
"If we don't conclude this'll be late for your meeting with Zeoticus-sama..." panted Grayfia, hunched forward as she raised and lowered her hips with Vahn's right hand resting on her lower back, his gaze fixed on where they were connected, seated on the hot spring's perimeter.

Since he had already stepped into the deep end, Vahn caused Grayfia's heart to flutter slightly as he said, "I want you to accompany me when I enter the virtual world...I feel sorry for your husband, but we're going to keep doing this until you want to be at my side, not because you feel like you need to..."

"As Goshujin-sama wills..." responded Grayfia, sitting flush against Vahn's lap and arching her back, prompting him to support her with his right hand and stick his left middle and ring fingers into her open mouth, causing her teeth to gently bite down on them as he pinched her tongue. At the same time, he released such a tremendous volume of semen inside of her that it squirted out, coating his testicles and dripping into the hot spring in thick, viscous, faintly rainbow-hued strings.


Though it wasn't her first time receiving Vahn's creampie, Grayfia's eyelids fluttered, her eyes rolling back slightly as she panted heavily in the throes of a powerful orgasm. It wasn't in her nature to moan, but the shuddering of her body, the trembling of her thighs, and the greedy contracting of her insides made it clear she was feeling it.

"You might be the first woman I legitimately want to conquer..." muttered Vahn, his breathing less labored than Grayfia's but his teeth clattering as he retracted his fingers from her mouth, closed his eyes, and leaned back against the cool-feeling stone lining the Checkpoint's floor, his hands and arms splayed out to his sides from contentedness and exhaustion.

Hearing Vahn's utterance, a sultry smile adorned Grayfia's face as she stole a glance back at him, her silver eyes narrowing as she caressed her lower abdomen and rhythmically tensed her insides, extracting every last drop of semen from his urethra before shifting forward and rising from his lap. Then, after turning around, she knelt between his thighs, sinking into the water with her arms resting atop them before giving his still-erect and pulsating dick a very thorough cleaning with her left hand, mouth, tongue, and throat...




Arriving mere seconds before they were scheduled to meet Zeoticus, waiting for them outside the palace's entrance with a luxurious carriage ready to take them to their destination, Vahn hurried over with the faintly smiling Grayfia following close behind.

"Ah,'re right on time..." remarked Zeoticus, adopting a faint smile as he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did you enjoy your first night in the castle~?" with a playful tone.

Reciprocating with a smile of his own, Vahn prompted a brow raise from Zeoticus as he answered, "The accommodations and hospitality of House Gremory have far exceeded my expectations..." with a degree of collected familiarity that hadn't been present the previous evening.

"I'm pleased to hear that. Feel free to treat this as your own home from now on.." expressed Zeoticus, nodding approvingly before gesturing to the carriage with his left hand, asking, "Shall we...?"

Nodding, Vahn boarded the carriage, prompting Grayfia to enter behind him, followed closely by Zeoticus. Once inside, Zeoticus sat with his back to the front of the carriage, opposite Grayfia and Vahn, as he rested his right ankle atop his left knee, linked his fingers atop his lap, and revealed, "Our destination is near the outskirts of the Sitri domain, the location of a manor belonging to the former wife of the current Lord Bael. It will take us approximately two hours to arrive. In the meantime, I wonder if you would be willing to entertain the prospect of becoming a partner of our Gremory Large Enterprises..."

"What do I need to do...?" asked Vahn, getting straight to the point, his expression and tone serious, prepared to do whatever he had to ensure the way of life he was gradually cultivating.

"Simply put, we wish to catalog, help harvest, store, and redistribute the items acquired from your Corridor of Intertwined Fates," stated Zeoticus, his deep blue eyes gleaming with intelligence and business acumen as he presented, "To aid in this enterprise, I would like to endow you a sizeable amount of land in the Human World. I would have liked to bequeath you a portion of our domain, but I imagine Heaven and Grigori would prefer you to remain accessible to their representatives..."

"I would be happy to work with father-in-law to ensure our mutual profit and prosperity," expressed Vahn, nodding affirmingly before stating, "But I don't wish to crash or inundate the existing market. Instead, Azazel and I came up with the idea of vesting the items acquired from the Corridor to those who perform meritorious deeds or achieve results in the reformated Rating Games. As for items that can be sold for profit, I've been informed that your wife specializes in the acquisition and distribution of rare crops. Please, take a look at these..."

"Ah, this must be the Crimson Bapple I read about in Grayfia's report...the color is even more exquisite than I imagined..." hummed Zeoticus, inhaling the apple's mellow aroma as Vahn cast a glance at Grayfia, causing her to close her eyes and turn away from him.

Taking a bite from the Bapple, Zeoticus's brows raised, his eyes widening as he remarked, "This is no mere fruit...this has the potential to drastically influence everything from produce to pharmaceuticals..."

"And it's just the tip of an incomprehensibly immense iceberg," expressed Vahn, exuding confidence as he asserted, "Given time, we will be able to harvest beans that can mend all wounds and replenish stamina, peaches that can extend the consumer's life, and carrots that don't simply improve eyesight, but cure conditions like cataracts."

"It appears your time with my wife has been fruitful..." hummed Zeoticus, causing Vahn to tense, his face warming as the crimson-haired man took a second bite from the Bapple, ostensibly enjoying seeing him squirm and become flustered.

