
"Why would it be?"

I mean, she hated the heartless soul. He killed Matteo.

He is nothing but a monster.

She's probably just having some stomach pains. Nothing serious.

"Your Highness," The Queen also greeted with a polite courtes, though there was nothing polite about the snaky look in her eyes.

She also had similar features with her daughter.

Long dark hair, tanned skin, and perfect curves. Too perfect for her age.

Tryphon only responded with nods. His hands were still holding to Iris'. And for a moment there she felt over aware of how she was held so softly.

"Now that you've all met, I'll love to have a moment with the future King," Queen Erica said as if the said "Future King" Was not her son!

"Sure, Your majesty," Princess Amaani replied in place of her parents.

With that, the three walked off into the party.

"Tryphon, we need to talk," The formality was cut when the Royals of Qainer left them.