Cellars and Chambers - Invading the Chamber of Secrets!

Alex continues his inspection of the kitchen. Besides old cooking equipment, normal-looking food, and ingredients, he sees absolutely nothing else of interest. He moves deeper into the kitchen, entering a section that seems completely abandoned. The equipment here looks badly damaged, and there are no fresh ingredients anywhere in sight.

However, Alex pauses as he examines some of the old items more closely. His expression immediately changes.

"This!!" Alex exclaims, his eyes lighting up as he spots a collection of old cooking equipment. Among the mess, he manages to find 5 pots in different sizes and 3 pans, all recognized by the system. With growing excitement, he aggressively tosses everything else aside.

[Ancient Hogwarts Pot] x5, [Ancient Hogwarts Pan] x3

[Ancient Hogwarts Pot] x5

World: Harry Potter / Wizarding World

Quality: Deep Green

Type: Pot

Note: So ancient that the magic of the castle and the constant magic needed to repair it has successfully permanently imbued them with a weak layer of magic.

[Ancient Hogwarts Pan] x3

World: Harry Potter / Wizarding World

Quality: Deep Green

Type: Pan

Note: So ancient that the magic of the castle and the constant magic needed to repair it has successfully permanently imbued them with a weak layer of magic.

Hey, these are… something at least? I like them! I think I will take them!

"Why are you not using these anymore, house elf? What's your name, by the way?" Alex asks, his excitement still palpable.

"Master, this house name is called Billy. These pots and pans have been around for hundreds of years. They are black with soot. We only keep them for emergencies," Billy answers.

"That is not soot! This is corruption! It needs to be contained! I'm confiscating them all. Don't spread this around, Billy, that's an order! It would cause panic! Keep your eyes out for anything of value, I mean anything corrupt, and if you see something suspicious, immediately tell me, okay?" Alex says, sounding more like a thief tricking a child into handing over his parent's belongings.

"Yes, Master! I'm so touched that you are protecting us like that!" Billy responds enthusiastically, his face lighting up.

This seems to be everything of value around here. I can't believe the kitchen was such a disappointment. It's really true; they just eat regular British food here. Nothing magical at all! It's all trash, fucking unbelievable. Why is the food inside a magic school so pathetic? They have magic potions, rituals, and what do they eat? Traditional British food! Might as well take something to Menchi anyway.

Out of sheer greed, Alex grabs a bunch of various supplies, ingredients, condiments, and spices and stuffs them into his system, blatantly stealing right in front of the elves.

[The Castle is watching you]

The fuck? Guess outright theft is not good. Anyway, I'll stop for now; that should be enough anyway.

"I'm taking this as well. We need to check if the corruption has spread so far that the food has been infected. If something is wrong with it, I'll immediately tell you," Alex lies without hesitation, his shamelessness only growing.

Suddenly, Rishi enters the kitchen. "You done?"

"Yes… I confiscated some corrupted items… nothing of real value, though, just a small present for Menchi," Alex responds. "What are you doing? Couldn't get inside? Did you use force?"

"It's as we thought. The castle has warned me already. I felt I better stop. Any damage I caused by my attempts to get into the chamber has been reverted," Rishi says.

"Let's return there. I wanna try," Alex says.

"This is a waste of time, Alex. I didn't manage to destroy it; using even more force won't help in this situation," Rishi explains.

"Heh, who says I'm using force? Let's go!" Alex responds, suddenly having an eureka moment.

"Hmmm?" Rishi looks at Alex with a confused expression but then grins and says, "Interesting. Let's go then!"

The two sprint towards the girls' toilet on the second floor of the castle, directly above the Great Hall.

"You know, I like to keep quiet myself, but how about you clue me in?" Rishi asks, huffing slightly as they run. Clearly, endurance isn't one of his strengths.

"Your stamina is really shit, I'm taking it pretty slow already," Alex says with a smirk. "Do you know what your weakness is, Rishi? Despite your confidence, your preparation, your talent, and your information, you still respect these worlds too much. I get it—the named characters in this world, in any world, are legendary. They're admired by millions of people, so they should be amazing! However, this is not the original story. You can change anything you desire as long as it satisfies the rules of this world. The exact method doesn't matter. Sometimes you just gotta find an angle and brute force it!"

