My wife smells nice

Inside the room, Julian pulled Eva into a warm hug. ''Thank you, Eva.'' He whispered into her ear, his voice trembling with emotion.

He had been living with the pain in his left arm for years—now, he could use his dominant hand fully.

Eva, unaware, patted his back in response, Ethan took her out of Julian's embrace, carrying her in his hands.

Her legs wrapped around his waist for support, his hands holding her waist.

Pinching his cheeks, ''Tell me before you lift me. My heart can't take it.'' She warned and squeezed his face into different shapes, her eyes lit up, 'so this is how it feels playing with someone's face, no wonder he likes squeezing my cheeks.'

A giggle escaped her lips before she could stop it. She pressed his cheeks, making his lips puff up.

Ethan's eyes softened, a flicker of helpless amusement dancing within them as he let her do whatever she pleased with his face.