Chapter 5 Nature of Chakra

The days that followed Haruto's first reward passed in a blur of quiet reflection and focused practice. The enhanced control over his body had transformed his daily routine from a frustrating struggle into something more manageable. But as the initial excitement of the reward faded, another question began to gnaw at the edges of his mind—a question that had always been there, but now demanded attention.


He had known the concept from his old life as a fan of the Naruto anime. Chakra was the very foundation of this world, the energy that fueled everything from physical enhancements to the devastating jutsu he had watched with awe on the screen. But now, living in this world, Haruto had to confront a truth that felt both exciting and terrifying: chakra wasn't just a concept here. It was real.

Haruto lay in his crib, staring up at the wooden ceiling, contemplating what little he actually knew about chakra. In the Naruto anime, chakra was explained as a combination of spiritual and physical energy, something that every shinobi had to master to perform even the most basic techniques. It flowed through the body, much like blood, and could be molded and manipulated to create powerful abilities.

But that was the extent of his knowledge. He understood the concept in a broad sense, but he had never needed to delve deeper. Now, however, his survival in this world might depend on his understanding of chakra—and his ability to use it.

The other infants in the orphanage had already shown subtle signs that they were more advanced than the babies he remembered from Earth. They moved faster, grew stronger, and developed quicker than any normal child should. Haruto's theory was that chakra, even if not yet consciously used, was influencing their physical development.

If they are being affected by chakra, even unknowingly… what about me?

Haruto hadn't felt anything like chakra—not that he could tell. He hadn't sensed any sort of energy flowing through him, and he certainly hadn't tried any techniques to manipulate it. But then again, how could he? He wasn't a shinobi, and he didn't have a teacher to guide him. He was, for all intents and purposes, a civilian child with only a basic, fan-level understanding of how chakra worked.

Still, the thought nagged at him. If chakra is everywhere, how can I start learning to sense it?

He knew the key to using chakra lay in two main elements: physical energy and spiritual energy. The two energies combined to form chakra, and it flowed through pathways in the body known as chakra networks. Shinobi used chakra to perform incredible feats, but it all began with being able to sense and control the energy inside themselves.

Maybe that's where I need to start, Haruto thought. If I can't sense chakra, I'll never be able to use it. And if I can't use it, I'll be at a huge disadvantage in this world.

The problem was, he had no idea how to even begin sensing chakra. The anime had shown characters meditating or focusing inward to unlock their chakra networks, but the actual mechanics of it were never explained in detail. Haruto had to figure it out on his own.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on his body. He could feel the rise and fall of his chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and the slight tingling in his muscles as they relaxed. But beyond that, there was nothing. No sense of energy, no flow of chakra. Just the regular sensations of his body.

Focus, he told himself. Try to feel what's beneath the surface.

He exhaled slowly, letting the tension drain from his limbs. His mind quieted, his attention turning inward as he tried to focus on something—anything—that might be chakra. He visualized the energy pathways he had seen in the anime, imagining streams of light flowing through his body, connecting to every part of him.

But still, there was nothing.

Frustration crept in, but Haruto pushed it aside. This wasn't something that would come easily, he knew that. Sensing chakra wasn't the same as using his newfound physical control. It was something deeper, something tied to both his body and his mind. He couldn't force it.

Maybe it's too early, he thought, a hint of disappointment settling in. After all, he was still an infant. His body might not yet be developed enough to fully access chakra, or maybe he wasn't looking in the right way.

But he wasn't one to give up easily. If I can't sense it yet, I'll just keep trying.

He lay still, focusing his attention inward once more, this time with less expectation. He would try to feel for the subtle energy flows, even if he couldn't identify them as chakra yet. Maybe he wasn't ready to access it, but if there was even the slightest hint of energy, he wanted to find it.

As the morning sunlight streamed through the window of the orphanage, Haruto continued his quiet contemplation. Every day, he would try again—he would focus, listen to his body, and search for that elusive flow of energy.

Because if he could sense chakra, if he could tap into it even a little, it would change everything.

For now, though, he would have to be patient. He would keep working in the background, pushing his body to grow stronger while quietly attempting to feel for the energy that lay hidden within him. He wasn't a shinobi yet, but one day, he would be.

And when that day came, he would be ready.