
Angelica pushed a glass towards Gordon while reserving a narrow necked fluted glass for herself, Taylor, and Roy.

"Alcohol free?"

Gordon asked acknowledging the difference between their glasses.

"This is water from the Etrusthian spring. Enjoy."

Angelica explained while also serving a small bowl of chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream was known in the pits, but it was something that Gordon would see only once every couple of years. And even then he might not have the chance to actually eat any of it.

Gordon had no idea what was so special about this Etrusthian spring water, but he knew there had to be something unique. Maybe if he checked his status screen later he could get a hint, at least if the water did anything to add a buff.

For a time they continued to talk about the pits and the differences between their lives.

It seemed like staff on these planes often had a higher quality of living conditions. But their personal freedom was more restricted. Not only by the size of the plane, but also by the requirements both personal and social to properly serve within the needs of their family's contract.

"I don't want to beat around the bush. Gordon, you are the first person I have seen from the pits travel as a real client on a plane in my entire life. We do often have pit people on our plane, but they will either be servants or they will fly in coach."

Roy explained why he was so interested in Gordon.


Was all Gordon had to say.

"Those are the seats in the back of the plane. They don't even get a cabin, they have to be strapped into their seats for days at a time. It is horrible back there. They treat their pets better than they treat the pit people."

Worked up Taylor answered the question.

"Enough of that. Let's let our guest explain how he can to be a client."

Angelica said leaning forward.

"It is nothing really, my best friend is Jessica Philos and she got me in as a guest for the Philos family's pilgrimage to Fenier mountain. She says that all the initiate beast masters in their family do it."

But this didn't seem to be enough for Roy.

"But we scanned you, you are probably one of the weakest G ranks I have ever seen. How did you earn this spot?"

Roy also leaned forward trying to get more from Gordon.

"No really, we are just friends. I don't know what you want."

Saying it a little firmer Gordon shrugged trying to make them believe.

This time Roy took a sip of his wine and all three of them gave each other a look that they did nothing to hide from Gordon. When there was a nod from Angelica, Roy cleared his throat.

"Alright, we will believe for now that you are just friends. But you have to understand the opportunity that is in front of you. If you survive to the end of the Philos pilgrimage you will be initiated into the Philos family's secrets. Do you understand what this means?"

Carefully Gordon thought about it, but then just shrugged again.

"No, I guess, I don't know what this means."

"It means that you will have the potential to gain more power."

Explained Roy.

"Okay, yes, well I figured that part."

Nodding Gordon agreed.

"No, I don't think you understand. We represent the Starfire Alliance. And you are about to be initiated into the secrets for which many of us have fought and died to learn."

Finally it all started to click for Roy. Why these people had changed their tune and why they had gone out of their way to treat Gordon to such an impressive meal. They really wanted to recruit him. 

"Look, I have heard about the Starfire Alliance. You guys represent all those you can't defend themselves. But instead of fighting the monsters out there, you guys work to protect the defenseless from those whose job it is to protect us. Is that right?"

Trying to get some clarity on what was happening Gordon tried to confirm their allegiance.

"Yes, that is right. Our alliance was created to protect the defenseless from the very people who are supposed to be our saviors."

This time Taylor explained.

These people were putting Gordon in a tight place. They could do anything to him, this was obviously their plane. This whole mean was designed to show him just how powerful and how much control they had here. At the same time he was sure that the Philos family would swear him to secrecy and that they would have ways to know if he gave away their secrets. Now looking into these three pairs of eyes he only saw fanaticism.

If he didn't give them what they wanted they wouldn't stop at asking nicely. All his experience from two worlds told him that these people would get those secrets no matter what. Even over his dead body.

At the moment they were being sincere, but he was sure they knew that they were in a powerful position. Gordon was by himself away from Jessica's protection. There was nothing Jessica could do to help him here. Not at this counter and definitely not right this moment. He was going to have to choose between Jessica and these people he didn't know.

His heart told him that he should choose Jessica. But his mind told him that he had to choose the Starfire Alliance if he wanted to live. 

Literally there could be millions of fervent Starfire Alliance members all through the Pit. If the alliance wanted something from him he wouldn't be safe at home. Which meant that he would have to rely even more on Jessica to take him in and give him a place to stay. Even then, if he told these people 'no' right this minute, they might still do something to him between now and when they landed at Fenier mountian. Could they replace him with a doppelganger? Could they torture him into doing what they wanted. Probably. He didn't know what tech or spells they had, but he was sure they were willing to do whatever it took.

'How am I going to get out of this?'

Thinking something Gordon decided he had to find a way to keep his word to both Jessica's family to keep their secrets and to these people of the Starfire Alliance.

"Okay, you know that the Philos family will swear all the initiates to secrecy. I won't be able to tell you anything that you want to know..."

Probing a bit Gordon tested the waters.

"Oh, we won't ask you to betray the Philos family!"

Taylor exclaimed immediately.

"No, no, don't even think it. We understand that your friendship with Jessica comes first."

This was from Roy.

However, Jessica said something that scared Gordon to his core.

"We all have sworn to give our lives for the cause. To uphold the highest virtues. You have nothing to worry about."

Gordon looked over and Angelica caught his eyes. Within her pupils all he could see was commitment. This woman was fanatical to the extreme. This talk of giving of lives, was his life the life they were willing to give?

"You must have all had some of your friends die for the cause?"

Again Gordon wanted to see how they would answer.

Roy looked away, Angelica didn't react at all. She was a rock, completely unemotional. Taylor on the other hand broke out crying. It was a silent cry, with some great sobs and large tears that rolled down his cheeks. 

