Alex leaves the building, feeling a mix of anger and frustration. Why am I being called outside? I should be able to stay, vote for myself on both questions, and make it all the way through the exam. I haven't broken any rules!
To his absolute surprise and astonishment, Bushidora and a few fellow hunters in black suits aren't angry. In fact, they begin clapping.
"Congratulations on passing the fourth exam, Examinee No. 777, Alex Kerber. Looks like you figured it out quite fast. Didn't expect this kind of thing to happen during the first vote. You had the instinct, guts, and strength to pull this off. Quite unexpected!" Bushidora says with an approving nod.
Alex stands there, stunned. He had fully expected to be arrested, scolded, beaten up, or even interrogated. I knew killing was a gray area in the exams—Hisoka got away with it plenty of times, even killing an examiner and being allowed to participate again. But I did it openly. I can't believe I'm getting praised for slaughtering my way through this exam. Not like I had a choice, but still!
"I didn't enjoy it," Alex replies honestly, "but I have a reason to pass the exam this year. It's worth risking my life for, even if that means taking the lives of those standing in my way when I have no other choice."
Bushidora smiles slightly. "The reasons and lessons from this kind of exam are endless. People trying to reason with you about your decisions only prove their own ignorance. The ones who truly learn something aren't people like me, watching from the outside, but people like you, experiencing these extreme situations. Everyone leaving this building will be changed in radical ways, each experiencing unique scenarios based on the groups they were part of."
"Your group, however, seemed almost lacking in variety. One manipulator, eight rough, semi-trained dogs ready to rush in random directions while pulling their owner's leash—and then you. A joker, who I couldn't classify… until now. At first glance, you didn't seem to fit into any role. But now? It's clear your role was that of a hunter," Bushidora states confidently.
"Anyway, I could have let you sit around for another ten days, but that would just be a waste of time, wouldn't it? Congratulations on passing the fourth, and, honestly, the final exam. I hope you become a strong hunter, with the same strong convictions you've shown today and during the other phases. I enjoyed your performance."
[Main Quest Updated:
Mission: Pass the hunter exam
First Phase: 1/1 Second Phase: 1/1 Third Phase: 1/1 Fourth Phase: 1/1 Fifth Phase: 0/1
"What do you mean, 'final exam'? There's a fifth exam, right?" Alex asks, his voice laced with confusion, surprise, and shock. He struggles to believe the situation unfolding in front of him.
"Yes," Bushidora replies, "but it's nearly redundant in your case. It's merely an interview. Your case, however, is special. You need to be taught, for your own sake and for the sake of others.
"I need to continue monitoring the other four groups, which are playing the game more like I envisioned: scheming, planning, deceiving, showing their true characters. Your way was refreshingly simple. Honestly, I also can't believe you're still not fully awakened. Your ability is simply outstanding! Without a doubt, you're one of the most impressive conjurers I've ever seen.
"It's obvious you're also quite talented in transmutation and enhancement as well. It looks like there are strict conditions attached that let you use other categories—and even emission abilities, to such extreme degrees. Outstanding! Average Nen users wouldn't reach your level of ability usage in decades, perhaps never. The only thing you lack is the basics: information, training and sheer force.
"Your abilities are varied, well-constructed, but not quite there in terms of raw strength. You'll learn more about these abilities in the coming days, so forgive my confusing drivel."
He finally hands Alex a card. "Once you have the basics down, call me. I can immediately give you jobs befitting your strength, and they're all for a good cause—and they pay extremely well! Of course… these jobs carry a certain kind of risk. Your decision if you dare to call me or not!"
"Thank you, Hunter Bushidora," Alex replies with a smile, accepting the card. He feels genuinely grateful for such an honest and refreshing evaluation, free of the usual pathetic, hypocritical criticisms.
You received Bushidora's card.
[Bushidora's card]
Quality: Deep Green
Type: World Item / Quest Item
Effect: Allows the player to enter the World of Hunter x Hunter shortly before the beginning of the Yorknew City Arc and take on a certain bounty hunting mission.
Requirements: Level 5-9
Note: In the mood for an auction? Or perhaps a shopping trip through the trading market? Just be careful not to get caught in anything dangerous on this routine hunting mission.
Note: This item cannot be traded or sold. It will disappear after the effect activates.
Note: This item is a continuation item and you will return to this particular world, with memories of your person intact! A random number of players will be selected to join you on this mission.
Alex looks at the item, shaking his head as he thinks, It's nice to receive something like this, but… Deep Green only? The reason is probably that the mission will involve hunting the Phantom Troupe! That sounds like a suicide mission, not much better than the item that led me into this mess!