They arrive at their destination, and Alex immediately asks, "Is there anyone nearby? Better check. You check by the entrance, I'll check the stalls."

As Alex opens one stall, a raging and angry Moaning Myrtle bursts out.

"I told your handsome friend already—leave my home! You are not welcome!" she screeches.

Her piercing scream reminds Alex of Tereza's newly gained screeching ability.

"Shut the fuck up, or I'm shattering you into a thousand pieces like I did with Peeves!" Alex snaps.

Myrtle ignores him entirely, and Alex, with an annoyed sigh, casts Blizzard lvl 4 directly at her.

You have dealt 37 damage to Moaning Myrtle

You have slowed Moaning Myrtle

You have frozen Moaning Myrtle

Myrtle floats in place, immobilized.

"One more sound, and I'll shatter you and throw the remains back into the damn chamber as well!" Alex threatens.

"Don't kill her; the castle will not tolerate it!" Rishi warns.

"I know… Anyway, that shut her up. Let's get inside the chamber. Man, this is such a stressful first day. We'll be staying nearly a year in this world and are already going through all this shit on the first day, huh?" Alex complains, shaking his head.

"So, how are you gonna open it? You don't speak Parseltongue, do you… I see. Not you… but…."

"Exactly! Mustrano! Come out!" Alex yells, conjuring Mustrano's Malice Mauler lvl 4.

The vicious black claw materializes around Alex's hand. Slowly, an eye and a mouth form on it, adding to its eerie, brutal appearance.

"How ssssshould I open thissss door? I don't know thisssss place. I just want to kill!" the claw hisses.

"Mustrano," Rishi interjects, grabbing the creature's attention. "Say the word 'Open' towards the sink!"

"Fine, human! Open!" Mustrano hisses begrudgingly.




"You fail as a snake, Mustrano!" Alex shouts in frustration.

"IT'SSSS NOT MY FAULT, HUMAN!" Mustrano snarls in anger, its hissing growing louder.

"Put more spirit into it, try again! Command the damn thing to open up. Say 'open' in different words—just unleash your spirit!" Alex urges.

"OPEN!!!! HISSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! O(/="%!" "§&)==§"/ I'LL KILL YOU! ")=)=/§("

Mustrano screams and curses at the sink furiously, but nothing happens.

"...Alex, I can't say it was a bad idea, but this is such a sad outcome. I can't bear to watch. Stop already," Rishi says, shaking his head.

Even Mustrano's eye looks a bit sad and humiliated, clearly realizing that Rishi isn't wrong.

"You're giving up too early! Both of you!" Alex says. "Mustrano, remember the thing we did when we first combined our strengths to unlock Ren? Let's do it again. It's not so much about the word, but the intent. You provide your ancestry, rage, and power while I add intent and convey our thoughts!"

"Let'ssss go, human!!!" the snake screams as a black aura surrounds the claw. Alex's own aura spikes in response, growing larger and larger, its color shifting from gray to a darker gray with black stripes.

[Unknown Skill activated - This skill is not recognized by the System]

[Aborting Skill…]

"NO, NOT YET! OPEN!! YOU DAMN SINK, OR I'LL FUCKING DESSSSTROY YOU! OPEN!!!!!!" Alex screams wildly, clearly influenced by Mustrano's rage.

[The Castle is watching you]

Suddenly, the ground begins to rumble, and the sink indeed opens up, revealing the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

"It's actually working," Rishi says, his expression one of total surprise. He clearly hadn't expected this conclusion after such a shaky start.

"Heh, the castle can watch all it wants. Let's go. Mustrano, I'm keeping you conjured, there's another door down there if I remember correctly," Alex says, speaking directly to his claw-hand.

Alex glances down at the dark pit that has just been revealed. "I just hope we can get back up as well…."

"Don't worry, there's bound to be an escape route we can use. As long as you can command the doors to open, we should be fine. The Basilisk managed to appear anywhere in the castle, and it was huge. We should be able to use the same method to travel through the castle. This could be useful," Rishi says confidently.

The two men exchange a look before jumping down into the pit, leaving behind a frozen Myrtle.


A/N: Always thankful for Power Stones, Comments and Reviews. Thank you for reading!

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45+ Early chapters available - I will still release on WN daily!! Thank you!

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