One Down

"The heir ? How is he the heir?" I didn't realize I said this out loud until grandma replied.

"Why do you sound so surprised? You thought your husband was the heir, didn't you?"

This is the first time this old lady has talked to me directly.

"Well, Eric is Anthony's oldest son." I said.

"That's where you are wrong, you bad omen." She spat.

I looked around the table, hoping this wasn't true. No one was saying a word.

"Actually, Adriana, Brother Daven is the oldest. Eric is the second son." Selena offered.

I stared at her in disbelief and then at every other person on the table.

So these people are trying to tell me that I got married to the second of the family thinking he was the first? Thinking he was the heir?

And now they say Daven is the heir? Daven looks nothing like Selena and Eric.

I was about to challenge them and tell them it was a lie! The information I got online showed only two children, Eric and Selena, Eric being the oldest. And for Francis, he has only one daughter.

And even that stupid Raphael did not tell me about Daven.

"So, are there any other family members I haven't met? Apart from Daven?" I asked, hoping I'll get their mind off how disappointed I was. Not that it mattered much, but things would be a lot easier for me if I were the wife of the heir.

"No, that's all." Selena smiled.

"As I was saying," their grandma continued. "There would be a welcoming party for the heir of the Willingham family."

"Look, mother, I don't care who came first! But Daven is not my heir! He's an alcoholic and he'll just fail me again, like he did in the past." Anthony yelled.

"Not up to 48 hours," Grandma said, also standing up. "This girl hasn't been in this house for up to 48 hours, but look at how we are breaking. See Eric!"

"Mother, Adriana is my choice. I chose her for Eric. I don't want to hear anything against her!" Anthony backed me up. Then he stomped out of the hall.

"She's a bad omen, I tell you! But no one ever listens!" Grandma said before finally leaving the room.

The table was silent.

Daven was still there, his eyes glancing at me occasionally.

"You shouldn't have married this girl." Francis said.

It seemed I was the only one on the table who still had my appetite. I'm not completely against the fights and arguments. This way, I get to know the people on my side and those I need to be wary of.

The silence continued until a phone rang.

It was Francis's phone.

"Yes?" His brows furrowed as he listened to the person on the other side.

"What do you mean Raphael got arrested? How did that happen?"

I almost jumped in joy when I heard that part.

"What, uncle? Raphael? How?" Eric asked. He was almost grabbing his collar.

"Call Anthony. I'm going to the station, " Francis said, dropping the fork and standing on his feet.

"Look, make sure this doesn't get to the media, it won't be good." He said to the person on the phone.

I wish I could tell him, "Too Late Uncle." But I guess it's best I let him find out on his own.

My smile faded when I saw Daven looking at me intently.

What the heck freak?

"Should I come along, uncle?" He said, taking his eyes off me.

"No, Daven, just stay here. Okay?" Francis said and then left.

The table became a gossip lounge the moment Francis stepped out.

Everyone was curious about what Raphael had done.

"Oh!" Selena yelled. "It's already posted on social media already."

"What? What does it say?" I said, moving closer.

"Personal Advisor to the Willinghams, Raphael Rodriguez Caught in some shady deals." She read out loud.

"This is terrible." Bianca Gasped.

They all continued to share their surprise and how this would affect their family name.

I took this as a chance to leave the room and get my job completed.

I made my way to the exit before calling to confirm where Raphael was taken to.

I got there the time Francis was about to leave, from his scrunched nose to furrowed brows. One could tell he was not able to resolve the issue this time.

I stepped in the moment he left and went straight to where I could meet Raphael.

"What do you want?" Was the first thing he asked when he spotted me.

"Oh, Raphael, I don't look like a heartless person now, do I?" I smiled at his misery.

"I'm here to help my partner get out of this." I added.

"Even Francis couldn't help," he scoffed.

"Maybe little Adriana is smarter than Francis." I said.

"Look," I leaned closer to him.

"There is more evidence about your crimes," I said, and I watched his eyes widen at my words.

"The police would lay their hands on it soon and then, you'd be done for."

"So? You're saying?"

"I'm saying I can help."

"How, Adriana? How?" He was almost yelling at this point.

"I know someone. He'd help you escape from here," his blinked his eyes severally, trying to understand what I was talking about.

"He'll help you leave town too. But then, you'll have to live a low-key life." I stated. "And don't show your face in town. At least not until all of this is resolved."

I was surprised at his reaction. He agreed immediately.


Once he leaves town, there's no coming back. He'll become a fugitive. With that, I won't have a blackmailer stressing me.

I left the station and headed back home. With the way everything was on fire, I was positive no one noticed my exit.

I met them all in the living room, discussing the situation.

"Let's stay out of it. otherwise, our family will be dragged." Anthony suggested.

I shook my head at their selfish gesture. He knows clearly that he is involved in this, I just don't have enough evidence to prove it. It is, however, terrible that they decide to dump Raphael, who has been their day one.

"Such a careless bastard!" Anthony added in anger. He was so angry that he choked on his saliva. He was coughing non-stop.

"Father," I said, picking up the closest bottle of water and handing it to him.

"Thank you, my dear." He said as I opened the cap and helped him.

No one had to tell me, I could feel Daven's eyes on my back. His stares are always so intense that I feel like there is a heavy load on my back.

"Adriana, thank you." Bianca said, moving towards her husband.

"It's okay, mother." I smiled.

This time, I caught Eric's eyes on me, too.

"I'll be heading to my room, I hope you get to resolve your issues." I announced.

"Thanks, Good night, dear." Anthony said.

I walked upstairs and called Kent on the way.

"Great job!" Were my words the moment he picked up.

"Anything for the mission." He smiled.

Kent has been my friend for as long as I can remember. From high school. I used to save him from the bullies then, we'd hang out all day, and I'll show him all the scars I got from the Willinghams. Though I never mentioned that I was killed, I only ralk about the torture. He was the only one I could tell how much I missed my parents. And now, I'm nothing without him. My mission is nothing without him.

It makes things easier that he graduated and got a job with the Willinghams.

"They have released him. We are sending him out now." He said.

"Okay, that is great. Make sure you instill enough fear in him,we don't want him having the guts to return." I said. And then I felt it again.

Those eyes were on me.

I almost screamed when I turned around just to see Daven.

"My goodness!" I said at the top of my voice.

This is getting creepy.

But most importantly, did this guy happen to hear me?