Another Dimension

Looking around Gordon paced through the entire pocket space looking for anything that he could hide behind or within. Perhaps there was a crack in the stone he could squeeze into? Maybe there as a blind turn in the wall and there was actually more to this pocket then he could see from the gate. He was well aware of the fact that it had to not only hide him visually, but also hide his scent and aura.

As a G ranked apprentice beast master he didn't have much of an aura to speak of, but at least one of these behemoths seemed to be diamond rank if not more of them. And they would be out for blood.

He thought about leaving the elemental's dimension, but even if he wanted to, he couldn't. When he tried to go through the gate lost all power and what was once a shimmering haze of light blue became mirror like stone. The behemoths had set up some kind of lock on the gate. Of course they wouldn't want their prize to escape so easily while they weren't looking. 

Finally when Gordon had searched everywhere and found no where to hide in his desperation he rudely moved the elemental over. He couldn't worry about her evolution when both their lives were on the line. Sliding her a few inches to the side he found that she had been sitting on a second gate. Somehow she wasn't traveling through it despite being in contact with the spatial forces themselves. 

Thinking about it more, he guessed that this was actually self explanatory. Renier would of course place her most precious possessions within easy reach. Protecting this gate was probably why she was stuck here in the first place. Perhaps this stone cave was a pocket dimension that the behemoths had cleverly used to trap her.

Easily Gordon neared the dimensional portal and triggered its action. Transported to the other side of the gate he dropped onto a lush carpet of grass. It was darker than he was expecting and had to wait for his eyes to adjust. His first impression was of the incredibly rich soil smell that screamed health and vitality for any plant organism. Next he saw quite an austere and modest hut nestled into the crook of a cliff. The cliff, whose face formed an arc around a waterfall, basin, and a creek looked like it would meet up again in the distance. With a cresent moon hanging in the sky it felt like the cliffs were the moons mothering arms surrounding and encircling the denizens of this peaceful dimension. 

Looking back the way he had come, above him, to his surprise he saw that part of the cliff under the glowing portal was mirror smooth and showed the scene of the Renier's evolution from above and behind her head.

"What is this place?"

In a quiet voice Gordon spoke a few words, but his question fell flat as there was no one to answer him. Afraid that there might actually be someone or something here he turned to the side so that he could have his back to the wall, while still being able to watch what was happening.

"Please, please, say that she will evolve before the behemoths come back."

Praying for Renier, Gordon brought his hands up and clasped them together beseeching any and all gods with his prayer.

Normally Gordon was not a believer, but in this instance when the tides of fate had brought him such luck, but also such a twist. He had found a diamond rank beast that would form a deal with him, but in the end she was going to viciously attacked by the behemoths anyways. He found his emotions vying between wonder that he had found a diamond rank beast willing to work with him and terror that she wouldn't evolve fast enough.

Firming his jaw Gordon decided that he wouldn't go quietly. There had to be something that he could do.

Beasts were terribly vulnerable in the midst of evolution and Gordon had not only put Renier in an undetermined evolutionary state, but also she had dropped her golden barrier. It was too late now to go back and have her put it back up. Who knows if it would stay up in the first place while she was evolving.

Seeing that there was no action happening for the moment Gordon tentatively walked over to the hut and carefully opened the door.


A shriek practically blew his ear drums and then a shadow jumped through one of the two windows that Gordon could see. Not even one second later a large chubby rabbit stumbled to a stop in the middle of the small clearing outside of the hut.

"Please don't hurt me! Please!"

The rabbit like creature screamed frantically.

"No! No, it is okay, I won't hurt you! Please, it is okay!!"

Gordon's entreaty went unheard as the rabbit's own cries were far louder than his own.

Eventually he stopped trying to say anything and then finally when the rabbit could see his demeaner, hands behind his head and laying in the grass beside her, she started to calm. When Gordon then held his hands out weaponless palms out she finally calmed completely. Only a few tears were left soaking the hair of her little furry face. 

Unable to wait any longer he urgently asked her.

"Do you know of a way we could bring her in here and then close the gate?"

Obviously Gordon had already thought that the simplest way to gain some time would be to bring Renier here and then close the gate. Sure the behemoths might find their way here eventually, but perhaps Renier would gain some time to finish her evolution.

"What? You want to bring Renier home?"

Confused the rabbit tried to confirm what Gordon was saying.

"Yes! We need to do it now!"

Urgently Gordon ignored this rabbit's timid nature now and tried to steam roll her into getting moving.

"I suppose it is possible. But ..."

Talking over whatever she had been about to say Gordon jumped into action.

"Good, I will drag her through. You close the gate."

This might not be the best way to save Renier, but it was the only thing he could think of right this moment.

"Oh, ... uhmmm, okay ..."

Hesitantly the rabbit agreed to what he had asked. But Gordon had not stuck around to find out. Instead he had already rushed over and using the wall as a vertical jumping platform he stretched out reaching to grasp the lip of the portal. Thankfully when his hands came within a certain distance, the gate pulled him right in. 

Then saying another quick prayer to the gods he put his arms around the swirling mist of stars that were now so bright it hurt his eyes to even look at and dragged Renier back down into the portal that she had been guarding all this time.

"Done! Close the gate!!"

Yelling when he landed on his butt with Renier's evolutionary form on top Gordon reflected that Renier was so light and the starry mists that were currenlty all that he could see of the elemental made felt more like a gas or a liquid then a flesh and blood creature.

"Okay, okay!!"

The rabbit said and then waved swiping her paw in the air in a complicated gesture that a normal rabbit should never be able to make! However, the interdimensional gate disappeared.

"Phew, that was close."

Last he quickly crab crawled away from Renier. He wasn't exactly sure how touching her evolutionary form would affect her or him, actually, but he didn't want to delay her at all.

Laying back on the grass, Gordon was suddenly teased by the gentlest touch on his nose and face. An uncontrollable need to sneeze gathered, but then an even gentler wave of warmth and peace flowed into his body. Only now did he realize that his body was shutting down. He had no open wounds, but it was like his new Chi meridian pathways and perhaps his very soul had been shredded.

"Touching Master's evolutionary egg hurt you so much!"

The rabbit exclaimed while healing him.


Opening his eyes he saw the rabbit wiggling her nose at him while her paws were extended out as far as they would go to touch his cheek.

"Are you going to be my new master? My master said that she was leaving, but that before she left she would find me a new master. Are you going to be my new master?"

Just when Gordon thought that things were settling down for a little while he was confronted with the anxiety and fears of this little bunny.


It was unfortunately the case that he was really no good with comforting others. But he could see that this little rabbit was going to work herself up if he didn't do something to reassure her.