"I am sorry for your loss."

Bowing his head Gordon remembered his own loses. He had had an older sister once. She was ten years older than him, but had begun working in Talon's palace when she was just out of high school. They had never seen her again. 

It was unknown, maybe she was alive and well. But when pit people disappeared nine out of ten times it was because they were dead. This was normal and everyone had experienced something like this.

"I lost a sister, she went to work in the palace, and then disappeared." 

Gordon proved he knew at least a little of what they felt.

Taylor and Roy nodded, but didn't seem to be able to share their experiences. Instead it was Angelica that scared the shit out of Gordon. Impassive she just stared him down. 

This woman was dedicated, she was ready, and willing to do whatever it took to gain the power she needed. Gordon felt for her cause, but knew down to his bones that he stood between her and the power she desired. Those eyes told him that she would stop at nothing to gain what she wanted. 

And honestly he didn't feel like what she wanted was bad at all. He felt for her. He knew she had a point.

"Gordon, if what you learn could empower even 10% of the defenseless. If even a few more could stand against the beasts. It would change society. We could end hundreds of years of class structure dominance and put power back into the hands of the people. They protect us, but think that their protections give them the right to use and abuse us. Don't you think it would be worth it not just for you, but for all the pits in all the cities. If we could rise up and claim our humanity back. No one should be made to serve as slaves!"

Angelica ended her speech almost shouting her vehemence. She was angry and even Roy reacted by distancing himself a little. Taylor and Roy were clearly surprised at how passionate she was.

Thinking about it Gordon wondered if Angelica was one of those people that held everything in until she reached a breaking point and then let it all out.

He had to do something to reassure her. This was starting to get a little out of hand. He had to give them something anything to convince them not to kill him after the pilgrimage.

"I completely agree! I am with you 100%! I will fight and die to empower the people. I want my sister back. I want everyone to have their sisters and brothers back. Their mothers and fathers shouldn't be toys and slaves for the haves. In fact I will go one step farther. The secrets I learn at the end of this pilgrimage will be nothing compared to what I could do if I became a mole in the Philos family and rose higher in their ranks!"

Starting his reply to calm them down and let them know that he was on their side, he finished his own speech with the only thing that he thought could keep him alive. If they thought that he could be even more useful giving them more information of higher quality down the line maybe just maybe they would keep him alive.

"What are you suggesting? You want to stay in the Philos family until you know all their secrets?"

Roy asked confused. He wasn't sure about this idea.

"But wouldn't that mean that you couldn't give us anything? After the pilgrimage, I mean. The Philos have truth worms. They will know if you give us even the tiniest bit of secrets."

Taylor spilled the a secret that the other two obviously didn't want Gordon to know. They both looked sharply at Taylor and Taylor turned white.

"What? What are these truth worms?"

Asked Gordon tentatively.

"Oh, it is alright, you should know. They are a parasite that the Philos famly will give you. The worm will burrow into your brain and feed off your blood and energy. Interfacing with your brain, if it senses that you have betrayed the Philos family it will eat your brain from the inside out. You will be gone just like that."

Angelica said snapping her fingers.

"But you guys have a way of getting it out?"

Gordon pale and then quickly asked.

Roy looked to Angelica, who shook her head minutely and then he said something that betrayed their intentions from the beginning.

"No, we don't have a way to get it out. Every time we have tried in the past the host died."

Carefully schooling himself to not react Gordon just shrugged. This was normal for resistances and undercover work. They really would have let him die to provide them with information.

It was cut throat, but this was an unforgiving world and Gordon knew that he would have to gain a lot of power in order to survive. Right that moment he really wished that he had not taken this trip with Jessica. After a moment he just relaxed his shoulders and spoke again.

"Alright, you guys decide what you want. After the pilgrimage, if you want me to give you the secrets I will ... and die doing so. But if you want me to continue to gain more contribution points within the Philos family I will do that as well."

This was actually the only thing that Gordon could do. All the other players in this game had exponentially more power than he did.

"Could you really do anything and everything they ask of you? You do realize that everything hinges on keeping Jessica's good will. What if she decides to ditch you for another boy?"

Carefully Angelica pushed him a bit.

"Well then I suggest that you plant someone close to me. If Jessica withdraws her favor, I will be so much dog meat to the Philos family. It will be only a matter of time before I am dead. You will need someone to take my statement at that time."

Giving them a tough man line, Gordon tried to prolong his life for at least a little longer.

Sitting back in her chair Angelica crossed her arms under her breasts and took a while to answer.

"Fine. Let it be done. But you must join the Starfire Alliance."

She pulled a jar of worms from under the table.

"Normally we would parasitize you with a worm to keep you honest. We can also learn from the big families. But in your case we can only ask for your word ... and keep an agent undercover near you. They will know if you betray us."

Carefully Angelica pulled a worm from the jar and dangled it before Gordon. Expertly she handled the thing. Gordon knew that if she made the wrong move it could potentially kill her or any of them.

But the next moment she threw the worm back into the jar and stood up from her seat.

"I promise, I swerve to the almight god of Starfire, I will serve the Starfire Alliance with my life!"

Gordon tried not to swear to quickly or too passionately. He really needed them to believe that he was serious.

Angelica coldly watched him swear and then she stood up and looked him right in the eyes once again. Keeping his cool Gordon just smiled when she said.

"I will be seeing you."

And then she just left.

"Come on let's take you back to your cabin."

Roy said standing up only when Angelica had completely left the room.

Nodding Gordon meekly followed the pair back to his room.