Hi there, it's me, the almighty author! It's been a long time since you last heard from me, I know, and I've got some bad news—well, it depends on your point of view, really.
The thing is, I find myself unable to keep writing this story—sort of. I love it, and I adore the universe I've created for it. You have no idea—I have pages and pages of story already written... just none of them at the beginning, which is exactly where we are right now.
I've spent countless hours planning an enjoyable story with so many things to explore, but I just can't seem to find a way to reach that point.
So, I've been racking my brain these past few months, trying to find a solution. After a lot of thought, I've made the tough decision to remake the story at a later date—a reboot, if you will.
I'm really sorry for disappointing all of you. I hope you can understand my decision. It was my pleasure to work for you, see ya!