'That's pretty high...' noted Vahn, raising his gaze skyward as Goku and his opponent, Nam, bounded several hundred meters into the air, leading to an aerial exchange of punches and kicks. Curiously, unlike in the canon, Goku didn't land first, so Nam wasn't able to temporarily incapacitate him. Instead, Goku demonstrated his uncanny ability to copy(steal) techniques by sending the desert native flying using a blast of frigid wind, forcing the turban-wearing man into a ring-out.
"Alright! I made it to the Finals...!" exclaimed Goku, beaming from ear to ear and throwing up double peace signs that garnered him considerable fanfare from the crowd. Immediately after, Michael had him conduct an impromptu interview, asking him various questions about himself, his tail, and how he had gotten so strong despite his young age.
"And with that out of the way, can we please have Mr. Mason enter the arena!?" exclaimed Michael, prompting Krillin, who had come out to help explain things on Goku's behalf, to leave while he emerged with a relaxed smile.
"I hope you're ready, Vahn! Because I'm not going to go easy on you...!" exclaimed Goku, adopting a peculiar pose with his feet spread wide, his knees bent, and his arms held out to the side, slightly bent with his hands clenched into fists.
"Sure. Give it your best..." responded Vahn, adopting a slightly hunched posture with his hands held as if he were prepared to grab and flip Goku over him. At this point, Goku's Power Level was actually two points higher than Roshi's at 135 to the latter's 133, so he couldn't be underestimated. His own Power Level was decently higher at 238, but as Goku had started the tournament at 126, it wasn't an exaggeration to state the pint-sized Saiyan could achieve victory if he were given the opportunity to acclimate to the difference in their strength.
"Then, since both fighters appear to be ready, let the final round of the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai begin...!" shouted Michael, punctuating his words by making a beeline for cover.
"Alright, then, here goes...!" exclaimed Goku, smiling confidently as he borrowed a page out of Roshi's book by producing a total of three hazy afterimages. His movements were far beyond what the spectators could follow, but Vahn managed to track him through his domain, allowing him to weave his head and upper body back as Goku passed in front of him, performing a swift flying kick.
'Let's wrap this up before the moon comes out...' thought Vahn, reaching out with his right hand as Goku passed, grabbing the young Saiyan's tail. The moment he did, Goku reacted as though he had been shocked, every nerve and muscle in his body tensing before going limp. Vahn found this a little strange, as Goku was able to dangle by and support himself atop his tail, but having it grabbed caused him to lose his power.
"Aw, man...I wanted to be the champion..." groaned Goku, unable to do more than twitch the muscles in his fingers as Vahn dangled him by his tail, looked to where Michael was hiding, and said, "Since my opponent is no longer able to fight, I believe this is my victory."
Though briefly confused, Michael eventually noticed that Goku wasn't moving. Tournament regulations, however, said that an opponent either had to give up themselves, be knocked out, or be sent out of the arena, so after a brief exchange, Vahn walked to the edge of the stone arena and gently lowered Goku to the lush green grass below. It was an exceedingly anti-climactic conclusion to the tournament from the spectators' points of view, but since the horizon was a beautiful shade of orange and the moon was already high in the sky, Vahn concluded it was best to wrap things up before Goku transformed and was revealed to be capable of turning into a giant ape monster...
"Ahm, nom, nom, nom...!"
clack clack clack clack
No longer even a little concerned with his defeat in the Finals, Goku was enjoying another feast prepared by Grayfia, this time in a banquet hall of the Intertwining Dragon's Palace. The following morning, he planned to set out on a training journey, but for that night, he seemed determined to eat himself into a food coma.
"To think you were a God from another world...and here I thought I was through with surprises at my age..." sighed Roshi, internally feeling more than a little jealous as he eyed the Maids serving them food and alcohol. Even the homeliest among them looked like they could be a model with a bit of touching up, yet with Vahn around, he couldn't flirt with or resort to his usual antics of feigning senility to receive benefits from them.
"That might be true for your world, but there are countless others with sights and sounds you can't even imagine without description," remarked Vahn.
"If I were a younger man, I might have wanted to explore such worlds to experience what they hold myself..." sighed Roshi. However, as he had a three-months-pregnant Lunch waiting for his return, much to the latter's chagrin, he at least needed to make sure she and their child were settled and taken care of before setting his sights elsewhere...
Unaware of Roshi's rather predatory thoughts, Vahn briefly considered making arrangements for the elderly Master to have his youth returned to him before deciding against it. He felt it was better for everyone if Roshi returned to his remote island and continued being a hermit, so instead of speaking, he closed his eyes and took a slow sip from a sizeable crimson sake cup...
[September 16th DxD/May 10th DBT]
"Mmm...I can feel the tips of my fingers and toes tingling..." remarked Vahn, lying facedown atop a massage table as Grayfia gently squeezed the brown, monkey-like tail protruding from his lower back, the result of him emulating a Saiyan's physiology.
"Shall I squeeze a bit harder...?" asked Grayfia, her tone sultry as she punctuated her words by doing precisely that. In the process, Vahn felt the tingling sensation spread through his arms and along his spine, giving him a greater understanding of the hurdles Goku would need to overcome if he wanted to keep his tail.
