. He had no idea what business opportunity he could buy, but theoretically the money would grow and grow along with whatever business it was.

This might not be as good as a base as becoming a noble, but it would be much better then just contracting a white silver beast. Gordon wasn't naïve he knew that it wasn't enough to be a beast master. He had to continually grow stronger. Even a silver level beast was just the level of the front line soldiers in Talon city.

But the more he thought about these two options the more he decided to hold off selling the vouchers. The main reason was that he would have to trust others in order for the sale to go through smoothly. First of all, vouchers were just foreign, he would have to convince any potential buyer of their value. And to do that he would need partners. Partners to find buyers, partners to convince the buyers, and partners to protect him in the event the buyer decided to take advantage. 

It was all too much.

And besides there was a fourth option that Gordon was starting to consider. 

'What if I don't sell it or use it on myself or my own beasts?'

The more Gordon thought about it the better this option sounded. Instead of selling it what if he used the vouchers on others.

Again there were two options here. He could find some friends that he felt like he could trust, maybe for example the assassin woman with the dragon beast contract. If he could work with them and use his three vouchers to empower them, then wouldn't he be able to work with them to increase his power. If he could some how convince them that he had more of these types of vouchers they might be willing to sponsor him and help him grow.

There was a riskier and possibly safer thought. What if he could use the vouchers on wild beasts? There were a lot of beasts that were not contracted to humans, but never-the-less worked with humanity against the demons. If he could work with one of humanities allies at the diamond rank, could he trust them enough to work together? Different possibilities emerged in Gordon's mind. 

It might be a waist, but what would happen if he gave the [Awakening Voucher] to a diamond level wild beast? Would it receive a double awakening? If he gave the [Add One Allotment Voucher] would the beast gain the ability to tame another beast? Gordon didn't even have to think about the [Limited Double Upgrade Voucher] would definitely work on a diamond rank beast. 

With this voucher alone he felt like he could do it. There were many intelligent wild beasts that could see the value in working with someone who could produce vouchers that might increase the power of beasts.

Still the idea of working with Annie, Gale, and whoever that assassin had been was tempting. They were powerful, that was plain, and willing to save someone from the pit. It was just a matter of finding them again.