Piggybacking off his words, Zeoticus took another crisp-sounding bite of the Bapple before stating, "As you pointed out, it is my wife who handles our produce and indigenous craft markets. I think I will have her become the liaison representing Gremory Large Enterprises in your territory. Given her particular set of skills and experience, I believe she is the best-suited to the position..."

"She would be an invaluable source of wisdom..." responded Vahn, doing his best not to appear too anxious or excited as he added, "But, as we will be managing the territory together, I believe Rias and Sona should have a say in the matter..."

"But of course..." hummed Zeoticus, storing the Bapple's core in a pocket dimension for later analysis as he added, "But, even if it is only for a brief period, I believe she would serve well as your Chief Operations Officer or its equivalent. Rias doesn't have a good sense for business, and Princess Sona has already decided the course of her future. There is the daughter of House Phenex, but she will require at least a few years of experience to oversee and manage a large group."

Prompted by Zeoticus's words, Vahn recalled the image of a petite and exceptionally astute girl with vibrant blue eyes and gold-blonde hair set in drill-like twin tails. The last time he encountered Ravel, she was speaking about becoming one of his many wives as if the matter were decided, but due to his numerous stints in the Corridor, that conversation now felt like a lifetime ago...




After a little more than two hours of sailing through the sky, facilitated by the armored horse's ability to run on empty air, Vahn found himself guided through a strange and modest estate with a blue facade and bright yellow stairs, windows, and shutters. The grounds were breathtaking, covered in a wide variety of flowers, neatly pruned shrubs, and ivy, but Vahn couldn't help frowning due to the familiar smell of disinfectant that permeated the manor's interior.

"May I present Lady Misla Bael..." said a portly, brown-haired Butler, having guided Vahn, Zeoticus, and Grayfia through the manor's interior to a room that precariously had a set of stairs leading down from its entrance, walls covered in landscape paintings, and, most importantly, a large bed with a beautiful, brown-haired woman affixed to a host of medical devices. Vahn had never seen such designs before, but he could extrapolate what most of the devices did from personal experience...

"Such a shame..." muttered Zeoticus, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Misla's beauty had diminished with her failing body, but even with slightly sunken cheeks and eyes, she was still breathtaking, comparable to the greatest work of a master painter.

"Well, what do you think? Can you treat her...?" asked Zeoticus, directing the question and a look of curiosity Vahn's way. He and Grayfia had both noticed the change in Vahn's aura and demeanor the moment they arrived at the manor, but they could only speculate the reasons behind it.

"Nn...I should be able to do something..." muttered Vahn, surprising the portly Butler quite a bit.

Shaking his head, Vahn met Zeoticus's gaze and added, "But I will need everyone but Grayfia to leave the room. From there, the treatment itself should only take a few minutes."

"Very well. Let us depart," stated Zeoticus, shifting his gaze to the Butler, preventing him from protesting. He was exceedingly curious about how Vahn intended to treat Misla, as they hadn't even informed him what was wrong with her, but so long as she could be treated, questions regarding how could wait...

Waiting until Zeoticus and the Butler had departed, Grayfia, sporting a serious expression, asked, "Does Goshujin-sama require my assistance? Please, tell me what I must do."

Nodding, Vahn explained, "I need you to erect a barrier and ensure we're not being surveilled. Afterward...I need you to promise never to reveal the method I use to treat Lady Misla. If you can't, I will take her body into the Corridor and treat her there..."

"Understood..." responded Grayfia, unhesitantly erecting several layers of barriers, effectively sealing off the room in an alternate dimension before bowing steeply and asserting, "I swear upon the contract that unites us, I, Grayfia Lucifuge, shall not divulge anything that transpires in this space without my Master's, Vahn Mason's, express permission..."

"Thank you..." expressed Vahn, his expression softening with a tinge of lasciviousness as he added, "I'll be sure to reward you properly once we have a moment alone..."

"I'm already looking forward to it..." responded Grayfia, raising her head and meeting Vahn's with an irresistibly alluring smile. It was so effective, in fact, that he couldn't help leaning in to kiss her, prompting a protracted entangling of tongues and an exchange of saliva.

Separating from Grayfia after nearly three straight minutes, Vahn held her gaze, licked his lips, and explained, "Alright...I need you to bite my fingers enough to draw blood. And don't worry...I'm accustomed to pain..."

Though she had numerous questions, Grayfia didn't hesitate to bite down on Vahn's right index and middle fingers as he slid them into her awaiting mouth and depressed her tongue. At first, she only drew a minute amount of blood, but when he firmly ordered her to bite harder, she practically bit down to the bone.

"Good girl..." whispered Vahn, extracting his fingers from Grayfia's mouth and holding a towel under them as he moved to Misla's bedside, making things a bit clearer and arousing several other questions as he slid them into the comatose woman's mouth, allowing his blood to drip directly into her throat. He initially planned to run an IV from his arm to hers, but since Grayfia's lips following their kiss were too tantalizing, Vahn made things a bit more convoluted than they needed to be. Fortunately, while there was no change to her outward condition, Vahn and Grayfia alike could feel the Demonic Power in Misla's body stirring in response to his blood, regaining its stability within seconds...


