Chapter 15 – Home Sweet...Military Compound?

Too overloaded with information from the rune stone in the Temple, and having scavenged all the information he could, Rain decides it's time to head back to the mortal realm. He turns his attention to the mist-enveloped archway behind the rune stone, which he assumes is the exit. Walking over to stand in front of it, he smiles broadly. 

'Now that this is actually might be the best thing that ever happened to me. It'll be easy to get a cushy job, status, life won't be shit anymore...'

With those hopes in his heart, Rain calmly steps through the mist. 


Rains eyes open, and white light floods his perception. As he looks around to gather his bearings, he's able to confirm that he's still in the same white interrogation room as before.

'...and I'm still strapped to this damn chair...'

Letting out a deep sigh, he glares at the one-way glass in front of him, expecting Aron or someone else to address him. However, almost a minute passes with no reaction. 

'The hell?' 

"Ehem...Chosen Aron...or, someone...can I get a little assistance in here? Also, a nutribar would really hit the spot after three weeks eating raw Fel meat."

A few seconds later, he hears the faint sound of something clattering. After a long pause, the familiar static of the room's speaker finally crackles above him. Aron's voice comes through, and it has the distinct trace of...shock. 

"Uh...Rain, oh wow! You made it back...congrats!" 

'Did he assume I was gonna die!?' 

Rain rolls his eyes at the glass in front of him and gives it a humorless smirk. 

"Gee...thanks for the vote of confidence. What took you so long, were you asleep in there?" 

There's a long pause from the speaker before it crackles again. 

"Guilty...I mean, everyone's asleep though. It's the middle of the night now, you've been out for a long time. But don't worry, I had a member of my squad keeping an eye on you while I slept!"

'Wow, what a delegator...'

Rain gestures towards his restraints with his head, raising his eyebrows expectantly. 

"So, what's a guy got to do to get these restraints off?" 

A few seconds go by, then he hears a clicking sound and the restraints around his arms and legs snap open. Rain slowly slides off the chair, then rubs his wrist and stretches his limbs, letting out a long, satisfied groan. A buzzing resounds in the room, then the door near the one-way glass opens wide, and Aron's voice echoes from behind it. 

"Sorry about that Rain, come on in!" 

' got lax real quick...'

Raising his eyebrow at the interaction, he walks forward and passes through the door. He enters something that looks more like a recreation room than an interrogation observatory. There's a couch and a couple of folding roundtables with chairs in the room. Decks of cards are sitting on the tables. Two women and four men are sitting in various positions around the room, most of them looking like they just woke up. They're all in similar black, military jackets.

The exception to the uniform is one of the men, who's standing nearest to Rain and smiling. He's late 20s, and he's wearing black joggers and a skin-tight, thin, black top that looks like it should be an undershirt. He has sandy brown hair and green eyes, he's a few inches taller than Rain, and he's...obnoxiously handsome. He waves at Rain casually. 

"Hey Rain, glad to see you again! I'm Chosen Aron, the one you've been talking to, and the leader of this ragtag bunch here."

Over on the couch, a woman with olive skin and dark hair snorts, then casts a disapproving glare at Aron. 

"Captain, who are you calling ragtag? We're all in uniform! You're the one dressed like you're going camping!" 

There's a round of joking assent from the rest of the soldiers in the room. Aron waves them off good-naturedly, then looks over at the woman who spoke with a suspiciously innocent smile. 

"Hey, easy Rena! You know, actually I am-"

Before he can finish, the woman, presumably named Rena, cuts him off with an eye roll. 

"Yeah, yeah. We know your excuse Captain. 'Actually, I am in my uniform, because Marked need to be able to summon their own armor over what they wear!' That right?"

Rain purses his lips in amusement. 

'Ahh, so that's why he's dressed different from the rest of them. They aren't Marked...interesting. Do Paragons like him always lead a group of normal human soldiers if they join the military?'

