Chapter 56 – Suspicions


Rain fends off set after set of chained blows from Nik's sword, but...there's always more. The Legacy has been an absolute menace since changing up Rain's training strategy – there's virtually zero breaks in his onslaught now. Plus, he freely includes martial arts strikes between sword attacks. Rain is almost certain that Nik is using Ichor to boost his speed and power, too. He's certainly keeping his word about going all's all Rain can do not to get hit. He's not supposed to be attacking, per se, but he does take cautious jabs at Nik during clear openings, just to give himself a bit of a reprieve. 

Nik comes at him fast, his sword descending in an overhead strike. In an instant, Rain can tell that the strike is absolutely saturated with Ichor – since he isn't willing to reinforce his own body with Ichor, he can't directly block the attack. He'll have to angle his sword and painfully deflect Nik's sword down and to the side. However, he knows whichever direction he deflects it, Nik's going to use the momentum to kick Rain from the other direction a split second later.

Rain can't block Nik's kick with his own leg, because he'll lose the foundation he needs to deflect the sword attack. He also knows that dodging won't get him completely out of Nik's range in time. It's a devastating combo attack. However, Nik always seems to forget that he's dealing with someone who has no common sense about battle conventions. Rain' a word...dumb. 

Smiling wickedly, Rain raises his sword over his head sideways, preparing to deflect the attack, then he jumps straight at Nik as quickly as he can. He sticks his blade against Nik's, near the handle of the training sword, to reduce the strength of the Legacy's blow. As he does he ducks the crown of his head under Nik's hands on his sword, and he headbutts Nik in the chest as hard as he can.

The momentum of Nik's hands and Rain's weakened defensive position allow the butt of the Legacy's sword to continue on and hammer Rain in his upper back. The blow hurts – a lot – but it's far from incapacitating. Meanwhile, Nik just took the full force of Rain's...crafty...blow directly in his unarmored chest. Rain feels his friend's stomach give way as the breath is forced from Nik's lungs and he's thrown backwards onto the mat. But Rain's not done...he has a rare opening. 

Barely having kept the fingers of one hand on his sword, he allows the residual momentum from his lunge to carry him forward so that he lands on top of the winded and gasping Nik. At the same time, he throws his free hand out to pin Nik by the wrist of his sword hand, and he brings the blade of his own sword against Nik's exposed neck.

The whole scene is borderline ridiculous, and Rain looks like he's awkwardly laying on top of his friend trying to solicit an uncomfortable kiss. But Rain doesn't care. His eyes flash in dark glee at his friend, and his voice echoes out maniacally. 

"Doth thee yield, pretty bastard!?"

Nik's eyes roll around to glare at Rain incredulously, and he responds between gasping breaths. 

" me...lunatic..."

Clicking his tongue in disapproval, Rain groans and rolls off Nik to the side, climbing to his feet with the help of his sword. Looking down at the slowly recovering Nik, he rests the back of his sword over his shoulder and flashes a triumphant smile at the Legacy. 

"Those sound like surrendering words to me, and that's Sir Lunatic to you now! Now, let's see...that would make the score 1 to...uhm..."

Rain purses his lips thoughtfully as Nik slowly moves into a sitting position. 

"...well, six weeks of you beating me about thirty or forty times per day at first, but only five or six times now...hmm, that's a lot of math. Tell you what, let's round it and call the score 800-1 in your favor. The point is...I finally beat you, Nik! HAHAHAHA!"

Rain expects Nik to make some comment about his dishonor, or wave off his overbearing bragging with a dismissive compliment, but Nick just stares at him in horror. His voice comes out exasperated. 

"Rain, are you insane!? If you'd timed that wrong I could have cracked your head wide open!"

Rain shrugs nonchalantly and gives him a breezy smile. 

"And if I were four inches taller and two Nik's handsomer, I'd be the girl magnet between the two of us. Why are we wasting my gloating time with hypotheticals?"

Nik just stares at him for several moments, a bewildered expression and concerned eyes, then he hangs his his head with a deep sigh. 

"You know Rain...sometimes you scare me more than the other Legacies here."

Rain rubs his lips with his finger thoughtfully, studying Nik with a conflicted expression. 

"Hmm...not exactly the praise I was hoping for sensei, but I appreciate it nonetheless."

Nik uses his sword to push himself to his feet with a groan, and he casts an annoyed glance at Rain. 

"One, that was definitely not praise. Two, I know I'm going to regret asking this, but...what praise were you expecting?"

He gives Nik a wry grin, trying to mimic his deep, regal voice. 

"I guess something like...'you may have the least respect for the sword out of anyone I've ever met, but that tactic was brilliant in it's own stupid way'. Or maybe, 'well done, Rain, for the next phase of your training, I'll teach you the art of charming women like me'. How is your harem coming along, by the way?"

Nik swings his sword at Rain halfheartedly, and Rain smacks it away easily. There's a disapproving frown on Nik's face, but Rain can see that it's all for show – he's secretly amused, Rain's sure of it. Nik's tone becomes defensive, his speech much less formal.

"What's your obsession with my personal life anyway, man?"

Rain gives him an incredulous look. 

"Is that a serious question? It's petty jealousy, obviously. Don't you know me at all?"

