Chapter 18 – Unhinged

Rain is lying on a private guest bed inside the military compound, completely awake despite the late hour. His shimmering, silver eyes are directed at the ceiling, as if focusing on something far away that troubles him. 

'I fought tooth and nail to avoid a gruesome death in the Labyrinth, and now I might just die anyway in a couple of months...'

After Aron's bombshell about the Crucible looming over Rain, neither of them was in the mood to talk much more. Apparently Aron was especially thrown by the discussion...he's used to people already being aware about their situation beforehand. He seemed devastated by having to break the news to someone who thought they'd already triumphed over the Mark's necessary horrors. 

Personally, Rain feels that he has it much worse than Aron in this situation, as the person making such a realization. It bummed him out so much that he couldn't even enjoy the hot meal waiting in his room, despite it being the best meal he's had in at least half a year. 

In an attempt to distract himself, and since he can't seem to fall asleep, he spends some time investigating his new Talents. First, he experiments with Fickle Strength by activating the Talent and flicking himself in the hand. After about a hundred test flicks with the Talent active, he can conclude three things with confidence.

First, the jump in strength is...absolutely cheating. He'd probably be able to kill another Champion with his bare hands. Second, there's only about a one in five chance of it activating with any given strike. Third, it is...completely random, it'll be hard to rely on in combat. Still, used correctly, it could definitely be useful...especially if nobody knows about it. 

Uncertain Existence is the next thing Rain tries, and it is...startling. First, he tries it while sitting on the bed, and he runs his hand through a nearby lamp. However, then he gets to wondering why he isn't falling through the bed if his body is no longer corporeal, and he suddenly falls through the bed.

That's when he realizes something interesting about how his body behaves in the non-corporeal state – it only moves how he wants or imagines, independent of outside forces. It's probably the reason he doesn't just phase through the ground indefinitely. Essentially, he becomes like a ghost, intuitively 'floating' on the ground while walking because that's how he expects his body to move. 

This leads to Rain's most astounding breakthrough with Uncertain Existence – while using it, he can fly...kind of. He manages to float around the room some, but there's a catch. It turns out that the Talent is an absolutely monstrous drain on Ichor. He can only use the Talent for about two minutes before he's completely drained. So, it's not useful for true flight. Not yet, at least. 

In general, it's not practical to keep it active for long. If he wants to make use of it in prolonged combat, he'll need to practice activating it for the minimum amount of time to phase through enemy strikes or defenses. Otherwise he'll burn through Ichor too quickly. Despite that, if he can get used to managing its drain on Ichor, it's a pretty incredible ability. 

Since he has a grasp on the basics of his new Talents, and he's out of Ichor, Rain decides to call it for the night. Satisfied with his progress, and somewhat successfully distracted from the revelations of the day, Rain climbs into bed. Not too long after, he manages to fall asleep. 


The next morning, Aron collects Rain from his guest room and leads him to an unfamiliar section of the compound. Eventually, they arrive at a kind of lounge, with couches, chairs, and a fresh pot of the dreaded coffee. Aron, obviously still not thinking clearly after their talk last night, immediately pours himself a cup. As he sips on it and sighs gratefully, he spares a glance at the horrified Rain. 

"Ehem...I hope you slept well, Rain. Sorry know. We didn't even discuss the lives and careers of Marked like you'd wanted."

Rain, feeling a bit more centered after learning about his Talents and getting a good night's sleep, just shrugs nonchalantly at the apology. 

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault. I didn't get a citizen's formal education, and Champions and Paragons were so far removed from my everyday life, like abstract legends. I guess it's no surprise that I was missing critical information. As for discussing career options, there's no point yet. It's irrelevant if I don't survive the Crucible, and I only have a couple of months left. I need to worry about how I'm going to prepare for it without the resources of a citizen."

Aron gives Rain a puzzled expression, opening his mouth to speak, but at that moment the door opens abruptly as a woman joins them in the lounge. She's tall for a woman – about Rain's height, and she's wearing the same form-fitting black outfit as Aron. She has shoulder-length, silvery hair and storm grey eyes, and her expression seems almost permanently stoic. If Rain had to guess, she looks like late 20s, but it's well-known that Marked age slower the stronger they are, so there's no telling her true age. 

