
Taylor groaned at the sound of his phone ringing.

The last thing he needed this night was a distraction. With Michelle gone, he could finally focus without bothering about her presence causing any chaos

"Maybe she's the one calling," She hadn't called him since when she left for her aunt's place. He smiled a bit at the thought of hearing her babyish voice.

Stretching his hand across the table, he picked his phone. His smile fell when the name on the lit up screen was not Michelle but Selena.

"Fuck," He thought of ignoring it. He was not in the mood for her at the moment.

But he took a deep breath, then answered.

"My love," Selena said, she was almost crying.

"Hi love, What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I missed you. And I'm a bit stressed from work. That's all." She said,

Taylor rolled his eyes, almost asking 'what work.'