
"Vahn!? Oh, thank goodness...!" exclaimed Rias, nearly tackling Vahn to the ground as she pounced upon him, hugging his face to her breasts and nestling the top of his head. She and the other members of the ORC had been evacuated for their safety, but when she sensed Vahn had returned through their contract, she couldn't resist teleporting to his side.

"I'm alright..." responded Vahn, his tone gentle and soothing as he placed his hands on Rias's waist and enjoyed the warmth, aroma, and softness of her breasts. He nearly grabbed her butt, but with so many people present, including her brother, he managed to catch himself at the last moment.

"Well, that was a development~" hummed Azazel, brushing himself off with his right hand. His left arm was missing from the bicep down, but he didn't seem particularly bothered by its loss as he wore a wry smile.

"Fortunately, there very few casualties on our side..." appended Sirzechs, exchanging glances and nods with Michael and Serafall before looking to Vahn and Rias, suggesting, "The two of you should return to your friends to reassure them and recenter yourselves. The four of us can take care of things from here."

Raising his face from Rias's breasts, Vahn turned to meet Sirzechs's gaze, his expression and tone calm as he offered a nod and affirmed, "Then we'll take you up on your offer. But please keep me in the loop...I might not be that strong just yet, but if there's anything I can help with, I'll do what I can..."

"Understood," responded Sirzechs, his relaxed smile becoming marginally more prominent. Ophis regarding Vahn as her kin had complicated things a bit, but since they had already agreed to a peace that depended heavily on his power and willingness to cooperate with their respective factions, it wasn't something they needed to address at that exact moment...




Though it took a while to reassure everyone, particularly Asia, that he was okay, Vahn eventually found himself in the nurse's office of the Old School Building, where Issei had been taken to rest. Asia's Twilight Healing could treat his physical injuries, but it couldn't recover stamina or restore mental and spirit energy. As such, he would require at least a few days to recover fully from his defeat against Vali.

"Oh, hey, man...glad to see you're still alive..." joked Issei, forcing a weary smile as Tsubasa, who had been tending to him in a sexy Nurse outfit, got up to leave, giving them a chance to speak privately.

"He actually killed me forty-seven times..." revealed Vahn, sporting a serious expression as he took a seat and added, "So you shouldn't take your defeat against him to heart. He was born with great power and has had a lifetime to refine it. If anything, it would have been unfair to him if you had won..."

"Yeah...that doesn't make me feel better..." responded Issei, shaking his head before lying down, closing his eyes, and asserting, "We all need to get a lot stronger..."

"That's what the upcoming training camp is for," reminded Vahn, offering a reassuring smile.

"Now that you mention it, I wonder what kind of training we'll be doing...?" asked Issei, opening his eyes and staring blankly at the ceiling, the image of Vali moving around at incomprehensible speeds appearing in his mind. He had given their battle everything he had, but even when he sped up to the point the rest of the world appeared to stop, he couldn't land so much as a single hit on the aptly named Vanishing Dragon...

"I'm not sure..." responded Vahn, shrugging as he contended, "But if we use the VR headsets in conjunction with the Corridor's time compression, we can spend something like fifty days in an anime world of our choosing for each day that passes outside. If the Room of Spirit and Time functions as it does in the anime, the compression ratio becomes nearly 6,000:1. We just need to put our noses to the grindstone, and it's only a matter of time before the frustration we're feeling now becomes Vali's to experience..."

"Yeah, you're right..." affirmed Issei, regaining his usual smile, closing his eyes, and raising his hands, his fingers wriggling lasciviously as he added, "But too much training is bad for the heart and mind. The version of Drag-so—I mean—the version of Dragon Ball we enter for training should have its ecchiness cranked to eleven..."

"It's possible..." conceded Vahn, crossing his arms and raising his gaze to the ceiling. He wasn't as far gone as Issei, but since every crush he had before coming to the Record of Highschool DxD was a fictional character from anime or manga, he could empathize with Issei's desire to get close to various characters. There was even a brief period where he had a crush on Bulma, but she was quickly replaced by characters like Nami from One Piece, Erza from Fairy Tail, and Yoruichi from Bleach...

'I think I might have a thing for strong-willed women...' Vahn conceded, causing a faint chuckle to echo in the recesses of his mind, courtesy of Sis.

Interrupting Vahn's introspection, Issei opened his eyes, looked at him, and asked, "Hey, if the virtual worlds influenced by your power become even more immersive than usual, does that mean we could enter Gundam and learn how to construct giant Mecha or warp drives for spaceships...?"

"It should be possible..." supposed Vahn, nodding affirmingly but quickly adding, "But we shouldn't introduce such advanced and destructive tech into the world just because it's cool. I won't stop you if you want to study engineering in a sci-fi setting, but as people vested with great power, we need to keep in mind that our actions have consequences..."

"Still, it would be pretty awesome, right...?" asked Issei, his brown eyes glistening with excitement as he pictured himself building and piloting his own Mecha. He also dreamed of completing a PocketDex and building a breast-themed castle or theme park, but piloting Mechas and holding the line against impossible odds while his allies escaped to safety were men's romances.

"It would be," confirmed Vahn, rising to his feet and extending his left fist as he expressed, "Anyways, I'm going to head out. We can talk about this again over the break."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast or in class..." responded Issei, reciprocating Vahn's fist bump before sitting up in anticipation of Tsubasa returning to continue nursing him back to health...




