Calm Mind's Secret

"There are certain forms which empower the human body and certain positions that are weak."

The instructor patiently taught.

It was all mysterious to Gordan, but as he listened and the NPC demonstrated he became more and more amazed. It wasn't even just mimicking the exact pose, instead it was even important how one moved into a pose. Doing it one way would naturally tighten the muscles in the correct way. While taking the pose using the wrong method would look good, but it would significantly weaken the result. 

Again and again the instructor had Gordon take different poses and then use the slightest of touches to destabilize his center of gravity and force him out. For most of the afternoon Gordon was disbelieving despite the fact that the NPC demonstrated again and again allowing Gordon to try knocking him out of own form.

But no matter how hard Gordon pushed he could not get the NPC to move out of his power.