Aron clears his throat awkwardly in response to Rena's comment, and turns back to face Rain with an apologetic smile. 

"Uhm, yeah, that's right Rena. Anyway...Rain, congrats on becoming a Champion! Before your Trial, we already got all the mandatory information from you that's necessary for a non-citizen. So legally, you're free to go if you want. But...uh..."

Aron scratches the back of his head with a sheepish smile. 

"The government likes my boss to give new Champions the recruitment speech before the clans get the few Marked pass the Trial, yah know? This is really their best opportunity, since the government won't directly oversee you during your Crucible. So, would you mind sticking around until morning? We'll make it worth your while! Some food, a bed, and I'll answer any questions that I can. It can be nice to vent to another Marked about your Trial, too."

Rain tries to keep his expression neutral as he considers Aron's proposal. Honestly, he hasn't had time to give much thought to what he's going to do life-wise now that he's a Champion. Short-term, he has nowhere to sleep, no money, and no connections. So, accepting to stay the night here is really a no-brainer.

There's something else that Aron casually mentioned, though – Crucible. Rain knows that's the challenge that Champions undergo to become Paragons. He has no interest in participating, frankly, but...something about the inevitability with which Aron mentioned it makes Rain nervous. He gives Aron a polite smile. 

"Thanks, Chosen Aron, that's nice of you to offer. I don't mind hanging around for a's rather late, after all. If you were serious about answering some questions, though, I'd appreciate the opportunity to learn more about being Marked. Would now be an okay time for us to talk? Also...I'd kill for some real food at this point..."

Rain isn't very tired for some reason, and he doesn't know if he'll have the chance to chat with Aron tomorrow. Plus, he has lots of questions about the things he saw in the Trial, and about what comes next for him. This might be his best chance to talk to another, more senior Marked without prying ears. One that won't linger around him, able to pry. 

Aron gives Rain a confident nod and a smile, then turns to face the other soldiers in the room. 

"Alright everyone, I'm going to take things from here with Rain. Tobi, could you go grab a hot meal from the mess for Rain and drop it off in overnight room four? The rest of you are dismissed for the rest of the night – go get some sleep." 

One of the men in the room nods at Aron and rises from his chair to move to a door behind him. Rain assumes that's Tobi. Soon, the rest of the soldiers rise from their seats as well, casting appreciative remarks and nods at Aron, then follow Tobi out of the room. Rain and Aron are left alone in the room. 

Glancing at Rain, Aron smiles and gestures to the room's couch, urging him to take a seat. Then Aron walks over to a nearby counter, where a glass container with dark brown liquid is sitting at the bottom of some unfamiliar machine. Aron grabs the container and two cups, and begins pouring the steaming liquid into one of them. He turns around and faces Rain with his eyebrows raised. 

"Want any coffee while we talk?" 

Rain's eyes widen in shock. He's heard of coffee, but he's never gotten to try it before. It's a luxury item that not even all citizens get to drink, after all. How can he say no to an offer like that? Rain grins at Aron as he walks over to take a seat on the couch. 

"Sure, I'd love some. Thanks."

Aron nods politely and pours another cup of the coffee, then brings the steaming cups with him over to the couch. He hands one to Rain, then takes a seat at the opposite end of the couch. Rain takes the coffee in both his hands, feeling its relaxing warmth seep into him. He cautiously pulls the cup to his lips and takes a sip. 

He almost spits it out. 

'Bleh! This is coffee!? It's so bitter, and it's practically scalding my tongue! Do rich people actually pay to drink this stuff!?'

Rain casts a furtive glance at Aron, who is sighing in satisfaction between sips of his own coffee. Rain stares at him, dumbfounded. He makes a mental note that citizens might not be as well-adjusted as he assumed. 

After a couple minutes, Aron takes one last sip of coffee. Then, he levels a very serious gaze at Rain and gives him a humorless smile. 

"So, Rain...what is it you want to talk about?"