"Did I die and return to Heaven...?" asked Vahn, a broad smile developing across his face as he entered his room to find it had been cleaned up and refurbished. More significantly, Rias, Sona, Akeno, Tsubaki, Koneko, Asia, and Xenovia were gathered within, waiting atop his bed in their respective shades of sexy lingerie, complete with stockings and garter belts.

"Consider this your punishment for doing something reckless as well as your reward for returning safely..." hummed Rias, running her hands down her abdomen and between her thighs as she sat positioned at the group's center on her knees, flanked by Akeno and Sona.

Piggybacking off Rias's words, Sona, sporting a serious expression and cleaning her glasses with Magic, stated, "You mentioned that the White Dragon Emperor had killed you forty-seven times. Put simply, you won't be leaving this room or its counterpart in the Corridor until you've reached completion forty-nine times. That's seven per person..."

"Let's do this..." responded Vahn, pulling away the black ribbon around his neck with a determined look. Doing it forty-nine times back to back was a lot, even for him, but if he paced himself, he was confident he could get it down within eight to ten hours.

"Wow,'re not daunted by anything~" hummed Rias, sporting a narrow-eyed smile as she looked to Xenovia, surprising the blue-haired, green-tuft swordswoman by stating, "Since she's new to all of this, we've decided to let your self-proclaimed sword kick things off."

"You're referring to me...?" asked Xenovia, pointing confusedly to herself. When Rias nodded, her generally brown eyes gained a glistening violet hue as she turned to meet Vahn's gaze with a nervous but notably excited smile. She had hoped that her turn would come eventually, but she hadn't expected Rias to nominate her, causing her opinion of the crimson-haired Devil to improve considerably.

"Alright, then. Do you have any special requests?" asked Vahn, offering a supportive smile as he permitted Akeno and Asia to remove his remaining clothes. He personally felt that his and Xenovia's first time should be just the two of them, but since she had joined the group of her own accord, he felt it was his duty as both a man and her chosen Master to acknowledge and respect her conviction.

Swallowing hard, Xenovia nodded and sheepishly requested, "Could you transform into an Angel...?"

"I can do you one better..." responded Vahn, closing his eyes and recalling the auras of Michael, his angelic subordinates, and even Azazel. Despite the latter being a Fallen, his aura wasn't all that disparate from Michael's and, to a lesser extent, Vali's. It seemed that all Angels were derived from the same template, so by isolating what made them different and focusing on their commonalities, Vahn managed to sprout a pair of luminous, pure-white wings that caused everyone but Xenovia to grimace slightly. At the same time, his hair shifted from brown to white, an effect that extended to his eyebrows and lashes.

"Vahn...whatever you're doing, I think you need to stop..." expressed Rias, prompting Vahn to open his sky blue eyes, set with golden, cross-shaped pupils. He hadn't realized it, but a three-ringed golden halo had appeared behind his head, provoking Xenovia and Asia to clasp their hands in prayer while everyone else stared at him with discomfort.

As the very last thing he wanted was to make those around him anxious or uncomfortable, Vahn's hair transitioned from white to black, his eyes shifting to a luminous shade of pale gold, and the halos framing his head vanishing with the awe-inspiring aura that had permeated his domain and the room as a whole.

"Sorry about that..." said Vahn, offering an awkward smile and cupping his head as he joked, "I guess I got a little too close to God's original design. If I had known it would cause everyone discomfort, I wouldn't have tried it..."

"Vahn-sama really is God's Proxy..." muttered Asia, her emerald-green eyes glistening with even more zeal than usual as she and Xenovia kept their hands clasped in prayer.

"I'm just me..." contended Vahn, his smile cramping as he retracted his silvery-white wings, met Xenovia's gaze, and questioned, "Is this good enough?"

"It's more than a lowly servant such as myself deserves..." answered Xenovia, adjusting her position so that she was lying on her back near the bed's edge, propped up by her elbows and with her legs spread, revealing a growing stain on her mint-green, transparent lace panties.

Exhaling faintly from his nose, Vahn resisted the urge to chastise Xenovia for calling herself a lowly servant. Instead, he approached her with a faint smile and drew her legs together, enabling him to remove her panties and expose her smooth, freshly shaven mons and glistening vulva.

"W-Wait a second, Vahn-sama! I made sure to cleanse it thoroughly, but that place is still unclean...!" exclaimed Xenovia, panicking as Vahn spread her legs, slipped his hands under her thighs, and lowered his mouth to her bottom lips. When he ignored her in favor of promptly slipping his hot and wet tongue between her folds, she felt like she would suffer from a panic attack, her heart beating powerfully in her chest and her eyes becoming a luminous shade of violet.

"Nothing that Vahn-sama's lips and tongue touch is unclean..." asserted Asia, slipping her legs under Xenovia's arms and hugging the blue-haired woman's head as Rias and Sona stacked pillows behind her for additional support. What followed was nearly twenty minutes of Vahn cementing his place in Xenovia's heart by driving her to the thin line separating madness from pleasure. By the time he was finished, she had orgasmed more times than she could count, but that was nothing compared to the pure ecstasy that came from becoming one with him, his insertion alone causing her to arch, squirt, and slip in and out of consciousness...