That finally gets a small smile from Nik, and he chuckles before responding. His voice carries a hint of's teasing, even...and his speech becomes casual. 

"Oh, yeah? I don't think you have anything to be jealous about. After all, haven't you heard the rumors? About you going into Lady Ronin's room at night?"

Rain's eyes widen in shock, and his voice becomes a bit shrill. 

"Wait, what!? Since when do people know about that!?"

Nik's eyes widen in surprise, then his smile becomes a bit more amused. 

"So you haven't heard yet? Oh yes...someone must have seen you at some point. The first whispers started yesterday, so I wouldn't be surprised if everyone knows all the versions of the rumor by tomorrow morning. Some of them think that you have a more...intimate...relationship with Fated Blade's daughter. I heard several students debating that one's merits...not going to lie, that was more amusing than any of your jokes have been."

Rain looks away from Nik, not even registering his friend's insults, and he bites his lip nervously. He knows that rumors like that will put him under a very harsh spotlight. In fact, he already thought he noticed people giving him funny looks today, but he'd brushed it off. 

'Not good...not good at all. I don't need this kind of attention. Plus, what's Tess going t-...wait, why am I worried about that right now!?'

As if he's not particularly concerned about Rain's predicament, Nik's voice suddenly becomes curious as he changes the subject. 

"Hey, while we're on the topic of Lady Ronin, do you know if she's going to participate in the Champion's Tournament? For that matter, you still haven't told me for sure if you're going to. If you really want to make people see you as a valuable ally in combat, then as a non-Legacy, I'd recommend participating. Personally, I think you could make top ten with the right matches."

The Champion's Tournament is an annual student combat tournament that takes place ten days before the Divine Cycle. It serves as a final test of the students' skills, and lets them showcase their worth to potential allies. At least, that's what the Academy says. 

It involves 64 students, paired for successive, bracketed matches across six rounds. The 64 challengers are chosen out of the larger application pool by a simple, live impact machine test. To make the matches fairer, Talent, Relic, and other personal weapon use is forbidden, but Ichor-enforcement is allowed. Training weapons of the students' choices are provided. 

Rain makes an exaggerated sigh, shrugging at the expectant-looking Nik. 

"Yeah, I just don't see any way to make the cut, you know? I mean, according to that scoreboard there are probably sixty physical enhancers among the students. That's basically all of the spots from the impact machine selection round. Ronin did mention participating, though, and obviously she'll have no problem making the cut."

Nik gives him a long, quiet stare before responding, his expression suddenly unreadable. 

"Well, the impact machine stage forbids Talents, to be consistent with the combat stage rules, so those physical enhancers aren't guaranteed spots. Regardless, though, I'm not so sure that Lady Ronin is guaranteed a spot either..."

Rain widens his eyes in surprise, looking back at the uncharacteristically stoic face of Nik. He's surprised in part because he didn't know that stipulation extended to the selection stage, but also...

'Does he mean...what I think he means?'

He does his best to give Nik a carefree smile and an incredulous expression, like he's not sure if the Legacy is making a joke about Ronin not qualifying. 

"What? Are you kidding me? The professors couldn't even top her impact machine score. If she can't use a Talent, then obviously that changes things, but you said 'regardless'. You know something I don't?"

After a moment of watching him remain stoic, Rain sees Nik smirk slightly. 

"Do I? You're the one who told me Lady Ronin probably has some form of foresight...that would have to be a Talent. Since she can't have more than one Talent, and there's no way a Champion like her could get a score that high without some kind of physical enhancement Talent..."

Nik trails off, looking at Rain expectantly. 

'Shit...yeah, he totally did mean that...'

Rain widens his eyes like he's surprised, then acts like he's thinking it over before narrowing his eyes at Nik questioningly. 

"I guess I see what you mean. So, you think she faked the score, then? Honestly, that doesn't sound like her. Plus, I could have just been wrong about her Talent, you know? I appreciate your confidence in me, sensei, but I am fallible...I probably just misinterpreted what I saw."

The corner of Nik's mouth jerks upward slightly, then he responds in an amused voice. 

"Yes I agree, there's no way Lady Ronin would have faked her score like that. I also thought you must have misinterpreted what you saw when I first heard about her impact score. After all, having the Foresight Talent as a Champion is unprecedented. However, we've spent a lot of time together since then, and you're surprisingly perceptive, Rain. Plus, while it's not entirely unheard of, Fate Talents that can be used for physical enhancement are very rare in general, and never seen in Champions. So, I'm confident her Talent is Foresight."


Fighting his concerns about Nik's suspicions of Ronin, he directs a puzzled expression at the Legacy.

"Well...wait...if you don't think she could have produced the score, and you don't think she faked it...I'm confused what you think..."

Nik purses his lips thoughtfully, a conflicted expression on his face. Eventually, he sighs and directs an amused smile at Rain. 

" have a reputation of not being very bright, but don't forget that I know you. I know your dumb and aloof routine is an act. It's an act you're good at, but you've erred by relying on it with me, who knows better. If you're acting that clueless about something obvious, I can only assume that means my hunch was right. Lady Ronin was used as a scapegoat for that impact machine score...and you're the one responsible, aren't you?"