
The crowd was now gathered around them, watching the drama unfold.

Eric and Daven were still in disbelief.

They were trying to convince themselves that their father wouldn't do this. But here he was.

Anthony stretched his hands, waiting for them to drop it.

Daven knew at that moment that he wasn't playing.

Avoiding any more drama, he walked to his father and dropped his car keys in his hands.

Their mother who was clutching

Anthony's hands begged. "Honey, don't do this to them. Daven is the CEO. This is embarrassing."

Anthony pulled his hands away from his wife.

"Who stood behind him when he became the CEO?" he raised a brow. "That's right. Mother did. And now, he chose to betray her,"

All eyes were on Daven as he walked out of the mansion. He

didn't look back, he could feel every guest's gaze on his back, but still, he didn't flicker, or stumble. He just kept walking until he was out of sight.