Rain can feel a powerful aura from her, stirring the Ichor in his body, and there's no mistaking its severity – it's on par with the Curse he faced. This woman must be the mysterious Demigod, Master Bright.

However, the thing that Rain finds most striking is...Master Bright is the single most attractive woman he's ever laid eyes on. She's shockingly, unrealistically beautiful, and his eyes race over the generous curves of her well-outlined body as though it's beyond his control. As he takes in the sight of her, he can't help but feel a pang of...confusion.

'What the hell is up with her? She doesn't even look real.'

Rain wonders if her beauty is one of her Nature attributes, but then he finally notices Aron again. He's politely greeting Master Bright, flashing a wide, dazzling smile. 

'Right...Aron is obnoxiously attractive, too. Just not on her level.'

Rain has an intense surge of curiosity about why they're both so unnaturally good-looking. He's tempted to ask, but he doubts that's something that's appropriate to bring up. Instead, he clears his throat with a polite smile at Master Bright, suppressing the intense curiosity he feels, and opens his mouth to introduce himself. 

"Why are the two of you so goddamn beautiful?"

Rain blinks repeatedly, registering the words that spilled out of his mouth. His entire body goes rigid in horror, the implications of what he just said finally processing, as Aron and Master Bright turn to look at him. He instinctively slaps his hands over his mouth, a look of pure terror clearly plastered across his face.

'What the...what the fuck was that!? Why the fuck did I say that out loud!?' 

While Aron casts a look of pure bewilderment at him, Master Bright just levels him with a cold, scrutinizing gaze. Meanwhile, Rain's thoughts are in absolute disarray, his mind racing to understand what just happened. Suddenly, realization washes over him in parallel with dread. 

' Nature attribute...that must be it. I was curious about that question, and even felt tempted to ask a version of it. My Quirk just...forced it out of me anyway. Oh gods...'

Rain can't help but extrapolate to the worst case scenarios of such a complete lack of control over himself. However, before he can spiral too far, Aron clears his throat nervously. 

"Ehem...Rain...buddy, you need to work on your delivery when trying to flatter women...or men. Or, maybe just keep questions like that to yourself, at least until you know people better."

As Rain contemplates summoning the Fate Shard for himself, and prepares to try and explain the situation through his embarrassment, Master Bright finally speaks. She's staring at him evenly, her expression ever composed. Her tone is blunt and emotionless, but somehow strangely melodic nonetheless. 

"I don't think he was trying to flatter either of us, Chosen Aron. You mentioned he came from the Rim, yes? You and I are probably the only Marked he's ever met. Also, judging by that horrified look on his face, I don't think he intended to voice his question out loud. Champion Rain...was that perhaps the result of your Quirk?"

Rain feels a flood of relief so overwhelming that he can't even be unnerved by how quickly this woman managed to deduce the effects of his Quirk. He nods gratefully at Master Bright. 

"Err, yes Master Bright, both of your guesses are correct. I'm...very sorry..."

Glancing between Rain and Master Bright, realization seems to dawn on Aron's face, followed quickly by relief. He chuckles nervously. 

"Oh, that's...okay. You really surprised me there, Rain! Ah, to answer your question though, each step of Ascension reforges your body, gradually bringing it closer to divinity. Unsurprisingly, that has some...aesthetic consequences. The higher the Prestige of a Marked, the more pronounced the effect seems to be. That's why, as a Demigod, Master Bright is so...uhm...striking. Maybe you didn't notice, but you've already had a bit of a glow-up yourself."

Rain's eyes widen in surprise, especially at the last part. It's true that he hasn't seen himself since before the Trial. Meanwhile, Master Bright's head slowly swivels to face Aron, and her head cocks to the side curiously. 

"Striking, am I, Chosen Aron? What an interesting word choice...perhaps you've got combat on your mind. Why don't you go find Chosen Ned and get it out of your system with some sparring. If that's unsuccessful, I'll arrange more rigorous training for you later."

Aron's face pales noticeably, and he quickly makes a placating gesture to Master Bright as he walks towards the door. 

"Oh, of course, boss! Uhm...I don't think the extra training will be necessary. Rain, nice to meet you...good luck!"

With a quick wave over his shoulder at Rain, Aron quickly esca-...exits the room. Rain is left alone with Master Bright, who turns her calm gaze towards him. 

"Well then, Champion Rain, let's chat. Shall we?"