Appearing a short distance away from a golden Magic Circle, Venelana's violet eyes briefly shimmered like a predator when she saw Vahn's naked body before she promptly restrained herself to calmly and dutifully reveal, "Yasaka and her daughter arrived a short while ago with their attendants. They await you in the Golden Fox Pavilion on the eighth floor."
"Mmn...thanks for coming all this way to inform me..." expressed Vahn, having already been informed of the duo's arrival by the palace's system but deciding to keep that to himself as he got up from the massage table, hefted the flaxen-haired Devil up by her voluminous butt, and gave her a lengthy kiss to express his gratitude. In the process, Grayfia startled him quite a bit by abruptly kneeling behind him, but since he had never once pooped since receiving The Path, he allowed her to do as she pleased as Venelana raised the hem of her white and black dress to allow him to slide his very erect cock between her warm, wet, and pliable thighs...
"Behold, Shiroyuki-chan...!" exclaimed Kunou, holding up an adorable snow-white fox with three tails and distinctive red markings around its eyes and on its forehead. It also had streaks of red running through its tails, but its most prominent features were the tiny three-pronged antlers protruding from its large ears and large, ruby-like eyes.
"Wow, it's almost as cute as you..." hummed Vahn, attempting to accept Shiroyuki from Kunou, but the tiny fox nipped at his fingers, making it clear it didn't wish to be held.
"Hey, don't be mean to Chichiue..." muttered Kunou, chastizing Shiroyuki and then flushing slightly at the realization she had just referred to Vahn as her father.
"I take it back...you're way cuter..." hummed Vahn, gently ruffling Kunou's head and hair with his left hand. Shiroyuki appeared to take exception to this, narrowing her ruby-red, slit-like eyes, but since Kunou had instructed her to behave, that was all she did...
After a few hours of playing games like illusionary tag, hide and seek, and divination Daifugo, Vahn found himself in the somewhat awkward position of relaxing in a bath with Kunou seated between his legs, reclining against him. Yasaka had convinced him it was normal for fathers and daughters to bathe together as late as the commencement of high school, and since he knew this to be a longstanding custom in Japan, particularly in traditional households, Vahn ultimately agreed to wash and rinse Kunou's hair, back, and tails before allowing her to do the same, all while Shiroyuki observed him like a hawk.
Catching Vahn a little off guard, Kunou broke the lengthy silence that had settled between them by leaning her head back and stating, "Hahaue told me you can extend a single day into many years...I know it's selfish of me to ask this of you...but could we stay together like a family until you are no longer my Chichiue but my Danna...?"
"It's not impossible..." conceded Vahn, reaching up to gently massage Kunou's scalp around her ears as he softly expressed, "But, while I don't regret how things developed between me, Rias, and Venelana, I believe it would be best for you to find and date someone else..."
"I refuse..." responded Kunou, her voice faint but firm as she raised her chin slightly and closed her eyes, enjoying having her scalp massaged as Vahn was remarkably good at it.
Before Vahn could reason with her, Kunou stated, "I want my children to have the best chance to survive, and you're undeniably the best prospect. I will bear Chichiue's offspring..."
"Perhaps..." conceded Vahn, deciding not to fight the young kitsune on the matter. Instead, he appended, "But you're going to have to wait until you mature and your mother and I have a chance to produce a sibling for you. If you're still determined to be my bride by the time you turn twenty, I'll gladly welcome you..."
"Twenty..." repeated Kunou, her expression morphing into a pouty frown. Considering there was no limit to her lifespan, eight years was a relatively short period. However, since she had already decided that Vahn would be her husband and the father of her children, it felt like he was asking her to wait an eternity.
"Until then..." started Vahn, looking over to where Shiroyuki was lying atop a white towel before smiling and expressing, "You should continue looking after and growing alongside Shiroyuki. While it's important, there is more to life than passing on your genes, so before you settle down and become a mother, you should aspire to become a strong and capable woman who can accomplish anything you put your mind to. That way, when you finally become a mother, you will have set a positive example for your children to follow..."
"Mmm...I suppose..." muttered Kunou, unable to deny the reasoning and wisdom in Vahn's words. At the same time, however, she was concerned as she and Millicas had gotten along surprisingly well when they formed a Party on the 0th Floor. He had even made an off-handed comment about making her his Queen when he began filling out his Peerage, and the self-assurance he demonstrated while acting as the leader of their Party both impressed and frightened her. Then there was the fact he seemed to have no concept of boundaries, resulting in him incessantly endeavoring to pet her head and offering to brush her tails...
Alleviating at least some of Kunou's concerns, Vahn appended, "As far as staying together is concerned...we'll discuss the matter with your mother. If she's willing, we can at least spend a month or two together before you return to Kyoto..."
"Humu...Chichiue has at least some sense..." hummed Kunou, clearly very pleased as she tilted her head back and parted her lips slightly, asserting, "But, for the crime of making me sad, Chichiue's punishment is to give me a kiss..."
"Behave yourself, or we won't be able to take baths together..." said Vahn, punctuating his words by planting a kiss on Kunou's forehead. She puffed her cheeks adorably in response, but since she was intelligent enough to understand when to take a step back, she closed her eyes and placed her plans of seducing him on the back burner...