Bushidora and the others leave, but one hunter in a suit approaches Alex, even shaking his hand. "Congratulations, Examinee No. 777. I enjoyed your performance during the first three exams. You stood out in each task, and this time you stood out as well… not like I hoped you would but still. Your skills are undeniable. Personally, I'm a bit disappointed it turned out this way, but that's just my opinion. So much death shouldn't stain any person. Your path looks dangerous, dark, and solitary… Forgive me for boring you. Anyway, your final exam is waiting. You can already start while the others are still taking their exam, as you've been told. It's just an interview."
An interview, huh? Can't be. Do I have the chance to see that old lunatic, Netero? Alex wonders, not particularly eager to meet the strange and chaotic chairman, whose unclear thoughts and bizarre goals leave everyone guessing.
Alex follows the suited hunter, trailing behind Bushidora and the others, until they arrive at a small office filled with hundreds of monitors and dozens of people monitoring the five different "games" taking place in each building. Alex notices a few examiners chatting casually while many of the monitors are no longer on.
Guess that was my game. Looks like my first TV show got axed after a single episode, Alex thinks, amused at the thought.
"You can wait here and watch if you're interested. I'll ask when the interview can take place," the hunter tells him.
Alex glances at the monitors.
In Shalnark's game, nothing much is happening. The participants are just sitting around and talking, though it seems one player has already been eliminated. I don't know if I should be surprised that Shalnark is playing by the rules or if it's obvious, considering his calm decision-making and high IQ. His ability would also be insanely useful.
He looks at the other games, but as far as he can tell, nothing significant is happening anywhere. None of the noteworthy participants seem to have been eliminated yet.
Suddenly, Alex hears the examiners raising their voices: "Did you see? He finally snapped! SEND SOMEONE TO MAKE HIM STOP!"
Alex watches Linus on the monitor, shooting wildly at the rest of his group, obviously killing them. "What the fuck is he doing? What made him snap like that?" Alex blurts out, unable to hide his disbelief.
He feels Mustrano's sinister laughter echoing in his mind. "Hee hee, your former ally isss a ssssmart man. I like hissss approach!"
Alex sighs internally and responds, Do you honestly think so? Don't you see that he just got himself disqualified? What a total moron.
"But he got to kill them all," Mustrano hisses. "That'ssss a good trade, issssn't it? That feeling issss everything."
This is exactly what I mean, Mustrano, Alex thinks back, trying to keep his tone calm but firm. You're making stupid decisions. You need to learn to make the right ones. If Linus had passed the exam, he would have earned a hunter license. With that license, he'd be legally allowed to kill criminals, and most laws wouldn't apply to him. If killing people is your goal, you could do so without restrictions, thousands a year if you wanted. But for the fleeting pleasure of killing a few flies, he wasted his chance to obtain something truly valuable.
Alex lets the thought sink in, emphasizing the consequences of Linus's actions and how he had lost sight of his goal for a moment of rage-fueled pleasure.
"Perhapsss you are right, human," Mustrano surprisingly acknowledges his point.
Alex looks back at the monitor just in time to see Linus being ambushed by several hunters and knocked unconscious. The damage, however, is already done. Everyone else in the building is dead.
"The second complete wipe!" a man behind the monitors exclaims in frustration. "What is wrong with these candidates? The first one did it legally by abusing an oversight during the exam preparation, and the second one just doesn't give a fuck and outright slaughters them even though he knows he'll be disqualified? A bunch of lunatics, I say!" The man turns and notices Alex standing behind him. "…I…no offense," he stammers.
Alex replies calmly, without a trace of aggression. "I can't even disagree with you, man. It really is insane. I did it out of desperation because I had no other way to pass, but this guy just snapped. Weird… I wonder what happened to make him lose it like that."
Another voice, firm and authoritative, cuts through the room. "Throw this guy outside immediately. He can wake up alone on the street. Stupid ex-military lowlife lunatic. Too bad we can't punish him for this!"
Guess that's goodbye, Linus. I'll wish you well. You went out with a bang, indeed, Alex thinks, allowing himself a wry smile at the absurdity of it all.
"Examinee No. 777, your examiner for the fifth and final task is ready! Please follow me to that small room over there," the man in charge of leading Alex through the facility says, motioning him forward.
Alex is led into a cramped room, barely large enough for two people to sit with a small table wedged between them. It looks like it was once a storage space for cleaning supplies. Why choose such a dumb location? Alex wonders.
As he steps inside, he immediately notices the person already seated at the table. His breath catches. I can't believe it's him… I guess this won't be a casual chat… his presence in this small room is making me go crazy!
A/N: Always thankful for Power Stones, Comments and Reviews. Thank you for reading!
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26+ Early chapters available - I will still release on WN daily!