
Orignally Gordon had wanted to give a gift to Jessica and in doing so ask for a gift back, one that he could offer as a sacrifice during the Philos clan's first required quest for new initiates. However, Jessica had not given him a gift and he had not felt like he could ask for one. 

'Is it really a gift if it has to be asked for?'

Asking himself an important question Gordon shook his head. In the end it didn't matter Jessica was always doing something for him. Most likely she would give something to him before the dungeon run.

Putting aside the gift from Jessica, there were three places that Gordon had to go to find what he needed. He wanted to go to his old place of work, the laundry. Going by to pick up a couple new lichen fronds from the Beast Center was also on the list and finally going into one of the ruined sections that he used to frequent as a child.